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Messages - Silver Dragon

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Unwashed Village / Re: Wow...
« on: November 30, 2010, 06:15:24 AM »
Fallout New Vegas was something of a glitchy mess and I didn't enjoy it to the degree I did with Fallout 3 because of that, but it's still not a bad game.

You know, I've played it through only once, but I tried to go everywhere conceivable and find as much of everything (as far as locations go, anyway) as I could, and I think it only crashed to desktop on me three...maybe four times in what was probably 60+ hours of gameplay.  Other than that, I experienced hardly any glitches (that I noticed, at least); there were a couple times when my character would get stuck in the curb or rocks or what have you if I crouched/uncrouched at just the wrong time, and then everything control-wise would lag/freeze for 10 seconds or so, then I would un-stick from the environment.  Other than that, I had a few random NPCs  (like just one of the 5 fire geckos that were trying to eat me) turn into 'flagged as unkillable' where they would just go unconscious instead of exploding into a puddle of gore.  Don't recall any other bugs, major or minor.  I'm playing through Dragon Age Origins: Awakening (its been sitting on my desk glaring at me incessantly since my birthday, so I figured I better play it) right now, then I'll probably have another go at Fallout New Vegas and see what other bugs I can find.

My only real complaint is that they chose to make it a pseudo-sand box world, unlike Fallout 3. FO3 you could literally go anywhere you could conceivably walk/hop/wiggle, there were no 'dead zones' except for the areas outside the bounds of the overland map.  FO:NV has multiple areas where you should be able to walk but are stopped by the 'invisible wall'...As such, for example,  instead of being able to walk over that ridge, I have to walk all the way around...

Unwashed Village / Re: Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!
« on: November 25, 2010, 10:20:59 PM »
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

Unwashed Village / Wow...
« on: October 24, 2010, 08:54:10 AM »
A new Fallout game drops less than a week ago and not a single new post about it...this place is officially dead, isn't it?  :(

A few suggestions, in no particular order:

EfsaneTurkler2:  This one kinda has a Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow feel to it...and a weird name!

Arcane Magic:  D&D/Conan/Fallout-ish feel to this one

FPS:  Yup.

RPG Gamer:  Same as Arcane Magic, but with more scrolls!

Fire:  Not fire so much as rust...

Noble Dark:  This one's alright too

Serene Forest:  This one is reminiscent of old school Fallout.

Sleepy Theme: Gray, drab, and favorite! (Well, this one and Serene Forest)

Okay, last one, Angel Fall First,  This one's probably my first choice, then Serene Forest, and a tie between Noble Dark and Sleepy Theme for third

Okay, I'll stop now.

Unwashed Village / Re: Upgrade
« on: April 02, 2010, 05:24:11 AM »
Yeah, buy a new computer with Windows 7 pre-installed. ^_^

Unwashed Village / Re: Disney wants real breasts
« on: March 29, 2010, 11:54:52 PM »
Doesn't everybody?  :smartass:

Unwashed Village / Re: Help me crack Macrovision on my old VHS tapes
« on: March 13, 2010, 01:33:33 AM »
I know a while back I used my plain old VCR and an older computer to copy a version of The Goonies (that I had taped off the Disney Channel of all places) that actually had the octopus scene in it (which I believe they have in the deleted scenes on the official DVD) to the computer as an .avi or .mpeg or something.  I was using an old Radeon All-In-Wonder to do it, I think it was a Tivo-like function... Granted, that was a homemade tape, so I don't know how any copy protection might interfere (I would think it should be just like taping something off regular old TV), but point being, you could probably do something similar with any TV Tuner card, then burn them to DVD with the PC...

