Author Topic: Commentary on Powell's endorsement of Obama  (Read 6165 times)

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Re: Commentary on Powell's endorsement of Obama
« Reply #15 on: October 22, 2008, 02:32:16 AM »
I don't think either of those are good, but I'll ALWAYS choose freedom over security. I'd rather be afraid of terrorists than my own government. But that's just my 2c.

And I agree but remember both parties keep voting for that pesky Patriot Act no matter how much one side says they hate it. That's because, as you just pointed out, both sides can benefit from the authoritarian qualities of it.

I never supported one side or the other. I just pointed out that both sides are becoming more authoritarian, and this just proves it.

My argument is still this: it seems the popular thing now is to try to turn America into a socialism (socialized medicine/insurance, socialized business practice, etc). Why not just move to any of the many nations where socialism is the accepted norm, if that's what you want? All of these nations assume that it'll work for us like it did for them, but as has been seen in the last eight years, it doesn't work for us. We're too big, we have too many parasites. You get presidents like Bush who increase spending without increasing taxes, so the government keeps printing more money that's worth less and less and our economy ends up where it is right now.

A buddy of mine from Finland always raves about how great his government is but then I see that he pays thrice what we do in taxes. And I'm fine with that... for Finland.

If you don't like it you can geeeet out.

Sooner or later it will catch up to them like it did Russia and France.
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