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Messages - Sweetpea

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Unwashed Village / Re: Religion - Good or Bad?
« on: August 30, 2007, 02:21:38 PM »
Turj, why is it you always get in there and say stuff i want to say before i get the chance?  stop reading my mind you evil genius!

and brug, i pointed out the crusades cause it was a religious war, which wasted a lot of time and caused a lot of suffering.  its like the Israelites in the OT, they went and massacred all the other nations cause they didn't worship their God but a lot of people don't see it for what it is cause 'God told them to'.  And the crusades also partly came about cause the knights back home got bored and didn't want to become obsolete. 

I have nothing against people with faith so don't feel like i'm trying to say you shouldn't believe in God cause i was faithful before i realised what I believed in wasn't actually an Almighty being but thats a story for another day.

But when religion is the reason given for invading a country and causing havoc I know people overlook it cause we've all been taught that religion has special rules and can't be criticised. 

they did an experiment with some elementary kids, I forget how old they were, old enough to be able to form an opinion anyways, where they told them the story of Joshua taking over that city they invaded.

about 60% said that Joshua did the right thing cause God had commanded it.
30% said that he should have kept some of the livestock for themselves
and only 10% said what he did was wrong.

they were then told the same story but in stead of Joshua, it was a Chinese General and some neighbouring tribe.

70% said what the Chinese general did was wrong
and i cant remember the rest of the figures.

point is, when taken out of a religious context, most people will be able to see that invading another country, killing everyone and taking all their stuff is bad and wrong.  its also morally wrong for people to stand back and not interfere when religious differences are cited as the reason for starting the war in the first place.   I just don't understand how the religious think its ok to force their ideas onto someone else, just cause its in the Bible doesn't make it right. 

and those christians that went through apologising to everyone?! how self-centred would they have to be to think what they did made the slightest bit of difference to anyone apart from themselves? 

i watched this programme about these american evangelists who went to russia to try and spread the word of god and came across these guys who were on their way to the market to sell their homemade vodka but had become trapped in the snow.

the christians REFUSED to help them get out of the snow because it was against their beliefs to drink which can lead to immoral acts.  IT WAS THEIR FUCKING LIVELIHOOD!!!! yeah, keep your morals but let the guy, the guy's wife and kids die of starvation.  the christians just gave them bibles and went on their merry way.  i know lots of christians like that and it sickens me that they think they are morally righteous and look down on anyone who don't fit into their idea of a perfect person, based on a book that they pick and choose bits to believe in and other bits to dismiss as allergories and symbols.  Abraham didn't really frighten the shit out of his kid by putting him on an alter, Job didn't really commit incest by sleeping with his daughters but jesus really was the son of god and he really did perform all those miracles! 

like turj said, its all about packaging and the sooner people realise that the better and let everyone else get on with things.

i realise this has turned into a bit of rant but so long as there are people out there, either on the small or large scale, who try to force others to live by their ideals then there's still work to be done to try and show them that everyone is entitled to their own opinions and so long as those opinions are not directly harming anyone else then we should leave them well alone.

i'm not just talking about religion, i'm talking about political views and anything else out there thats up for debate.

whatever gets me through the day might not be the same as you but so long as i'm not harming anyone, that doesn't make it wrong.

Unwashed Village / Re: What gets your goat?
« on: August 29, 2007, 05:44:43 PM »
Like Lamb. Mmmm.

why is there no 'throw up' smilie anymore :(

but bleugh!!! lamb!!!!

tasty animals = cows, chickens, pigs and kangaroos


im disappointed in you

tasty animals = all with heartbeat (or lack therof)

 :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

yes, that is normally my sentiments but i still don't like lamb, it tastes like poo

Unwashed Village / Re: Religion - Good or Bad?
« on: August 29, 2007, 04:31:46 PM »
Religion isn't bad in itself, its extremist, unquestioning belief which is bad.
plus, the view that there is only One correct religion which still mystifies me and trying to convince other people to accept your world view?

I say to them 'you know what, you believe what you believe and leave me to believe what I want.  It bears no relevance to you whether I get to heaven or not so why are you trying to convince me to accept your God?'

at this point they usually say its 'Christian Love and Charity'.  'Yeah? What about the Crusades? Not terribly charitable there were ya? Hitler said he was a Christian, what do you make of that?' 

Usually the ones who have only read the Bible will be running away, whereas the ones who have had a bit of time to read and think about what they believe in will enter into what usually turns out to be a good debate.

I dont like how religion teaches unquestioning faith as a virtue, the more you don't question, the more Holy or righteous you are....hmmm.......controlling much?

