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Messages - Bubonic

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Unwashed Village / Re: So when a girl flips you off...
« on: September 05, 2008, 05:09:14 AM »
Not quite.  I've found that it usually means that she's somewhat interested, but not quite ready yet.

It's when their smile drops straight off their face the moment they see you, then they pointedly look the other way as you walk past... That's when you know it's true love.

Unwashed Village / Re: Fallout 3 officially dated
« on: September 02, 2008, 01:03:58 AM »
Yeah, as near as I can tell, that's the only thing they changed.

My problem with the AU release is more philosophical than practical.  The refusal is stupid because there are numerous other games already on the market here that have similar drug use.  It's inconsistent.  Plus, in some matters I seem to have a purist streak that meanders well into obsessive compulsive territory.  Apparently Fallout is one of those matters.

When something this stupid happens to my beloved computer games I want to hurt the Australian games industry in the hope that at some point it will become such a serious issue for them that they will start to lobby a bit more emphatically for a change to the system.  The only real way that I can hurt the industry is to bypass aussie retailers and buy the goods from somewhere else (I'm too pretty - and gutless - to go to gaol so anything more anarchistic is out of the question).

So, in short, they changed the name of the drug "morphine".  And I'm not really very happy about it.

Unwashed Village / Re: HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME
« on: September 02, 2008, 12:50:35 AM »
I was going to get you something, and then I remembered that I am still waiting for the revival of TNAW, so you can get stuffed!


Happy birthday mate.

Once, when driving through a moderately dodgy neighbourhood, my fiancée and I saw some scantily-clad young "ladies" sitting on the roof of a house.  Now, just so we're clear, these girls were not wearing swimming costumes, but the short skirts and revealing tops that you expect to see staggering out of a dive at 3am.  And the building was a single-storey dwelling with no architectural means of gaining access to the roof--they had just swung a ladder up against the house.  This struck us as very strange.

Now it just so happened that at time we witnessed this we had been discussing a contemporary Samuel L Jackson movie.  As a result, the phrase "Skanks On A Roof" was coined.  Now, whenever we see a young woman of questionable repute, dressed in slut-wear, we privately tell her to go and climb a roof.

Or if either of us is annoying the other, it's "Go climb a roof."

People look at us oddly.

Just remember the 4 food groups and you be all set quickly like


don't believe none o that crap bout vitamins

I never really got into coffee, and I haven't had a cigarette for almost a year and a half now.  The missus likes cooking with fresh ingredients so that limits my preservative intake.  Which only leaves sugar... Actually, it's probably best not to go into that.  I do like my sugar.

I seem to have gone a bit silly.  After 14 years working at a desk and spending my spare time in front of a computer or the telly, I have gone and bought a bicycle and joined a martial arts class.

I'm 33 years old, covered in bruises, aches, pains and (frequently) lathered in sweat... And I've never felt better!

It's like my body is saying "This is what I was built for.  Forget about that damn computer.  MOVE!"

I'm scared.

I have led a mostly sedentary life and up until a couple of years ago I had the same body I've had since high school:  generally weak, not exactly fit, but thin as a rake and mostly healthy.  Then I hit 30 and the weight started piling on.  So I'm making an effort (for the first time in my life) to actually lose weight.  And after only a month or two it seems to be working somewhat.  Again, scary.

I was never any good at sports or athletics as a kid, so I turned to more academic pursuits.  Invariably, any time I tried to make physical improvements, my body just ignored me.  Even when I was going to the gym every other day, I couldn't build strength or fitness.  It all seemed like such a waste of time so I stopped trying.

But now, for some reason, my body has decided to come to the party... When I stretch, I get more flexible.  When I work out, I get more fit.  When I move, I lose weight.  This goes against everything I have learnt about myself over the last 3 decades, and frankly, it's freaking me out.

Unwashed Village / Re: lol oh no they dihn't
« on: August 26, 2008, 05:44:22 AM »
Speaking from a completely biased position.... What Doombot said.

From a medals per capita basis, we (Australia) came fifth, with Jamaica taking out the top position.

And the original data:

Of course, weighing the medal count by population will tend to favour the smaller nations, while ignoring population will favour the larger ones.  As mentioned in the article, there are many ways of interpreting the data.

