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Re: What's going on in your life?
« Reply #1245 on: May 12, 2017, 07:25:55 PM »
   This week I finish the last of my college coursework, for my Bachelors in International Business. The graduation is this Sunday, which I won't be attending (partly because I don't care, partly because its Mother's Day). College has been a long journey for me. Originally, I went to school for Architecture, not really prepared for the intensity or demands. I had never drafted before, haha. The long, lonely nights working in our studio, which was an old supposedly-haunted mansion ( are times I'll never forget. Moving to another city helped me grow socially and be more responsible. Leaving was a tough heartbreaking decision, I don't like to give up on things, but I wasn't cut for it. I remember it clearly. It was move out day, I had already dropped my major, but was planning to stay at the school. I went to the bookstore to sell my books, ran into my ex (who I still loved and respected) and chatted for a while. I decided that was a sign not to return. I went back and cleared my room, told roommate I was not coming back, and left with a friend.

   I surprised my parents with an "I'm staying!". I took almost 3 years off, working some crappy jobs, knowing I would finish at some point. Eventually, I went to community college for a semester and pretty much hated it. I came to my current University (where my mother also graduated from) in Fall of 2014. I choose my major because I saw that almost everything sold in the U.S. was made in China, shipped across the world, and I wanted to know why and how (and how to stop it). I can't stay I liked my University much but i'm glad to be done. MBA is a consideration only if my employer will help pay the cost, and I know if it will leader to promotions.

   If anyone reading this is about to start college, here's what I have to say. Make it quick and intensive. Get done in 4 or 5 years (Summer school is great. Also CC sucks don't go) even if you change your major, which many people do. Get involved, meet many people and don't work a job unless you have to. Wander the campus. Consider the culture, it will hugely influence the attitudes of staff and students. Your early 20s are a special time when you have responsibilities but can make mistakes; Use this time to further your education and grow yourself. If all you care about is getting a job afterwards, go to a trade school. I think college is supposed to show you that life can be more than "work, eat, sleep die" which is worth the money. Good luck.
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Re: What's going on in your life?
« Reply #1246 on: December 06, 2017, 08:10:51 AM »
My gay 21 year old roommate who I've been living with for the past year invited his 50 year old homeless "Aunt" to live with us without asking me. Sure enough, she has been letting her 2 homeless kids live in our small apartment too. They all have obviously abused drugs (read: meth) for a while. All these weirdo strangers in my home has been driving me crazy lately.

My best friend, who has been married for 5 years with 1 small child, just got separated from his wife. I was shocked when I heard the news. Long story short, I'm leaving my shitty small apartment living with methheads to stay with him in a small town just for a few months until I find a place of my own and to keep him company. Good news is, they are on good terms for now. I've been wanting to spend time away from St. Louis anyway.

I've been feeling disgruntled with my job search. I had a temporary job for 4 months, that I quite enjoyed, but was let go earlier than expected (all temps, not just me). I've applied for dozens of jobs since then, even gotten a few offers that I've turned down because they just didn't feel right for me. Most of the people who call me are recruiting companies, who usually only offer temp jobs, and exist to make money off you. I don't want to deal with them anymore really. Maybe i'll just start my own fucking company!

I need to get my wisdom teeth removed badly. Shits expensive without insurance.
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Re: What's going on in your life?
« Reply #1247 on: December 07, 2017, 02:40:36 AM »
I need to get my wisdom teeth removed badly. Shits expensive without insurance.

It's probably bad to say, but when I got mine taken out, I thought it was great! I thought getting put to sleep like that was pretty cool to experience
But it'll help

Hoopy Frood

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Re: What's going on in your life?
« Reply #1248 on: December 07, 2017, 04:12:12 AM »
I've been feeling disgruntled with my job search. I had a temporary job for 4 months, that I quite enjoyed, but was let go earlier than expected (all temps, not just me). I've applied for dozens of jobs since then, even gotten a few offers that I've turned down because they just didn't feel right for me. Most of the people who call me are recruiting companies, who usually only offer temp jobs, and exist to make money off you. I don't want to deal with them anymore really. Maybe i'll just start my own fucking company!

