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Messages - Hatchetman

Pages: [1] 2 3
Unwashed Village / Re: National Defence Authorization Act
« on: February 10, 2012, 08:27:15 PM »
They call them terrorists because their audience wants to hear it, not because the government considers protesting to be terrorism.

The only news I watch is the 6pm news on KOMO Washington and they didn't breathe a word about it. It's not uncommon. And the comedy central news heads are off again this week, so the general level of political news people who don't actively seek political news is pretty low.

My real issue is the original version of the act that passed had provisions that excluded citizens and legal residents, and that was removed. While the rest of it seems fairly directed at people working for or to aid actual terrorists, not what talking heads call terrorists, the change of that part of it seems weird.

Unwashed Village / Re: Another Fallout Thread
« on: January 26, 2012, 10:20:44 PM »
FO1 has a lot of balance issues, especially in terms of armor. Eventually you'll take no damage until someone does a critical roll with an automatic weapon that normally does zero damage and suddenly hits you for 300+. FO2 cleaned them up a little, and FO3 used a similar system. FONV you can make yourself basically invulnerable again, though it's way easier to avoid damage outright in 3/NV.

I really love playing FO1/2 still. But then, right at this moment I'm tabbed out of X-Com. I really love turn based games like that.

FO1 is definitely not a hard game, and the problem with the difficulty setting is that it doesn't actually make the game harder.. flat lowering your non-combat skills just cuts you out of certain things, and lowering your combat skills doesn't actually make anything but the first few levels harder. The hard parts tend to be noticing all the things the game wants you to do, and the ways around them, and finding all the side quests. No big yellow ! for you!

Unwashed Village / Re: Playing WoW - the Brutal Approach
« on: January 07, 2012, 09:03:31 PM »
About six months before Burning Crusade, I got fully into the gear hamster wheel... Every tier, every season.

Guilds are fine, you just have to be careful the guild you're looking for is the guild that's actually interested in the things you are. I don't think there's a better guild for someone who's as completely almost-motivated as I am.

Unwashed Village / Re: And so it begins...
« on: January 07, 2012, 09:00:24 PM »
Man I can't believe what would possess someone to ask Black to host something like that. That's like.. having a gas spill, and offering him a cigarette.

Unwashed Village / Re: Playing WoW - the Brutal Approach
« on: January 06, 2012, 09:07:35 PM »
Two of my paladins are double ret blood elves!

A lot of their new content, especially the holiday content, is designed specifically to "not" be soloable. A number of cheese specs can still do it. Their plans for dealing with item inflation in the future will also pretty much stomp directly on a lot of people's ability to solo older content. That's a great deal of my play time. A lot of people (especially on the achievement forums) view that as a severe failure by Blizzard.

Even as a mid-content raider, I do very little actual raiding. I generally label myself as a raider, even though in any given week I'll have spent at least double the amount of time in battlegrounds as I spent on current raid content, and at least as much time solo in older raids or instances chasing one thing or another.

Unwashed Village / Re: Playing WoW - the Brutal Approach
« on: January 06, 2012, 12:03:30 AM »
This is me, my main, so you have an idea the perspective I play from.

When it was just vanilla warcraft, I really just wasn't super into it. I started and quit a few times. The game was honestly not good, if you weren't raiding. I didn't start really playing until the original two people I was playing with quit, and I met up with people from my highschool/university D&D group. They were in an Alliance MC/BWL feeder guild on Stormreaver, when Burning Crusade launched we all rerolled as Horde.

My guild is a number of RL friend clusters, which is both a good and a bad thing. We've perpetually been at the almost-there level. We just get into heroic content and find that the tier is coming to a close. We just get to 2100 pvp ratings and can't quite get that 2200 wall. We have people who constantly want to do more, and every time we try, we have our RL friends who just aren't quite into it wanting to slow down.

So we're full of people who have a ton of achievement points. We've dug up everything, fished everything, we know every inch of our toons... and are kind of annoyed by people who don't. And continually can't say anything about it, because they get mad.

But every one of those people in my guild who are like me, right now we're stuck in a "what now?" situation, and we have been for a while, especially with a number of our better players having left for Old Republic. A lot of our game play has come down to "what can I solo?" and Blizzard really seems to go out of their way to stop that, but there isn't anything left in the game for a lot of people, and they really don't care. They don't want soloists.

Unwashed Village / Re: Designing the Immortal Pacifist in WoW
« on: January 04, 2012, 08:07:27 PM »
I'll check with Arek to about the gathering xp from the start. Really recent alts I've done have got xp from mining early on.

Druids are also a really good class for a pacifist, though probably not as conceptually great for fear of flying.

Check with the raiding stats of servers, they often contradict, and are more accurate, than warcraft realm's census data. I started an alt on Tich recently and the actual active level 85 population is pretty balanced; something around 11,000:9,000. Illidan and Mal'ganis are hopelessly unbalanced. Mal'ganis has less than 500 Alliance.

His pacifist was made on 1/1/12, and the toon I made on Tich was made on 1/2/12 and both of us got experience from both mining and herbalism before level 10.

Unwashed Village / Re: Playing WoW - the Brutal Approach
« on: January 03, 2012, 08:42:10 PM »
But what I like is not what most players like.  I love leveling; I love making new characters; I love making 'themed' characters (I have one 'personal' guild <Greybeards> that is composed of 9 Dwarves (different classes);  I have another one just made: Goblin guild (to be named) of 8 different classes

One of the guys in my guild started a pacifist toon a few days ago. He's already level 21, has herbalism at 205 and mining at 147.