Come to think of it, I don't know what happened to that file, was pretty freaking big. I still have the tape around here somewhere though! Hrmmmm.... *wanders off pondering*

Unwashed Village / Re: Ummm... Hi!
« on: September 15, 2009, 06:11:16 AM »
Wow, that is one hell of a bungee cord we have for dragging people back from the edge of reason and sanity!  Good to read you again, Thrak, welcome back!  :)

Unwashed Village / Re: Happy Belated Birthday, Silver Dragon
« on: July 31, 2009, 09:59:23 PM »
Thanks everyone! :)

And many happy belated Happy Birthdays to all the July birthday boys and girls!
Man, I think July is the busiest month for birthdays in the UV.

I ran across it the other day at the local Fred Meyer, but didn't pick it up; it looked and sounded pretty interesting: its a survival/horror adventure game, and reminded me a bit of Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth (sans the Cthulhu mythos) so I think I might pick it up next time I'm there.  It has a couple interesting aspects to it, like the interactive psychic flashback that tells backstory and lets you manipulate the past to your benefit, and the effects of heat/cold on your health status (set in the frozen wastes of the Arctic, the icy cold saps your 'health', forcing you to find and utilize every heat source available to you to stave off the chill and help replenish your 'health'.)

Here's a link to the Gamespot's main page for it, which has a review, a few gameplay videos, and a demo. From what I've seen, its gotten some fairly good reviews here and there, and some not so good reviews, so I think I'll download the demo and check that out first.

*pokes the board* Wake up you mangy beast!

What model number is Cameron anyway?  Not T-800, she's too small.

From (

Cameron Phillips is a former Skynet Infiltrator, class T-OK715, from the apocalyptic future of 2027

We did but it's still twigging me out since I haven't been able to root out the movie/show/book.

Hrm, you think maybe you're merging memories of different movies/books together?  From your description it sounds a bit like Day of the Triffids, as mentioned previously, but, aside from the plant aspect, it also sounds a bit like Invaders from Mars, and It Came From Outer Space, and... but I can't see to find anything that has the people being turned into plants...mindless zombies, food sources, pod peoples, but not plants!  Hrm, you've stumped us, Doomsie!  Here, have a toaster.  ;)

You said this was a book?  Novel, story book, short story, comic book?  Maybe it was an episode of The Twilight Zone or The Outer Limits?


Now, if I can only find that book/movie about a meteorite landing on earth and turning people into plants (complete with roots for feet) my childhood fears will leaf me.

Are you thinking of Creepshow?

The story with a person turning into a plant starts about 1 minute in at the link.

NSFW language

While Creepshow is very similar... it's not that bit with Steven King.

More people were affected by the meteorite and I remember someone seeing their mother in the kitchen with leaves around her body. She may have been trying to get water from the sink.

I think even the military was involved and at the end a cure was discovered and the scientists were going to announce it over the radio and then more meteorites landed and the radio went dead. Maybe blinking lights in the sky were involved.

Not sure about the last part though.

Hrmph, didn't we already have this discussion once?  :P  (there's a link in that post to a list of sci-fi plants, maybe that has your plant monster on it!

Unwashed Village / Re: You are SO Beautiful to me!
« on: March 02, 2009, 12:39:11 PM »
Well I didn't watch the whole video, but the mask does greatly remind me of the character Legion from an episode of Red Dwarf.  ^_^

I am going to kill the casting director.  There is no other consequence sufficient to punish this crime.
Take a look at Cobra "I'm middle aged with an adult son in every incarnation of my character except this one, apparently..." Commander.

I wish I was kidding.  Really I do.  This guy is 26 years old, playing the leader of a Terrorist Organization so advanced that it's an independent nation.  And he's playing multiple roles, which makes me believe he'll be playing some US government stooge who moonlights as Cobra Commander on weekends.  Yeah, that won't be hard to figure out, kind of like how Padme' was really the queen.  Boy, did that shock me!  Too bad we never see Cobra Commander's face during the entire 25 year run of the comics or show.
Whoa.  That's the kid from 3rd Rock from the Sun...I didn't recognize him until I went to and read the cast list and saw his name.   You're right, whoever cast these people should be shot, whoever wrote the script should be shot.  Whoever goes to see this movie should be shot.  Okay, maybe that's a little too harsh...

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