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Messages - Alderach

Pages: [1] 2
Unwashed Village / A Spiritual Successor to Fallout 2
« on: June 17, 2022, 07:07:58 PM »
Is in the works.

"Our unannounced retro futurist isometric CRPG is a passion project between CEO @DaveOshry
, Project Van Buren's @lacko_adam
 and god tier artist for Fallout Sonora and Olympus 2207, Alexander Berezin.

Fallout and Wasteland composer Mark Morgan is also attached to the project."

The attached video shows a very aesthetically familiar isometric city, with flying Jetson-like cars.
Is this something to be excited about?!

Also hello everyone, I hope you are well.

Unwashed Village / What would you ask your dying parent?
« on: October 12, 2020, 02:52:03 AM »
Hello all,
I've been away, but I am always here.
Many things have happened, there is another hat in the family... and my mother died. Last year, but it's still fresh in my mind.
Things haven't been looking so hot for dad either, the past few months. He never really lived alone before, and whilst liberating at first the loneliness has gotten to him and coupled with some health issues making him pretty much bedridden and with COVID haunting the outside and prohibiting most human interaction, well, he is deteriorating. Mom passed very suddenly, she got sick one day, was in the hospital for a week, got better, and then just died during the night. I had a good talk with her the day before, not knowing it was to be our last, though the thought had entered my mind.

With dad though? He is wasting. Becoming forgetful, weak, not eating well. I've set it up so he has daily care in the home now, to make sure he eats, and he will have a doctor checking in on him every now and then, but still, he is weak, and I don't know how much more time he has. I hate to think it, but I might lose him too, soon.

With my mother I have her diaries, and those she wrote for me. Dad writes a lot too, or wrote when he had the energy, but mostly theology and philosophy, though he has written some biographical musings as well.

It all leads me to this question; if you knew or at least suspected your parent(s) were dying, but knew there was still time before sense and sanity left them entirely, or health deteriorated to the point where they could no longer communicate meaningfully; what would you ask them? For those of you who have already lost a loved one, what did you wish you could have said?

My father is the type to hide his emotions, a product of his time and upbringing, but he is both kind and genuinely funny and has given me so much throughout my life - I hope everything turns out for the better but with the way 2020 is going... well, best be prepared for anything.

A hug for those that need or want it, safely electrical and distanced for these interesting times.

Unwashed Village / Re: PANIC!
« on: November 22, 2018, 10:07:04 PM »
Thank you for keeping the site alive, Chucara! I was afraid it was gone for good this time. Then what would we do?

Unwashed Village / Pretentious Drivel
« on: June 05, 2018, 10:59:37 PM »
I wrote a thing that I felt needed sharing, to open up discussion and to get other points of view. So I figured, why not here? No other place I know of seemed to fit as snugly.
There exists in humanity a myriad of divisions, and to carter for them all is a task most Sisyphean, so for the sake of sanity and for reasons at the moment less apparent, I will only broach the one.


The Filter of Mundanity.
Now, wether this is a biological constraint, a fact imposed on us by evolutionary biology, or simply a side effect of the construct of society, I am not the authority to convey.
Certainly I have heard the former expressed, but as I can cite you no certain sources  this tale will be rendered philosophical and valueless to Science as a whole.

The filter is, whatever the truth behind it's construction, a means by which humanity as a whole copes with a nearly infinite amount of information. In the simplest of terms it is a sieve, where the holes are labeled "Interesting" and the mesh is labeled "Dull."

To be sure there are a multitude of sub categories, most notably the famous four Fs, or perhaps the four Ex for us gamer types: the need for survival necessitates that these functions be at the forefront of our internal list of priorities. In essence, that for the individual to function, the filter is predisposed to allow through the information that is required for the basic needs to be fulfilled.

To make this more concrete, an example follows: Humans need to drink water to live. Therefore, water is a universal point of interest.
A gathering point not only of the body, but of the mind. It is precisely because of the urgency of water that we can all, regardless of our other divisions, marvel at its magnificence.

But what of something more esoteric? Here things get more interesting and it will require us to examine the filter once more in detail.
For you see, the filter with its standard-issue narrowness can only lead humanity so far. With only base needs met, there can never be progress. And what is more, that selfsame evolution mandates that some of us be different. Thus, those of us with more hole than mesh; in other words: they whom find things Fascinating.

