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Messages - karategoldfish

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I think it's also hard because when I first joined the village I was what, 15? And the Internet was pret new to me so I had tons of time to waste just surfing around. And this board is/was riotously funny. So I think we probably should start some memes or something.

Srsly, what we need is to come up with a hilarious thing, and then make it an Internet meme. Examples include hipster ariel, tomhanksimals, sad Keanu, etc.

Unwashed Village / Re: Think I might go get married.
« on: November 23, 2011, 12:06:46 AM »
Hardeharhar! I'll have you know that I saw this post and resent it (only a little because I sorta deserved that for disappearing for so long).

Ps, have you guys googled us recently? There's some funny stuff from a good little while ago still floating around the internets somewhere...!

Unwashed Village / Re: January 31st can not come soon enough
« on: November 20, 2011, 05:51:18 PM »
so, raphael was the character who just had that really quick sword jab, right? so i could like. always win by repeatedly pushing A as fast as possible, and then boom im undefeated and all 4 of my videogame-loving brothers are crying a pile of tears and sweat in the corner.

i am awesome etc

Unwashed Village / Re: Think I might go get married.
« on: November 20, 2011, 05:42:26 PM »
zomg congrats!!!!!!!

Unwashed Village / Re: What's going on in your life?
« on: November 20, 2011, 05:41:19 PM »

i havent been around a lot, actually, this is the first time i've logged in since like last christmas eek! then i met up with lara and thanatos on the facebooks and was reminded of this place. so: im checking in and pleased to see that folks are still alive and well. yayz!

i finished my masters! so, since my married last-name is baker, you may call me "master baker." hahaha!

went to europe this summer, studied abroad in germany, visited france, switzerland, italy, spain. it was the awesomest trip/vacation/study abroad experience EVAR. husband tagged along and had trouble finding cigarettes in paris. i gained 10 lbs from german beer. it was great.

recently got a new job so i can now become a grown up.  hopefully this will occur soon, since i'm now seriously indebted with student loans and am ready to earn some actual monies.


Unwashed Village / Re: twitter
« on: June 29, 2009, 03:39:35 AM »
bah! you naysayers. i really like twitter. and yes, i read what other people write as well as my own ramblings. it's like blogging: v. 3.0. and fakechucknorris, rainnwilson, tinafey, and robcordry post really hilarious tweets. so humbug to you humbuggers. :)

Unwashed Village / Triathlons
« on: June 15, 2009, 04:21:31 AM »
I'm starting to train for my first triathlon, and I'm wondering whether any of you have had any experience with them. I just bought a road bike and I am learning to swim (for the first time since 8th grade), so I am a bit nervous! The event is a sprint triathlon in Indianapolis in August - 10 mile bike ride, 500 meter swim, 3 mile run. Do you guys have any advice? Links to training websites? Personal experiences?

Unwashed Village / Re: Avatars. *rezzing a old post*
« on: June 15, 2009, 03:52:28 AM »
Syl! I loves it. Ganked!

Unwashed Village / Re: Just call me daddy!
« on: June 15, 2009, 03:48:59 AM »
PICTURES!! I demand them!

Unwashed Village / So I just finished Jury duty...
« on: April 22, 2009, 02:19:28 AM »
Here's a link to the trial:

There's other coverage out there, but this page describes the charges pretty well. We ended up finding him guilty, after about a week and a half of work.

It was seriously emotionally exhausting. I haven't been able to tell anyone about it and I felt like I was going to burst! Crazy.

Unwashed Village / Re: I'm gonna be a Master
« on: March 31, 2009, 01:41:33 PM »
I have a friend applying there. Are you starting in Sept?

Unwashed Village / Re: The Village, Your Family
« on: March 31, 2009, 01:40:29 PM »
Tink = my mom! Tink, I don't mean that as a crack, I mean it as a compliment!

Thanatos = infuriating older brother that is just old enough to hold his superiority over my head.

That took a whole bunch of guts and it's great that you spoke up. Congrats. We are all proud of you!

Unwashed Village / Re: Women of the Village! I need help!
« on: March 08, 2009, 06:14:07 PM »
This is a sparkly penguin.

Unwashed Village / Re: hello all :D
« on: February 24, 2009, 02:07:04 AM »
hey, where have you been, anyway? jeeeeeez! :) welcome back.

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