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Messages - Sweetpea

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Unwashed Village / Re: What's going on in your life?
« on: November 28, 2007, 12:24:34 AM »
i'm stressed

Unwashed Village / Re: What's going on in your life?
« on: November 16, 2007, 07:14:32 PM »
sorry to hear its not going well Tink, did you start your campaign on myspace?

Unwashed Village / Re: What's going on in your life?
« on: November 14, 2007, 02:12:54 AM »
finally made it to london and it all got terribly terribly stressful tho my last weekend in glasgow turned out quite well.

went to see foo fighters with Nic at the SECC and it was fucking awesome.. there is no other way to describe it

but i've moved and my flat is absolutely beautiful, i've got my interview on thursday at 10am and i'm getting briefed tomorrow so hopefully it'll all go well.

my laptop has broken tho and i've lost the charger for my phone so went on a wee trek to find a charger today but found out the closest carphone warehouse is about 45 mins away by bus.  at least it'll give me something to do tomorrow

hopefully it'll all come good on thursday, fingers crossed

Unwashed Village / Re: stupid things you believed when you were younger?
« on: November 02, 2007, 05:59:05 PM »
i used to believe all planes went to Hong Kong and no where else. 

Unwashed Village / Re: What's going on in your life?
« on: November 02, 2007, 05:54:38 PM »
all the plans i'd made for moving have now gone tits up and i'm terribly terribly upset  :bigcry:

i'm missing my house warming party, jobless for another week and my final pay was not what i hoped it would be

seriously seriously stressed out, upset, penniless and in need of a hug

its a bad bad friday

Unwashed Village / Re: Capers the baby otter
« on: October 30, 2007, 11:26:08 PM »

But I think thats cruel if they plan on releasing him back into the wild.
I mean, where is a baby otter going to find a working hairdryer out in the wilderness?

i was just thinking that and i don't think some adoptive otter mom is going to have a towel ready for him after he's finished playing in his pool with his rattle either

i'm catching up on my links, its been a while since i've had untimed internet access...oh the joys of the internet are mine once more until tomorrow

Unwashed Village / Re: baby pictures!
« on: October 30, 2007, 04:03:59 PM »
hey rott!! you're back!!!!

good entrance too

and now me

Unwashed Village / Re: What's going on in your life?
« on: October 29, 2007, 05:00:35 PM »
today is my last day of my job here at Glasgow City Council

and i'm starting to feel quite sad :(

we've had a good day joking about and getting along and liz has been joking saying i'm fired to almost every clumsy thing i've done including dropping biscuits and spilling milk. 

now i feel sad :( but i'll see them on thursday so i'll be properly upset then

Unwashed Village / Re: What's going on in your life?
« on: October 29, 2007, 10:10:34 AM »
make sure you stay safe then...

*waves to Carib and his pretty girl

Unwashed Village / Re: i have a new hat
« on: October 29, 2007, 10:03:27 AM »
its a super oversized beanie, more super oversized than any other beanie i've ever had before so its all floppy and frames my face

its so cosy i may never take it off

Unwashed Village / Re: I'm Ok. San Diego's on Fire
« on: October 26, 2007, 06:25:28 PM »
i've never been called wise before, yay! its a momentus occasion for me :)

I wish I could have dreams like you, Solwyn, sounds a lot more interesting than what i dream about.  sometimes its just plain weird

Unwashed Village / Re: i have a new hat
« on: October 26, 2007, 06:15:54 PM »
i'd like that.

if anyone would like to help by sending me hats then let me know

Unwashed Village / Re: The Working Dead....
« on: October 26, 2007, 04:49:51 PM »
wow, i'm a working dead

what i've done today:

ebay and village
opened mail
made coffee
modified some technical drawings which only took about 10 mins
surfed internet
typed emails

there's definitely no sense of urgency or need to work quickly here which is probably why i always feel the need for a nap around mid afternoon after lunch.
i'm glad i'm getting back into sales so i'll have goals and targets to work towards in stead of sitting here thinking 'meh, whats another 10 minutes on ebay?'

Unwashed Village / Re: I'm Ok. San Diego's on Fire
« on: October 26, 2007, 04:31:29 PM »
I think at times like these he and any other head of state should issue a statement and say 'right, I know there's a crisis but me going to the area will cause more hassle than its worth.  it'd be best if i stayed away so the fire crew can get on with their jobs' and then be seen to be involved but from afar.

I'm not a Bush-basher (one of those people that uses every excuse they can get to compare the president to a lower primate), but I think that assuming Bush is capable of anything that diplomatic requires a leap of logic, if not blind faith.

I really want my vote back. But that's okay, I live in Texas so unless I vote republican my vote doesn't count anyway.

yes i know its not at all possible that Bush would do anything that sensible but the hope that one day it might happen is all that gets me to sleep at night

Unwashed Village / Re: i have a new hat
« on: October 26, 2007, 04:28:41 PM »
thats not fair, people declare stuff in the village all the time without proof!!

if the declaration comes in, that could mean the end of conversation in the bastard bar

i do actually have a new hat tho

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