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Messages - A.S.S.R.

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It's the best of the prequels... but that doesn't say much.


I wonder how outdated the CGI in those will look in 10 years time (and whether Lucas will be unfrozen to do yet another re-polish). 

Unwashed Village / Re: People take it to Scientology!
« on: February 14, 2008, 01:21:06 AM »
I may or may not have been in the general vicinity of one such event.

Unwashed Village / Re: What are your sleeping hours?
« on: February 09, 2008, 05:26:23 AM »
If left to my own devices, I go to bed at 4:00 am and get up at 12:00pm.

This is true. It also happens to be my routine on (good) weekends.

Otherwise, it's presently 11:15(-ish) to 7:15 on weekdays. Flex-hours allow me to beat the 9-to-5 gridlock, provided I leave early enough.

These hours change accordingly with my class and co-op schedules, during these respective terms.

Unwashed Village / Re: bum toting, matre lovers!!!!
« on: February 04, 2008, 04:26:23 AM »
At least Nak wasn't this pretentious.  :(

I miss that Finn.

Unwashed Village / Paging Nancy Grace
« on: February 02, 2008, 06:18:11 AM »
If you dwell somewhere in the general vicinity of North America, you probably remember the big Natalee Holloway case from a couple of years ago (mainly from the non-stop outrage beamed out nightly on Nancy Grace's primetime character-assassination show and tell).

It seems one Dutch journalist hasn't left the case alone. He's seen in this video getting a glass of wine splashed in his face, after questioning the integrity of main suspect Joran van deer Sloot.

Now, after completing a hidden camera investigation, Peter R de Vries claims to have cracked the case.

His findings will be presented in a documentary, set to air this Sunday on the Dutch SBS6 channel at 9:30, local time. It'll likely be on Youtube by Monday morning. While this originally seemed to be another over-hyped "Action News" type of investigation, there might just be something to it. An Aruban prosecutor is now seeking the arrest of that wine-throwing suspect, after reviewing material prepared by the filmmaker.

At this point, I would find it highly ironic if excessive TV coverage actually contributed in some way to this case. Still, this might just live up to the hype, and succeed where Aruban, Dutch and US investigators had all failed.

(Feel free to move to the general or debate boards if there's any discussion).

- A.S.S.R.

Unwashed Village / Mythbusters - Plane on a Conveyor Belt.
« on: February 02, 2008, 05:45:48 AM »
Anyone remember this classic thread? This debate has apparently been raging on the internets for several years now.

Adam and Jamie have finally stepped in - with rather concrete results and a real-life mock-up.

The full episode is currently up on youtube - just search "Airplane On a Conveyor Belt Part _" (I won't link directly - might be taken off soon for various reasons).

I won't spoil the ending for you, but a clip of the big "Science Content" explanation should shed some light.

- A.S.S.R.

Unwashed Village / Re: The 80's were somewhat embarrassing
« on: February 01, 2008, 10:34:50 PM »
Just busy with life and stuff. I finished my MCSA training and I'm now trying to find a job in networking. I'm tired of being unemployed. The big plan, if nothing goes wrong is find a job, get some work experience, then apply for a visa to Canada and move in with my girlfriend there. Got a job interview today, so wish me luck. :)

So, you've decided to settle in up here?

Best of luck with the interview and job search.

Unwashed Village / Re: Advice needed from our well-traveled Villagers
« on: January 28, 2008, 05:14:44 AM »
Come to Toronto.

We've had the largest frequency of official UV meets in the past twelve months out of anywhere in the whole wide world...

Unwashed Village / Re: Upcoming US Elections
« on: January 09, 2008, 02:13:41 AM »
I gotta ask: I've seen so many people say it but I'm not sure if I agree or not.

Why is Ron Paul crazy? By which I mean, what makes you say that he is?

He's pissed off the idealogical hardcore of the major political blocks.

Socialist-leaning democrats can't bear to think that some Federal institutions will be further dismantled. He's completely out of sync. with them on how to reform healthcare, social security etc.

Neoconservatives are sure the world will fall apart without direct U.S. intervention, and don't appreciate the blunt talk on the Iraq debacle. Plus, despite the fact that Paul's personally pro-life, pro-traditional marriage, and believes in the country's "Christian Heritage," he doesn't seem particularly keen on forcing these beliefs onto the general population.