His armory statistics say he's inflicted a total of 82 damage.

Unwashed Village / Re: Playing WoW - the Brutal Approach
« on: December 30, 2011, 08:58:55 PM »
Greedy Goblin takes elitism to a bizarre place, because it's not rooted in his ability to actually play the game. Years ago he actually came up with a term to denote the bulk of the warcraft playerbase; M&S. Morons and slackers. A lot of his gameplay revolves around buying his way through things. And he can, because everywhere he goes he absolutely takes over, dominates and controls economies. He basically considers anyone who can't pay for anything at the drop of a hat to be second rate.

He promotes behavior that can get your account actioned (It doesn't take long on the battleground forum to run across a post from someone complaining they were suspended or banned because of repeated afk reports in battlegrounds in which they "weren't afk"), which he denies, or says "isn't against the ToS" even though it's frequently against code of conduct, and is entirely hypocritical. Feel free to idle in battlegrounds, but take over a raid and kick anyone who isn't carrying you hard enough.

That said; Warcraft is a gear-driven game. Basically all MMO's that get content patches are. New content, new gear grind.

Unwashed Village / Re: ....3 more days....
« on: November 19, 2011, 08:24:19 PM »
I don't really know how it wouldn't be able to keep up. Magic and daggers are the only things that don't scale in damage from any base effect, only from perks (dagger's sole damage buff is the 15x backstab, no other enchants or talents apply to it). With mobs having various hard caps on their level scaling, I have very little room before there's no mobs any higher than what I see right now.

At 44 with 100 smithing, 100 enchanting, 29 enchanting (so my potion buffs while making gear sucked) and only 72 archery, meaning I don't have full Overdraw yet, this is my bow;

And this is my bow on drugs;

I'm missing a few % off my gear, you can get the bonuses to 47%, mine are 45%. I've also yet to encounter anything that I actually felt the need to use a potion to up my damage on. I barely use berserker anymore, sneak attacks off of base damage is killing basically everything.

There's actually a post on the Bethesda forums showing with hard numbers and methodology that dual wielding one-handed weapons is the highest potential dps, followed closely by archery, then two-handed, weapon and shield, and daggers dead last. You backstab almost 30% more damage with a one-handed weapon than with a dagger.

Werewolves are really meh. With decent stamina and armor perks, being a wolf I couldn't run farther than I do normally, the speed increase isn't really noticeable, and it's a huge damage loss. The only good part was it's funny to use power attacks to fling people and using it to fast-travel while encumbered (which is also rather less useful with various perks)

Unwashed Village / Re: ....3 more days....
« on: November 18, 2011, 08:09:44 PM »
Favoriting and assigning those as 1-8 works alright, it's what I'm used to from Fallout with an extra step tacked in. I also have less things I need to hotkey.. I'm managing to restrain myself to only three weapons, so my racial, the one heal and two shouts I actually use have plenty of room.

Fencing stuff is really dumb. I stole stuff in Riverwood like a motherfuckin bandit. I get to Whiterun and everyone there magically knows it's stolen.. I got a huge amount of pickpocket skill in Riverwood and since then I've barely stolen a thing. It makes the skill incredibly underwhelming.

You fucked! The people from my warcraft guild who are just getting into it me and the other guy who have been playing like crazy have both told people to be really careful about how much you level non-combat skills if you're not comfortable with how you're killing because enemies scale with your character level, regardless of how you got those levels. I got to 20 on almost pure non-combat skills and it definitely had a big impact.

Giants are badass. They hit you with a telephone pole, but it's not super hard to dodge it most of the time especially if they're doing a power attack. Don't get hit by power attacks.

Unwashed Village / Re: ....3 more days....
« on: November 13, 2011, 08:31:04 PM »
8:59pm PST!

Anyone else not had their character follow their intention due to their natural tendencies while playing?

My concept was an orc heavy fighter.. what I have is a very clanky sniper. With the exception of profession skills (both my smithing and enchanting are very high), my sneak skill is higher than my two-handed, the skill I start with a +10 bonus on. I really wanted to push heavy armor up for the perks, but due to stopping and sneaking any time I don't know what's around I've got really low armor skill. I've ended up taking a few lower rank perks in some things I wasn't planning on, and just sitting on a whole bunch. The 2h perks I was intending to take just aren't that good, took some archery ones I wasn't planning on, and just sitting on a whole bunch of perks. :|

Unwashed Village / Re: ....3 more days....
« on: November 10, 2011, 10:25:37 PM »
Origin! >.<

I've bought basically everything off of Steam since about the time the Canadian dollar went above about 95 cents US, maybe 3 years ago? FO3 is the last game I physically bought, all the DLC I bought online. Steam means no tax, and I'm paying the price that the distributor intended. Canadian retailers like to pretend that things here are supposed to cost more, like back in the days where our dollar was only worth 80 cents. A 60 dollar game here means a 70 dollar retail sticker plus 14% sales tax. Yes. 14%.

Sitting here waiting and hoping that Steam didn't figure out the timezone-specific release and are sticking with region based release. If it does, everyone is getting it at midnight eastern, 9pm for me. (╯゚ヮ゚)╯︵ ♥♥♥♥

Though right the Steam website isn't even responding...

Unwashed Village / Re: Okay, so, I'm pretty sure I'm the king of everything
« on: November 02, 2011, 06:50:00 PM »
Than has ever been so far as to decide what to do more like and now is almost near to decision.

My brother has every Madden and NHL going back to ... 1996? He was 10 and I gave him my SNES. It's bizarre.

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