Unwashed Village / Re: Rawr!
« on: August 23, 2008, 07:56:10 AM »
I liked the original but that's not really a good indication of whether or not you'll like the new show. My suggestion would be to watch the first couple of episodes and judge for yourself. Summer Glau has really grown into her role and her performance is much stronger after the first few episodes. Not that it was really weak to begin with but it gets so much better later on.

You had me at "Summer Glau".

Unwashed Village / Re: Holy Overrated, Batman!! (spoilers)
« on: August 23, 2008, 07:51:50 AM »
I really liked this movie, my fiancée didn't.  My biggest problem with it was that as I walked out of the theatre, I was trying to rationalise the death of two-face with the appearance of Tommy Lee in Batman Forever.  Up until that point, nothing in either of the last two movies (Begins and TDK) directly contradicted anything from the others (other than the fact that the acting was a cut above).

I suppose I just like fidelity of continuity in my prequels.


Unwashed Village / Re: Fallout 3 officially dated
« on: August 23, 2008, 07:33:20 AM »
It doesn't really matter to me because I won't be seeing it until my birthday/christmas anyway... This is what I get for living with someone who's food/mortgage:Fallout priorities are all out of whack.

Regardless, I have to smuggle it in from New Zealand because our game rating system is archaic and the legislative template required to update it appears to have been written by some tellytubby/smurf hybrid.  We have one guy in Australia who doesn't want an "R" rating for computer games.  Because he happens to be a state Attorney General, and because the decision to create such a classification needs to be unanimous amongst the AGs, we don't get to see the proper version of Fallout 3.

Talk about backwards.  And the reasoning this guy uses to justify his idiocy is absurd.  His name is Michael Atkinson and he lives in South Australia.  Everyone wish cancer on him (or a broken anus or a really painful or embarrassing pimple... whatever you're comfortable with).

I think Super Kev needs to step in and kickbox him out of office.

Unwashed Village / Re: Heyo, it's a thread!
« on: December 15, 2007, 05:57:04 AM »
Sounds like someone has caught your eye Aldy.  :)

Very good work.  Your poetry really has matured over the years. Mine has just evaporated (I hardly ever write any more).

Exceptional read.  Thanks for sharing!

Unwashed Village / Re: Hello out there in internet land!
« on: December 13, 2007, 12:28:36 AM »
Na_Day = TSSR. 

Oh wow.  Now that is going back a good long while.  Thanks Tink.

Unwashed Village / Re: The UV has twins.
« on: December 12, 2007, 04:45:31 AM »
Yeesh. For those prices, it better have tasted like God himself >.>

Almost.  Plus it was HUGE.  The pictures on the site are deceptive.  The steaks are the better part of 2 inches tall.  We're talking about a serious slab of meat here.  In fact, last night was the first time I have ever been able to actually finish one.

The only blemish on the evening was when I had to ask that one of the waitresses tuck in the tag on her knickers as they were showing over the top of her skirt (as were her knickers themselves).  Tacky.  Now, I'm far from being a prude, but there's a time and a place for these things and in the middle of a family restaurant, with kids everywhere is just not one of them imo.

Unwashed Village / Re: The UV has twins.
« on: December 12, 2007, 12:09:03 AM »
Thanks all. Had a great birthday. It was one of the best in living memory. Nothing extraordinary happened, just lots of loving phone calls a cruisey sort of day and a PERFECT steak at the end.  It just all added up to a magnificent joie de vive.

And happy birthday to Gretchy... Hope yours was just as good!


Unwashed Village / Re: Ethics Final: How would you answer?
« on: December 11, 2007, 04:58:07 AM »
i believe the best option (according to the textbook) was to kill the 10 because otherwise the driver would be charged with murder. or something like that.

I don't like the idea that self-preservation should be ethically relevant.  In my opinion, ethical quandaries should be devoid of personal consequences.  Or at least, they shouldn't factor into your decision.

ie, if you have a choice between telling a lie that will kill people but cover your arse, and telling the truth that will save lives but send you gaol (or get you fired, or whatever) then the ETHICAL factors should only relate to the effect of your actions on others.

Just my opinion (and spelling).

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