I used to say I was agnostic but now I know I was just holding onto the indoctrination I got when I was a kid.  I've read and learned and now I'm the happiest little Atheist you'll ever meet.

I agree with Chucara that a more thorough screening of gun owners need to be in place but problem with that is that there are a lot of seemingly normal people out there  :anxious:

plus gun crime often fuels and is fueled by other crimes as well so to some extent it does have to be black and white with gun amnesties to try and break the cycle.

on the flip side, at least we'd be nurturing more creative criminals  ;D

seriously tho, just taking guns away isnt going to solve the problem since, as its been rightly pointed out, criminals are just going to get more creative.  society needs to tackle the main causes of people turning to crime like lack of education or prospects, unless they're just bastards in which case, yeah, get a gun and shoot them.

ultimately its a lack of respect and there are always going to be selfish arseholes who only care for themselves so it's just going to take time until I can get round them all and either educate them or stun gun them.

Protect the Human (but only the nice ones)

Unwashed Village / Re: WE DID IT!!
« on: August 27, 2007, 10:35:24 AM »
so what do they call it?!

I'm sure Stephen has also told me in the past but i've forgotten :(

Unwashed Village / Re: What gets your goat?
« on: August 21, 2007, 02:31:31 PM »
Like Lamb. Mmmm.

why is there no 'throw up' smilie anymore :(

but bleugh!!! lamb!!!!

tasty animals = cows, chickens, pigs and kangaroos

I heard the other day that 4% of primary school kids still cant read by the time they get to high school?!!!!

so why the fuck are they getting to go to high school?!!! keep them in primary school for fuck sake and teach them til they learn!

its not That hard!! dumb bastards

Unwashed Village / Re: WE DID IT!!
« on: August 21, 2007, 11:49:36 AM »
Congratulations!!! You look absolutely beautiful as many others will have told you already.

but its true  ;D

my sister's wedding went well, dad did end up walking her down the aisle and photos are on bebo if anyone wants to see.

love, Pea

Unwashed Village / Re: What's going on in your life?
« on: August 21, 2007, 11:45:26 AM »
Back to work today after a weekend tour of the South of England.

Spent Friday driving down to Exeter where Nat's gran proceeded to feed us cake and cream teas until we left the next day. Got to Brighton about half 8, at the pub by 9, went to search for food about 12/1am and then back to Fleet's house to drink the cider we'd bought from Devon for the boys and smoking til 4am.
Woke up on Sunday shaking involuntarily from all the sugar and alcohol leaving my body.  Went to see Steve at the cafe and he made us breakfast then down to Brighton beach and the Pier!!!  it really is as tacky as everyone thinks it is but awesome at the same time!  I got a Brighton teatowel and the shakes again from going on the trampolines.  I also rolled down Brighton Beach and it felt a lot like one of those hard, uncomfortable massages but smelt really really nice. 

met with job people in London on Monday and then the long drive back up  :bigcry: my left hip had turn to dust by the time we got in.

excellent weekend all round cept I'm never trusting anyone who says 'no, i promise you, they're not doubles.' ever again...bunch'a'bastards.

Unwashed Village / Re: Once again, showing I'm an unfeeling bastard
« on: August 16, 2007, 05:28:46 PM »
I'm agreeing with most people who have replied and tend to think that shows of silence or online petitions are a waste of time.

when Madeleine went missing, there were a million petitions going about for people to show their support and to draw attention to her case.  HOwever, what about all the other little kids who go missing every day? just cause she's got blonde hair and blue eyes she's more worthy of attention?! 

people sitting about thinking isnt going to help any of the kids who are missing and if they really cared that much, they would go and actively do something about it.

I hate online petitions and shows of silence and i've written several blogs showing what a waste of time they are.  they're just a shallow remedy to the fact that people are too lazy to go and do something about the problems of the world.

my friends and family dont send me forwards for petitions anymore cause i used to reply-all, change the heading to 'stop wasting my fucking time with this shit' and tell everyone they were all a lazy bunch of bastards who were just putting their name at the bottom of a fake petition to appease themselves so they think they're doing some good.

people used to reply back and call me a heartless bitch but at least i'm out there trying to change things

in a bid to get the thread back on track:

I think the fact that its the Sun reporting is enough warning that the facts are perhaps a bit skewed.

If anything, those topics should be covered in Modern Studies or Social Studies and Hitler and Stalin left in the History department so there would be no need to scrap the 'traditional timetables.'

the Sun is a waste of the paper its printed on and if I see anyone reading it i'm likely to jump to the conclusion that they are an arsehole.

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