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Messages - Sandru

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Unwashed Village / Re: *peers around a corner, waves, then hides*
« on: January 23, 2011, 10:17:52 PM »
BC is only a year or two older than me. Other than Lerk, we are the village "geezers."

my comment still stands. can two your your children legally drink?
Legally, no.
....and I still throw out that crap that AARP sends me about retirement.  :laugh:

Wow, just realized that Tink Avatar was made by me O_o

Unwashed Village / Re: *peers around a corner, waves, then hides*
« on: January 23, 2011, 02:09:05 AM »
I was 36-37 when it first started and 37-38 when I joined.

I'm having trouble remembering the exact year it all started (I'm assuming...93-96?) so bear with me, heh.

I'd have been 13 or 14ish, damn.

Unwashed Village / Re: *peers around a corner, waves, then hides*
« on: January 22, 2011, 11:05:29 PM »
so I had a senior moment. ;)

unless you're BC you're not allowed to have senior moments until two of your children can legally drink.
BC is only a year or two older than me. Other than Lerk, we are the village "geezers."

Almost an interesting idea for a thread, find out how old you where when the UV first started, or when you first joined.

Unwashed Village / Re: has anyone heard from Ymir, Simon or Swash?
« on: January 12, 2011, 03:15:15 PM »
I had a few friends evacuated from there, I hope Ymir, Swash, and any of our ozzy members are ok and safe.

If I hear from any of them I'll post on here, but this was the only real way I contacted any of them.

Unwashed Village / Re: My new rig
« on: January 10, 2011, 01:09:17 PM »
Another resource hog game that can test your computer is the Microsoft flight sim on max, I can crank that on my new machine, but I haven't tried lost planet yet.

Grats on the rig, Hoopy :)

Unwashed Village / Re: Happy Christmachaunakwanzaka, everyone!
« on: December 26, 2010, 03:10:41 PM »
Happy Christmachaunakwanzaka!

What'd everyone snag?

I got some new clothes and a 30 dollar gift certificate to firehouse subs :O

Unwashed Village / Re: Mass Effect 3 first teaser
« on: December 13, 2010, 02:16:55 PM »
Yea, got a few saves to take into ME3, can't wait!

Also dying for Dragon Age 2 and TOR lol

Unwashed Village / Re: Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!
« on: November 26, 2010, 08:48:13 PM »
You keep your troll druggy fingers away from my turkey!

Unwashed Village / Re: Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!
« on: November 25, 2010, 01:50:24 PM »
Hope everyone has a safe and happy holiday.

Happy Thanksgiving Tink! And Everyone!

Hey, do you use a messenger service anymore?

Unwashed Village / Re: We should do a Facebook group
« on: November 21, 2010, 02:11:22 PM »

You wouldn't want a pissed off pixie on your hands would you?lol!

The Facebook idea is good, but closing the village? Think of all the homeless!

You're pretty when you're angry? hehe

And yeah, cause then we'd be Unwashed Homeless, and that just doesn't have the same ring to it does it?

Unwashed Village / Re: Not the Fallout Thread
« on: November 04, 2010, 05:17:28 PM »
I had forgotten about Bloodlines, I remember that level....was tons of fun I think because it didn't have a lot in basically punked yourself out just due to the atmosphere.

I've been playing a lot more RPGs and FPS that have more of a story/ atmosphere involvement in them, just love that when it comes to games.

I never got to play the Thief games, unfortunately.

Unwashed Village / Re: Not the Fallout Thread
« on: November 02, 2010, 02:33:13 AM »
I think the last time I played a section of a game that really gripped me while I was playing it (well, two come to mind,) were the first F.E.A.R. and the old really bad Wheel of Time first person shooter.

I remember one thing that made me jump out of my skin was seeing the little girl from the first FEAR (I seriosuly only played like two levels, not paying attention to the story since it was on my bro's comp, I didn't own it,) walking towards a ladder, she then disappeared in thin air once she reached it. Well, soon as you start climbing down, instead of usual FPS where you can face outwards towards the ground or jump down, you face the ladder...soon as you turn around the little girl is RIGHT IN YOUR FACE staring at you as you climb down the ladder. Freaked me the EFF out. Some parts were well done.

In WoT, there's two sections that were amazing atmosphere and fun. When you enter the city of Shadar Logoth, it's empty of all human life cept you and some big Trollocs, and a mist called Mashadar. Mashadar cannot be stopped by anything, it moves slow but nothing can prevent it from moving etc. So you have to be constantly on the look out for that, as do the monsters. You sometimes catch a glimpse of people in windows where they can't be, since the place has been deserted for countless centuries. The music and overall feel is oppresive yet entertaining, as you're always slowly peeking around corners then sometimes having to flee the mist.

The other section is the Ways, you enter a portal to get to them, and they're infinite. There's land to stand on, but it's like having docks hanging in mid air made of stone, that can go in any direction. There's no wind or life in the ways, cept humans or Trollocs/etc that wander in. The only thing that well...exists in the Ways is Machin Shin (The black wind.) It randomly roams the Ways, looking for things to consume. It doesn't eat them, just drives you inexplicably insane at the slightest touch. It's a gust of wind/wall of roiling black faces, those you recognize and those you do not, all calling out in tongues you can and can not understand, whispering in your mind. You can't fight it, and the only way to survive it is to exit the ways, which can be quite a problem if you get either lost, or deep into the ways with trollocs in your way to the door or a long distance there.

good stuff.

Unwashed Village / Re: NaNoWriMo? Who's doing it this year?
« on: October 25, 2010, 12:40:13 AM »
The only major complaint I have about it is the the way the downloadable content works. I seem to have gotten trapped into a situation where the only way I can access my stuff is running the game as an administrator. I mean, logging in as administrator doesn't work, and I actually managed to wipe out two completed games worth of saves on reinstall, when I did it from the administrator account, believing that it would solve the problem. And I didn't have any backups either. When I asked help from support, they linked me to a thread that wasn't.

Got to say, I prefer the way they handle the downloadable content with Mass Effect...

But I liked the Fade too. I wish the shapeshifter magic would have given you the option to approach stuff differently in the "real" world as well, because I never really used it for anything anywhere except the Fade.

Yea, seems like they're on the right track with how they handle ME DLC, looks like their learning a good bit though since they started doing it (Liara's DLC was utterly superbly done.)

Shape shifting was alright, but it's main strength was allowing you an option of taking out casters quickly with overwhelm, like you get with Dog. Only thing I used it for at all on Morrigan, but usually just use dog for it and focus her more on pure damage.

Unwashed Village / Re: Wow...
« on: October 25, 2010, 12:32:01 AM »
So far it's pretty much more Fallout 3, which isn't a bad thing at all.

The story explains itself pretty well, how the setting actually works.

Unwashed Village / Re: Wow...
« on: October 24, 2010, 01:19:41 PM »
Too busy playing it, haha.

But yeah, the boards are pretty dead,

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