It can be a difference very slightly removed from the norm. A keener interest, a hobby, a pet subject of academia. It can be one step further removed, into the realm of Philosophy, Science and Art. Further, reaching a tier where this filter-breach becomes deliberating, it can lead to a sensory overload such that we might see in individuals on the autistic spectrum (whom already vary from the norm in the manner of their sensory intake) or more temporarily on those who loose themselves in/to mind altering substances.

> Please note at this point in my musings that it is not my intention to lay moral judgment: there is no good nor evil inherent in the presence of a filter, no matter the size of its holes.
What matters to the filter is the survival of the host, of the species at large. What matters to me is the discussion itself and what conclusions may be drawn from it. <

For those individuals for whom these holes are larger or more frequent, what changes in comparison to the norm is the number and intensity of sensory input filed into the category I named "Interesting" above. How it is further separated is of course wholly dependent on the mind of the individual in question and far too broad a subject to engage in here, we shall however examine one of them further.

A key component of the filters flowthrough is information that needs to be processed to be understood. For the neurotype, I believe (and please do disagree with me if I am wrong or if you mind my argument at any point invalid or illogical) that this is seldom engaged, unless prompted by an outside source or circumstance. For example: My car is on fire, what do I do about it? Or; My boss wants me to explain how the Norwegian cheese market engages with local farmers viz a viz our companies future expansion into said market, report due on Thursday.
There are of course exceptions, they invariably arising from that most treasured of abilities of the Sapient Mind: Free will. Equipped with this fascinating pattern-breaker, any one of us may engage with what would otherwise be labeled as 'Dull' - but this requires that something pertaining to the subject in question passes through the filter which is itself an unconscious thing.

Back then to the Fascinated and their importance for societies ensured continuation: Why should energy be 'wasted' on processing the esoteric, here understood as that of not immediate use for survival? To combat the unexpected. Though the sleeping mind already does this to an extent (going through various likely and unlikely scenarios and playing through past events only half remembered, spiced with a healthy dose of subconscious, ID, Ego and imagination) the value of the conscious analysis cannot be overstated; because it sticks in our memory in a way that most dreams do not. A Fascinated individual may cease more physiologically important activities to study and to understand a process upon which it has stumbled, applying the full breadth of the individuals experience, knowledge and bias in order to probe the subject to gauge its inherent properties. It should be noted here that for the Fascinated, the properties that are being explored need not hold any sort of Value to be Interesting, since the subject in question  has already passed that Filter for the individual. It is for this reason that the esoteric, such as the frequency and variation of interchanges 'pon the branches of a tree or the suitability of Thomas the Tank Engine© as a replacement model/mesh for arachnids-of-all-sorts, for those suffering from Arachnophobia, may merit investigation by the individual in question. Further, the Fascinated may leverage their examination together with capital (social or physical both) to bypass the filter of the UnFacinated in order to share with them their findings. The aforementioned outside-prompting. We may call this 'art' or 'science' or what-have-you, but the process behind it I believe is the same.

What reaches the filter is Everything. What comes through, far more limited. The human body is equipped with (at least) detectors of taste, smell, hearing, gyroscopic balance, position in space, time and the movement there-in, the position of the various parts of the body in relation to itself, luminosity, shade and a modest selection of other properties of light, heat, touch as well as a number of ineffable senses such as 'the presence of affection', 'danger-sense' or even 'inherent maths'. If one were to make a conscious effort to sort these through, nary a step could be taken before the brain would spontaneously combust from over-exhaustion.

I spoke earlier of Autism, and it is my belief (gained through experience and research, but again I may be wrong) that the Autistic mind is constantly assaulted with sensory-nodes criss-crossing and interfering, interacting with one another in much the same way that dueling magnetic fields might. This is similar to what might happen with a tier-3 open filter, and indeed as earlier mentioned is probably one of the reasons for periodic mental breakdowns in such individuals, in that too many fascinating things at once becomes functionally impossible to deal with, on top of what is already occurring. That this tier still exists is a product of the omnibenevolent nature of human society and its influence on (or rather, total dominion over) evolution.

In conclusion then; The Filter of Mundanity exists for three express purposes. One; to ensure that an individual may focus on survival in spite of an overwhelming sensory palette. Two: To ensure the survival of the species by letting some members of the species (but importantly, not all, or even the many) lay the brunt of their effort on explaining or experiencing the unnecessary, should it prove necessary in the future, and Three: To act as a safe-guard should the more universal subconscious process fail to produce adequate results.


*Wether or not intent factors into it is a matter of religion, again a field outside of the scope of this study.