What types of jobs are you looking for?
All right, I’ve been thinking, when life gives you lemons, don’t make lemonade! Make life take the lemons back! Get mad! I don’t want your damn lemons! What am I supposed to do with these? Demand to see life’s manager! Make life rue the day it thought it could give Cave Johnson lemons! Do you know who I am? I’m the man whose gonna burn your house down – with the lemons! I'm gonna get my engineers to invent a combustible lemon that burns your house down!


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Re: What's going on in your life?
« Reply #1249 on: December 10, 2017, 05:59:11 PM »

What types of jobs are you looking for?

My career goal is to get into exporting. Right now i'm looking for Logistics/Supply Chain management jobs.
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Re: What's going on in your life?
« Reply #1250 on: December 18, 2017, 12:44:13 AM »
Annual check-in time.

I found post-grad school job around Portland (OR) and have been settling-in like another yuppie transplant.

Meeting people isn't too bad here, and I'm thinking of buying a house in the near future.
It's a pretty nice place to live, so far.

Beyond that, I think I'll need some hobbies for when the current storms in US politics, cryptocurrency etc. run their course.
The world will be so boring again.

Hoopy Frood

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Re: What's going on in your life?
« Reply #1251 on: December 30, 2017, 04:55:51 PM »
I start a new software engineering position on January 22nd. It pays 8% more than my current software position and is a more senior-level position as well.

I'm going to give my notice at my current company probably on Wednesday.
All right, I’ve been thinking, when life gives you lemons, don’t make lemonade! Make life take the lemons back! Get mad! I don’t want your damn lemons! What am I supposed to do with these? Demand to see life’s manager! Make life rue the day it thought it could give Cave Johnson lemons! Do you know who I am? I’m the man whose gonna burn your house down – with the lemons! I'm gonna get my engineers to invent a combustible lemon that burns your house down!


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Re: What's going on in your life?
« Reply #1252 on: January 03, 2018, 06:39:23 PM »
I start a new software engineering position on January 22nd. It pays 8% more than my current software position and is a more senior-level position as well.

I'm going to give my notice at my current company probably on Wednesday.

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Dessert Ranger

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Re: What's going on in your life?
« Reply #1253 on: January 09, 2018, 06:45:20 AM »
Graduated with my Bachelors last month. Looking into taking the GRE for Grad School and then hopefully looking for a job (any job) and some internships/volunteer positions at museums so I can build my resume
But it'll help


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Re: What's going on in your life?
« Reply #1254 on: January 23, 2018, 10:20:02 PM »
I start a new software engineering position on January 22nd. It pays 8% more than my current software position and is a more senior-level position as well.

I'm going to give my notice at my current company probably on Wednesday.

Congratulations! Working with any particular stack?

Hoopy Frood

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Re: What's going on in your life?
« Reply #1255 on: January 25, 2018, 04:59:48 AM »
I start a new software engineering position on January 22nd. It pays 8% more than my current software position and is a more senior-level position as well.

I'm going to give my notice at my current company probably on Wednesday.

Congratulations! Working with any particular stack?


The application analyzes historian data from various automated processes and determines anomalies in the data that might indicate when a component is in risk of catastrophic failure.

The main application (which I'm one of the three principal programmers on) is WinForms. There's a desire among the team to rearchitect it in WPF, which is part of the reason they wanted to hire me because no one before me had any WPF programming experience. I actually have more WPF experience than WinForms, but I began Windows programming in MFC, which is the precursor to WinForms.

There is also a Web component of the application and data analysis algorithms which are handled by other members of the team.

I'll also be doing a bit of SQL programming, though, there are some on the team that are focused on the database side of things.

So essentially, I'm doing full-stack desktop development, with a concentration on the desktop front and back ends. I would like to get a bit more experience in Web Dev, though.
All right, I’ve been thinking, when life gives you lemons, don’t make lemonade! Make life take the lemons back! Get mad! I don’t want your damn lemons! What am I supposed to do with these? Demand to see life’s manager! Make life rue the day it thought it could give Cave Johnson lemons! Do you know who I am? I’m the man whose gonna burn your house down – with the lemons! I'm gonna get my engineers to invent a combustible lemon that burns your house down!


