Author Topic: New school year is about to start!  (Read 3249 times)

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New school year is about to start!
« on: August 16, 2013, 06:59:09 AM »
This year I've gotta teach algebra 1, and I'm kinda nervous about it!  A bunch of dumbass 14 year olds?  My heart tells me to try to talk to them like they have the capacity to reason, but my brain tells me that my heart is dumb as hell, and I need to yell at them until they learn how to math.  You know that in middle schools in virginia, you can't get held back?  You can fail everything and you still move on to the next grade.  As a result of that, I'll probably have some kids who can't perform addition.

Ahhhhhhhh decisions decisions.  It's so hard to be strict!  I'm such a moron, I think of myself as basically 14, it's hard to remember that apparently I'm a grown man on the outside.
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Re: New school year is about to start!
« Reply #1 on: August 16, 2013, 06:47:23 PM »
Well Thanatos my suggestion would be to try different things to help them learn but all in all they need to want to learn. If they don't the won't. Best of luck ;)
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Re: New school year is about to start!
« Reply #2 on: August 19, 2013, 09:40:32 AM »
   Out of all the things I learned in school, basic algebra is probably the thing I use the second most often (the first being grammar) and its something i find myself thinking about or using every day. You might want to try reinforcing situations when they would use algebra as an adult; Shopping lists, payrolls, dates, traveling, drug deals; just about anything can involve algebra,

   Also, calling yours students Dumbasses? Seriously? Even on an anonymous forum thats incredibly unprofessional (but i can forgive you because i know thats just how you are, Than).  Just FYI even 14 year olds can tell when their teacher secretly doesn't like them and is trying to hide it. Teachers who treat ALL OF their students with respect and as something worth investing their time into are usually much more well liked.

   Oh, and bummer about the non-failng students you have to deal with. Its ridiculous that the education systems are trying to pass everyone. I've always thought that a percentage of students just have no drive to succeed in school and instead of wasting time and money trying to fix them, we should focus on bettering the average students.

Anyway, good luck this semester. Thanks for posting in the forum again too!
« Last Edit: August 19, 2013, 06:24:42 PM by KMD »
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Re: New school year is about to start!
« Reply #3 on: August 19, 2013, 02:46:49 PM »
I've never met a professional who doesn't lament the incapacity or percieved stupidity of thier clients.  Obviously some of those professionals are nasty spiteful human beings who hinder rather than help but for some of us it's just venting and it doesn't detract from our ability to provide what people need.  Now Than is either a moron who's in teaching just for the money and the and to feel intellectually superior or he's expressing anxiety mixed with flippancy, not unprofessional just honest really and if we can't rant a little to our peers in a safe environment where can we?  It also struck me as self referential, Than has described himself as being a 14 year old in a mans body a number of times over the last few posts so I thought of it as a coping strategy / term of endearment rather than a slur.

The whole "if they don't want to learn you can't make them" thing is a little bit of a mis-apprehension, in School I had terrible confidence issues and had no real faith in my ability to produce good work that coupled with lazyness landed me in middling to low classes.  To explain in Scotland we had a foundation, general and credit class system with a distinct syllabus and some cross-over in intermediary classes.  I was in a general class for English and foundation classes for both maths and German but once teachers took the time to look over my work and see that I wasn't stupid or lazy they, the ones that cared at least, spoke to me and took away some anxiety and said that it was a shame to waste talent and that I was failing them and myself and they needed to see me do better, my work drastically improved after that.  The only downside what that with German and Maths the way the system worked there were huge barriers in learning a level up in a what was by that time a limited timescale so I didn't do as well as I could have if I'd been given free access to all of the teaching before hand, English was easy though.  The other thing that was a major stumbling block looking back was my mothers atitude, neither she or her parents plced much value on academic achivements so her personal inability became mythologised into 'we as a family don't do maths and we're proud of that' a bit like Spartans but infinately more crap.  I suppose that boils down to 'look for the student behind the familial detritus.'  if you want them to pay attention perhaps making a series of machininima exploring the application of mathmatical principles to solve issues versus just being a dumbass would help.

The other thing is that we have a compulsion to learn, whether it's academic or junk culture humans constantly consume information so it's really not true to say that if someone doesn't want to learn they won't learn they're probably just learning about something irrelevant to the environment they're in.  It's a matter of finding what the key is to get them to enjoy learning about the things that take them forwards, for me it was about confidence and feeding ego but it's different for all of us.  The current school paradigm is great for mass dissemination of information but just by nature it stifles a huge amount of the potential for personally tailoring a students education and developing thier abilities.  I know that sounds a bit pompus and I really ought to come up with my view of an alternative but I'm not immediatley sure for one thing and for another I was taught using an imperfect system so my ability to abstract has been stunted.  (That last part was slightly tongue in cheek but there is a school of thought that describes that sentiment, I'm too busy to refresh myself on the ins and outs of it though)

I agree with KMD I use maths all the time and I've had to teach myself or re-learn a massive amount of things I didn't learn or otherwise didn't engage me at School, life would be easier in a number of small but important ways if I had knucled down a bit .
« Last Edit: August 19, 2013, 04:01:33 PM by TK »


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Re: New school year is about to start!
« Reply #4 on: August 20, 2013, 08:18:37 AM »
TK, I appreciate that you were on my side, brother.  I think he was just reacting to some stuff I said to him the other day though, I don't think he was being serious.

Seriously though, teenagers are dumb.
« Last Edit: August 20, 2013, 08:22:22 AM by Thanatos »
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Re: New school year is about to start!
« Reply #5 on: August 20, 2013, 11:52:00 AM »
No worries, I had a limited amount of time to spew that out so it kind of incorporated a bit of a defence of my tendancy to whine about the inabilty of the users I support while still being professional and lost a lot of nuance.
« Last Edit: August 20, 2013, 11:57:09 AM by TK »