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Messages - Sweetpea

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Unwashed Village / i have a new hat
« on: October 26, 2007, 11:44:59 AM »
it makes me happy but i dont have any photos to show you.

i just thought i'd tell everyone....

as you were

Unwashed Village / Re: Al Gore's: The inconvenient truth
« on: October 26, 2007, 11:43:39 AM »
well said BC, well done.

yes its the rate in which the earth is warming up which is the issue.  its warming up faster and changing too many things for animals to adapt to making them very uncomfortable and look at what its doing to the weather and in turn, making humans uncomfortable.  ultimately, lots of people and animals are going to die whether it be due to lack of food/water, loss of habitat or freak weather events killing lots of people a lot sooner and a lot nastier than if it'd be let to run as it should.

do you want to die?  do you?  (emo kids need not reply)

Unwashed Village / Re: "a remarkable lack of urgency"
« on: October 26, 2007, 11:32:04 AM »
i agree with you BC, we do have to be careful.

the world's ecosystems is such a delicate balance that yes, although the earth does naturally go through phases of getting warmer and colder, it has systems in place to deal with it.  but when man adds more pollutants etc to the mix than the systems can handle, that's when they can crash.

we also need to be more careful about where we tread too and stop encroaching on land that animals need.  and anyways, they were there first!!

the BBC's been reporting on elephants in India getting caught up in electrical wires that were hanging over the paths they've been taking for the last however many years.  so not only are they dying cause they're being electricuted but apparently, the local farmers feel the elephants have been moving too close to 'their' land and have shooting them too.  there's been a severe dip in numbers over the last few years.

and the yangtze river dolphin is extinct now too cause of run ins with barges, boats, pollution of the river and loss of food sources.
there were talks of plans to get some animals into captivity to breed but due to red tape, arguments between the different groups and basically dragging their heels, when they went to look for some animals, they found there weren't any left to find.

how many species have to die before the situation becomes urgent? i agree with BC, there is a distinct feeling of lack of urgency with many of today's issues that need to be addressed, well, now really. 

Unwashed Village / Re: Normally I am against the death penalty
« on: October 26, 2007, 10:24:44 AM »
i tend to think that any crime against someone who can't defend themselves should carry the weightiest punishments.

people who do bad things to kids, old people and animals should all be locked away and tortured for what they did.

i dont believe in rehabilitation for crimes like these cause they're obviously a very sick individual to carry out those actions.  i can understand stealing to try and feed your family but what other motive apart from self satisfaction and sexual arousal can this crime have?

take him round back, throw some acid on him, hack his limbs off, generally fuck him up royally and then bury him alive with some plastic bags over his head and see how he likes it.

lethal injection is too good for him, the sick fucker

Unwashed Village / Re: Breast Cancer site needs help
« on: October 26, 2007, 10:11:14 AM »
cheers everyone

Unwashed Village / Re: Where's Rott?
« on: October 26, 2007, 10:07:37 AM »
i'm pretty sure Rott has posted on this board before.

maybe he's at a convention?

Unwashed Village / Re: I'm Ok. San Diego's on Fire
« on: October 26, 2007, 10:02:23 AM »
I think at times like these he and any other head of state should issue a statement and say 'right, I know there's a crisis but me going to the area will cause more hassle than its worth.  it'd be best if i stayed away so the fire crew can get on with their jobs' and then be seen to be involved but from afar.

that way, its better than him seeming to be deliberately ignoring the issue cause he's addressed it but also given a reason why he's staying away and any reasonable person can understand that tackling the problem is more important than for the president to be sticking his head in for 5 mins and disrupting the operation for 5 hours.

it must be really frustrating for the air crew to be sitting cause they cant fly when they know there's stuff to be done. 

Unwashed Village / Re: J.K. Rowling's insanity continues...
« on: October 25, 2007, 02:42:16 PM »
considering the audience question was 'does dumbledore ever find true love?' i find her answer a bit disturbing.

regardless of whether he is gay in her mind or not, should have no bearing on whether he finds love or not.

do gay people not find true love? do they just get some second-hand, not real true love cause they're the same sex kind-of love?

her answer makes me think she was just trying to create controversy where there needn't be one.

Unwashed Village / Re: JC's thread made me think
« on: October 25, 2007, 10:00:15 AM »
Toast is bland and requires good ol fat to make it palatable.
Mmm butter fat XD

Anyway, why would you go and burn a perfectly good piece of bread? :(
Poor bread. It wanted to live!

you don't burn it, you toast it.

and anyways, sometimes it brings out the flavour of the bread more like the oatmeal bread i'm having just now.

mmmmm...toasted oatmeal bread *drool

Unwashed Village / Re: suggestions please
« on: October 24, 2007, 02:36:44 PM »

Unwashed Village / Re: I'm Ok. San Diego's on Fire
« on: October 24, 2007, 02:35:05 PM »
I second that, let us know you're safe when you can and I hope your parents are ok too.

those photos are kinda frightening, i thought 'mad max' when i saw them.

*hugs doomsie, doomsie's beau and puppy

stay safe

Unwashed Village / Re: JC's thread made me think
« on: October 24, 2007, 02:26:04 PM »
Coffee and tea both suck ass.  You might as well argue about what kind of dirt tastes best with toast.

Ewwwwwww!! Toast!!
 :sick: :sick2: :wreck: :knife:

fool!!! toast rocks!!

especially hot buttered toast with a mug of hot tea

mmmm tea and toast

Unwashed Village / Re: So who else is sick?
« on: October 24, 2007, 02:24:19 PM »
i've been ill for the last month solid.

it started off with some tonsillitis which was then accompanied by the flu.

however, cause i was coughing so hard, i started coughing up blood which meant a trip to the doctors.  i've been on anti-biotics as well as every other home remedy i can think of and i'm still coughing my lungs up.

its not nice but i've managed to give it to at least 2 other people which makes me feel better that i'm not the only one who's miserable  ;D

Unwashed Village / Re: Need a little career advice
« on: October 23, 2007, 02:52:30 PM »
i'd finish stuff just out of common courtesy but thats me.

i've managed to leave in a lull time between projects getting started and the real work of grants and stuff being put into place so i've done my bit but i'm not going to be starting other bits that I cant finish.

and whats right for you won't pass you by

Unwashed Village / Re: So...
« on: October 19, 2007, 05:37:29 PM »
Kicks the shit out of my left ear, that's for sure.

any song that gets a description like that deserves to be listened to.  i'm terribly frustrated cause i'm still without broadband or my new laptop so getting music and movies is near impossible just now

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