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Re: What's going on in your life?
« Reply #1256 on: January 26, 2018, 05:48:55 AM »
Graduated with my Bachelors last month. Looking into taking the GRE for Grad School and then hopefully looking for a job (any job) and some internships/volunteer positions at museums so I can build my resume

Gratz to you too! I got my Bachelors in May of 2017. Good luck on Grad school. History major I take it?

I understand the desperation to find any decent job after school. I did a temporary office job after graduation for a few months, which was neat experience, but something I could see myself getting bored with after a year or 2. I regret not doing any internships in school, which I attributed to working near full time and providing for myself, but I probably could have found something paid if I had been a little more gutsy. I refused to do unpaid internships on principal. I live in a fairly large city with some big companies, but it always feels like they hire older adults with direct experience, even after I felt I did really well on an interview. Its one of the reasons I've considered moving to a different city with a stronger economy. The better part of me says I should just settle down and work full time for a couple years. But i'm not sure i'm ready to commit to a boring corporate job just yet. My bad half wants to get my hands dirty starting a small business of my own (while probably working a boring corporate job anyway).

In other news I've been planning when my next international trip will be. Its a bit ways off, but I'd really like to visit Europe in early/mid 2018. I'd also like to visit Montreal and/or Quebec, Canada this year if my work schedule allows.
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Re: What's going on in your life?
« Reply #1257 on: January 29, 2018, 02:36:06 AM »
I'm glad that things are going so well for everyone. :D
The sun beyond the mountain glows
The yellow river seaward flows
You can enjoy a grander sight
By climbing to a greater height

I have run out of places to climb. I will abandon this body and take to the air. We will leave twin vapor trails in the air, white lines etched into these rocks. I am the aerial. In my passing, I will send news to each and every star.

Mrs Brown says: 'Hapiness is an effect, not a goal.'

Charlie is yelling @barit0wned
PC: A spider laid eggs inside my body and I need to get them out before they hatch
DM: You'll need the spider's permission first...

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Re: What's going on in your life?
« Reply #1258 on: February 01, 2018, 02:36:49 PM »
Last night, I had a truly magical moment. My best friend of five years seemed really off and down. I asked if it was to do with the fact that I had gotten into the start of a relationship and she said that it was.

It was kind of nerve wrecking, asking this, no matter how sure I am or how careful I am with my language. I then asked if she wasn't happy about me being in a relationship, because she had feelings for me.

Turns out, she did.

As I said, she has been like family to me for years, so seeing her that way wasn't much of a step up. Though she lives in Scotland, so the relationship is very long distance, I've never felt more sure of anything in my life.

Hopefully, we can close the gap in time...

So, I'm afraid that I'll be banned from the lonely corner.
The sun beyond the mountain glows
The yellow river seaward flows
You can enjoy a grander sight
By climbing to a greater height

I have run out of places to climb. I will abandon this body and take to the air. We will leave twin vapor trails in the air, white lines etched into these rocks. I am the aerial. In my passing, I will send news to each and every star.

Mrs Brown says: 'Hapiness is an effect, not a goal.'

Charlie is yelling @barit0wned
PC: A spider laid eggs inside my body and I need to get them out before they hatch
DM: You'll need the spider's permission first...


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Re: What's going on in your life?
« Reply #1259 on: February 01, 2018, 09:42:36 PM »
Ah, awesome - right up my alley as well. I've been working quite extensively with WPF, but am currently resigned to an older WinForms app until we can create a new version (we acquired an older system with source). We're working on an automated trading system for the energy market (power, gas, oil, carbon emissions, etc.), which is breaking new ground for me, domain wise. It also lets me join in a little on the analytical/data science stuff, which I find really interesting - machine learning in particular.

I'm slightly smitten by .NET Core and Docker at the moment, which of course doesn't really cover the front end. I use Angular for web, with TypeScript to keep my hands off iffy Javascript - at least until ECMAScript6.

Anyway, I would rant about this stuff for ages. Congrats on your new position. If it doesn't work out, come to Denmark - I can find you a job at my company with your background :)