And that is all I have on the subject for now. If you have reached this far without your eyes glazing over; you might be Fascinated. Or you might simply be angry that I wasted all your precious time, all the same I want or only the best for all of you and to thank you for that aforementioned time. I love writing and thinking, and if you care to share your thoughts on this matter I would be happy to hear it and perhaps even to engage with it. Until then, peace be upon thee. Also, I love cats.

Unwashed Village / Re: What's going on in your life?
« on: April 07, 2017, 04:43:48 PM »
Well there was just a terror attack here, so I'm a bit shaken? But everyone I know is safe, at least so far.

Never thought I'd have to use Facebooks "I'm Safe" feature, but I'm glad it exists.

Unwashed Village / Invitation to the (not quiet as) lonely corner, 2017.
« on: February 14, 2017, 08:30:39 PM »
Hello friends. Another year has passed, and again I want to share with you in a smidgen of the fellowship that this little wayside community has seen fit to cuddle us with for all these years.

A lot has changed since I joined, almost, what is it, twenty years ago? The world has changed, quiet remarkably for the better, even if waves of unease and hate are currently spreading across the continents. Technology the likes of which we could not dream has entered our lives so thoroughly as to be boringly mundane.

We have seen our little village grow and shrink, we have seen people live and die and we have seen everything in between. Today I will share such a Between with you, in the form of the continued story of my hat, which avid readers will know sprouted legs a bit more than a year hence.

As you can see, a year has made quiet an impact on the thing! No longer is it content to crawl 'pon the floor, no! Now it toddles about with its little arms in the air, chanting at all times the words "dugga dugga dugga". I can only assume it to be a dwarven mining song, perhaps an adaptation of that famous medley "Diggy Diggy Hole" that all dwarrov surely know by heart. Nevertheless, my hats antics warm my soul with their undeniable cuteness.

So, with my part over and done, I ask of you; What Between do you Cherish? What moment has brought you Fellowship?
And for those still traveling the lonely road as I once did; fear not. Though we might consider it a path most gruesome, it does not always have to be. If nothing else, you can have this: hug.

Thank you all, for reading, being and sharing with me, and welcome once again to this little lonely corner.

Unwashed Village / Re: Invitation to The Increasingly Cramped Corner
« on: February 15, 2016, 10:33:47 PM »
I have a horrible fever and an eye infection so my thoughts are taking some interesting routes just now but.. did you just announce a baby?

Well it's either that or something very strange is growing out of my hat!

Unwashed Village / Invitation to The Increasingly Cramped Corner
« on: February 14, 2016, 05:37:59 PM »
Hello Old Friends!

What a difference a day makes.
When I first joined the village, I must have still been in gradeschool. A lonely child, with no one to really discuss or explore this whole new phenomena of the internet with. Or even computers.
Yet I had somewhat recently obtained one of my own, and the first Fallout at that. I found the interplay forums, and soon, the village. In that instant, the awkward lonesomeness was replaced with community. With acceptance, friendship. A place where my burgeoning creativity could be nurtured, where I could truly share.

What a difference a day makes.
When I entered higher learning, a new school. A new place, free from old locks placed upon myself, by myself and others. A chance to begin anew.
When the new projects of my life began.
When I decided to take action.
Always from boredom to community. From stalemate to creativity.

What a difference a day makes.
When all my years of loneliness could not withstand a single message flying my way across the aether, and my love found me.

What a difference a day makes. That such small things can make such a vast difference in your life. A post on a forum, a new mundane beginning, a letter, a question.
Even though such days have meant so much in my life, I don't think I truly understood the term until a scant four months ago.

A positive result.
And now it is my pleasant duty to impose such change upon another, that ever their life shall improve.
I will do my best to take the lessons learned, from here and other places, to make sure the next generation will have the best of opportunity.
Thank you, all, for helping me reach this far.

May such mundanity befall you, may you live in interesting times.
- Alderach.

Unwashed Village / Re: Who remembers Nathan/Iggy?
« on: January 19, 2016, 10:22:05 PM »
Nathan was, is, will always have been one of my best friends, his death struck me pretty hard. We chatted pretty much daily for several years over ICQ. Played Diablo and Starcraft together for hours on end. Talked about life and philosophy. I was invited to his wedding, we had even made plans for a special dance.
I recall he once said I was the only person in the world he never got angry at.

I also remember sending a letter the day after the announcement (It came in the middle of the night for me living in Sweden and all), but I have no idea if it ever reached you, or if my tear ridden message sank into the Atlantic Ocean, much like Europe in the world of Fallout.