Most of the damage seems to be coming by association to the whole range of internet crazies that's supporting him (the Truthers, Gold-bar folks, militias, pimps associations etc.). The pro-Neocon. blogs seemed to have latched onto the Truthers (because 9/11 changed everything, and cannot be questioned as such). More liberal blogs discount him as being a 19th century, laissez-faire robber baron crossed with a Michigan Militiaman. 

He basically has the misfortune of representing a block of the Republican Party that has been out of the prominence for some time.

Unwashed Village / Re: Upcoming US Elections
« on: January 05, 2008, 03:30:51 AM »
Perspective of a Canuck who's been watching too much US-TV on winter break:

So, what's been going on with Guiliani?

He finished way behind Paul in Iowa and will likely do so in "Live Free or Die" NH (and Paul's candidacy has been exclusively a show-of-force for libertarians, independents and internet loonies for some time). And despite the "focusing on later primaries" story, Rudy seems to have been off of the radar of the networks and the public eye lately. 

Huckabee put on a nice show, but considering he's been exclusively playing the Jesus-card, it's unlikely he'll pull out such a lead in states where evangelicals aren't the core of the local G.O.P.. As Brug said, he's liberal enough on some "social issues" to open himself up to some serious attacks from Romney and co. The religious-right block just isn't what it used to be, and can't be expected to carry someone so lack-luster on many other fronts (although the whole abolishing-the-IRS-and-reforming-taxes thing, which isn't too bad, seems to be lifted straight from the more extreme parts of Paul's agenda).

Beyond that, the GOP candidates all seem to be pretty much the same. Who's more eager to double Gitmo?

Obama seems to have recovered from the past couple of months of dwindling momentum and dreary performances. Kudos for not minding the traditional advice on race and electibility, and running a campaign that actually brought people out. At times a bit too messianic for my tastes, but you can't deny the momentum. Fairly reasonable, slightly left-of-center policy proposals also help.   

Edwards is to the union/working-class-activist crowd what Huckabee is to the religious right. Probably a viable future candidate for a possible socialist off-shoot party of the Democrats, if the U.S. were to go the route of West-Europe/Canada party systems.

I don't feel I can say anything about Clinton that hasn't already been run through the wrung of news talk shows - except perhaps that she's no Bill in terms of charisma. Certainly a polarizing candidate, especially as the retarded 25% of the U.S. populace still believes her husband was some grand evil of cartoonish-proportions.   

If a voting U.S. citizen, I'd go for Obama if he was against Romney/Huckabee/Guiliani, and libertarian/independent otherwise (I'd rather see a viable third party come in than go Paul's way and try to resuscitate the dwindling Republican libertarian block).
My $0.02 (which is $0.0199710 USD at the moment. How about that economy?)

Unwashed Village / Re: What's going on in your life?
« on: January 04, 2008, 06:17:22 PM »
Carib - awesome pictures man. I hope the New Year finds you well.

Do you happen to have a photojournal/blog or viewable photobucket gallery? It would be cool to see anything else you might have.

Unwashed Village / Re: What's going on in your life?
« on: December 19, 2007, 10:02:59 PM »
Back home from another term at school.

Did exams ever kick my ass...

But at least I'm on co-op/internship next term, and get to spend the better part of winter at home. With a paid position as an intern in the nuclear industry (although the paper work and background checks for this type of work are something of an adventure).

- A.S.S.R.

Unwashed Village / Re: Are you Hitler's long lost child?
« on: December 14, 2007, 01:22:35 AM »
I pity whoever "The Sun newsdesk" got to screen their calls for this one...

Unwashed Village / Re: Happy (Day Late) Birthday, ASSR!
« on: December 10, 2007, 08:59:27 PM »
Thank you.

As I am now 19, I can legally stay for the pub portion of any future UV-Toronto meets.

Unwashed Village / Re: I gots a new job
« on: December 02, 2007, 07:15:56 AM »
Waterloo does not have a subscription, though I contacted their acquisitions people to see if they want to pick up the journal (and they had better...)

Good luck with that. The liberal arts programs here are woefully underfunded, and are offered primarily to qualify the school for federal grants.

Incidentally, wouldn't this new position require you to take up chain smoking? I recall that was the bulk of your description of continental philosophy at the Toronto meet...

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