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Messages - KMD

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Unwashed Village / Re: What games have you been playing latly?
« on: January 16, 2018, 07:19:23 PM »
I'm not too keen on survival horror really, but I just finished Resident Evil 7 & The Evil Within, now working on The Evil Within 2

Unwashed Village / Re: What's going on in your life?
« on: January 03, 2018, 06:39:23 PM »
I start a new software engineering position on January 22nd. It pays 8% more than my current software position and is a more senior-level position as well.

I'm going to give my notice at my current company probably on Wednesday.


Unwashed Village / Re: What's going on in your life?
« on: December 10, 2017, 05:59:11 PM »

What types of jobs are you looking for?

My career goal is to get into exporting. Right now i'm looking for Logistics/Supply Chain management jobs.

Unwashed Village / Re: What's going on in your life?
« on: December 06, 2017, 08:10:51 AM »
My gay 21 year old roommate who I've been living with for the past year invited his 50 year old homeless "Aunt" to live with us without asking me. Sure enough, she has been letting her 2 homeless kids live in our small apartment too. They all have obviously abused drugs (read: meth) for a while. All these weirdo strangers in my home has been driving me crazy lately.

My best friend, who has been married for 5 years with 1 small child, just got separated from his wife. I was shocked when I heard the news. Long story short, I'm leaving my shitty small apartment living with methheads to stay with him in a small town just for a few months until I find a place of my own and to keep him company. Good news is, they are on good terms for now. I've been wanting to spend time away from St. Louis anyway.

I've been feeling disgruntled with my job search. I had a temporary job for 4 months, that I quite enjoyed, but was let go earlier than expected (all temps, not just me). I've applied for dozens of jobs since then, even gotten a few offers that I've turned down because they just didn't feel right for me. Most of the people who call me are recruiting companies, who usually only offer temp jobs, and exist to make money off you. I don't want to deal with them anymore really. Maybe i'll just start my own fucking company!

I need to get my wisdom teeth removed badly. Shits expensive without insurance.

Unwashed Village / Re: A single second
« on: December 06, 2017, 07:58:10 AM »
Thanks for contributing, Turjan. Always an enjoyable personal story from you. Very interesting.

Unwashed Village / Re: Vault Tec experiment ideas
« on: November 15, 2017, 07:27:58 AM »
A vault with novelty board games that look really interesting but really really aren't

heh that reminds me, I was surprised to see this today at a game store. good opportunity to share.

perhaps they could have this in the vault, and every mistake would fatally activate an implant on some random vault dweller.

Unwashed Village / Re: Vault Tec experiment ideas
« on: November 11, 2017, 11:16:29 PM »
I remember the Vault Tech Workshop Add-on for FO4 let you do something similar to this. Did anyone mess around with that?

Well my idea for a vault would be one where little things would change each day ie: Furniture would be moved, doors would stop opening, signs would change what they said, clocks and calendars would change, maybe even the dwellers stuff would be moved while they were sleeping. The goal being to drive them to madness, unsure of what is reality or not.

Unwashed Village / Re: A single second
« on: November 04, 2017, 12:49:46 AM »
For me, it was probably when I met my lady.

Let's see, I'm 33 now.  16 years ago, at some dumb party, I met a lady. We, uhm.  We acted like teenagers.  We made love and we yelled at each other and she became determined to never speak to me again.  I don't blame her.

A decade later, we encountered each other again.

Uhm.  Some other stuff happened.  For some reason, we're now together.  Long story short, I am with a lady that I am pretty enthusiastic about, and we met each other 16 years ago for no reason.  Just random chance.  That being said said, as loathe as I am to admit that I have emotions, I don't know.  I guess you can't deny them.  Now, with her permission, 16 years later, I'll never fucking let her go. 

So yeah.  The first moment I saw my lady.

Thanks again for stopping by and contributing Than. I wish I could randomly drop by, be the center of attention, and disappear again like you. If you see this, let us know how you encountered each other again because you are kind of a dick about giving up details.

Getting a little Personal here, but my moment was at the end of high school/right after it.

There was of course a girl who was probably the first person to genuinely like me. In short I ended up messing up the whole thing and we went our own way. I felt sick and afterwards I became less capable of showing my emotions to people and became a bit of a robot.

Thanks for sharing. I think almost every guy goes through that after highschool (at least I did), its a transitioning period for sure. In a few years though you'll probably kick yourself for getting hung up on it. At 26, I can't comprehend how some people get into relationships in high school and stay in them. Apparently some people do.


Another short story. When I was 14, I was failing middle school. I just didn't understand or care about school. My mother sat down with me and cried hard because she wasn't sure what to do with me. That was the first time I realized that how I took care of myself could effect other people emotionally. I promised her I would improve, and I did. I ended being on honor roll through high school and college.

Unwashed Village / Re: A single second
« on: October 27, 2017, 12:46:53 PM »
This is pretty silly, but when I was 7 years old I went to one of those church carnivals, and they had that "guess the beans in the jar" game. I guessed either exactly or within 1 or 2 (although I think exactly) and won. For years after I thought I was psychic or something.

Unwashed Village / A single second
« on: October 24, 2017, 07:51:01 PM »
For most of our lives, time seems monotonous. We get used to things, get into habit and feel a sameness. Sometimes we try to mix things up, travel, try new things to expand our lives. But sometimes a single event, even a single second, out of your control can shatter everything that made you comfortable. A car accident, meeting your future love, winning the lottery, getting a job offer. These can change everything we thought we knew.

What is a moment that had a profound change in your life and why?

Unwashed Village / Re: What games have you been playing latly?
« on: October 04, 2017, 01:34:19 PM »
With the awful past couple of years we've had for games, 2017 is shaping up to be quite a fantastic one! Many new games coming out this fall, I surely won't have the time or motivation to play them all. Still dreaming about getting a Switch for that Zelda and Mario goodness.

Unwashed Village / Re: Fallout Wargaming
« on: October 04, 2017, 01:31:38 PM »
For some reason I remember there being an earlier FO board game, perhaps based on FO3, though I may be wrong.

I played miniatures board games as a teenager Mage Knights and Hero Clixs etc but they became an expensive hobby. I remember someone dropping $100 at once on a dozen packs of figures only to get nothing good. That was a lot of money as a 13 year old kid!

Always saw Warhammer as a more expensive elitist type of game.

Unwashed Village / Re: This place is a wasteland...
« on: September 13, 2017, 07:31:52 PM »
Still lurking

Quality posts start with you

Thanks for stopping by

:insert bungie cord joke:

Unwashed Village / Re: It's that day again.
« on: July 06, 2017, 03:29:53 PM »
I would willingly trade my soverengity for tea and crumpets

Unwashed Village / Re: Do we have a Facebook group?
« on: June 05, 2017, 09:10:56 PM »
Technically, there is one, but on one has posted in it since 2010 so take that for what you will. Just search "unwashed villagers".

I'd join an anti-Facebook group.

I've actually been thinking about this lately. About how Facebook sucks now. Largely by killing off other social media websites, and adding features to compete with mobile apps, they've really lost their identity. What began as a website for college students to find friends/partys/girls at their college has become a monster trying to offer everything to everyone. Now you can even make phone calls and live video stream through Facebook, and the founder is considering a Presidential run. Its kinda insane.

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