I sometimes dream about the little floating "Iguana Eater" icon turning blue again, hearing the Uh-oh! That means my friend is alive and has some new and interesting story to share, a wise perspective to add to any situation I might encounter.

I make sure to light a candle annually, for what it's worth.
His sarcasm and friendship will be forever missed.

Unwashed Village / Invitation to the Lonely Corner, 2015.
« on: February 14, 2015, 08:05:39 PM »
Hello friends.
Another year has passed, and I am once again summoned to spend this post with you, my friends on the internet.

Many years ago, when the forum was yellow and black and I was but a child, this was my first home away from home.
It still is, in my heart, even though the rate of posting has slowed down considerably.
And I spell a bit better.
I am grateful for the acceptance, and pleased that I had something to share.

My days continue to be odd but wonderful.
And I hope yours may be as well.

So once again, Free Hugs and Good Cheer
and other sappy things and perhaps an understanding shoulder.
For might we all not need one, at some point?

Unwashed Village / Aldy Digipic Surprise Thread 2014 edition
« on: August 11, 2014, 12:18:53 AM »
Let me tell you what it's like to live on Saturn.

It isn't the safety of the Wasteland, that we always knew.

It isn't the comfort of the Old Religions.

It's not even the Secret of Snow.

To even get here, you must pass insurmountable walls,

and figure out your way past the gate.

To find the path,

and Transcend, through Vibrancy

the fault in our Jars.

(it's the secret to fusion, Saturn is pretty far away!)

Anyway, once you get here things really start to get weird.
For instance, this is how we must be fed.

And without these lanterns,

the Wraiths will get you.

Fortunately, the denizens of the Dark Tower watch over us.

So perhaps it isn't so different, after all.
Oh well.
I hope you visit, some time!

Unwashed Village / Fallout 4
« on: November 22, 2013, 01:25:14 PM »

Apparently in a few hours we will have some sort of announcement regarding what is probably Fallout 4.
The page linked above houses a countdown timer and a scrambled message, as well as morse-code.
Other scrambled messages have already appeared, thus, some sort of ARG seems to be in action.

I felt it was my civic duty to report!

Unwashed Village / Love
« on: September 15, 2013, 10:57:18 AM »

My friends, it is my honour and privilege to inform you that as of yesternight, I am now Mr. Alderach.

Saturday the 14th of 2013 I married a wonderful, amazing woman with whom I shall spend the rest of my life adventuring with, drawing, singing and talking with.
As (former) Patron Saint of the Lonely, I stick to what I have always said; Love is out there, it is wonderful, and I hope it happens to all of you as powerfully as it has happened to me.

You have all been a part of my life for a very long time and I am thankful for what this community has taught me and given to me, a place of fellowship in the wasteland, acceptance, creativity and friends for life.

I don't post much, but you are forever in my heart.

Best wishes to you all, may you all find happiness as I have.

- Alderach.

Unwashed Village / Belated Welcome to the Lonely Corner, 2013.
« on: February 21, 2013, 08:04:07 PM »


Today isn't February the 14, Valentines Day. The day I traditionally invite you all to share a zone of comfort with me in this little corner of the internet.

Today is February the 21st, but I still invite you here.
When I realized I had missed the date, I somehow thought it would go by unnoticed. But how could that be the case? The village still exists (in some form) and so also must my duty.

I truly hope that for everyone here, be you lurker, spamhunter, irc-iddler, debator, moderator, admin or poster, your year has been one of excitement, serenity and comfort. In whichever mixture suits you the most. That your future is one of opportunity and hope and that your present is as weirdly wonderful as mine.
For yes, as the "what's going on in your life?" thread speculated, I have indeed found someone to share my corner. For this, I could not be happier.

I leave you with this valentines owl, that we found on an island inhabited mostly by the absence of moose.


Hello friends,
It's Valentines, and time for my annual post!

It is good to see both old and new faces here, even if the village itself is in a sad state at the moment.
I am doing al right, how are you all doing?

So! 2012 finally arrived. In a scant 10 months time our little community will finally be post-apocalyptic in real life.

But there is still time left, even for the loneliest amongst us. If nothing else, we have a messageboard on the internet. That has to count for something.
So thank you, everyone.

Leave a message here, if you feel like it, in my cosy little thread.
Enjoy the comfort friendship brings.
I hope you are lonely, no more.

bonus butterfly at the end.

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