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Topics - JC

Pages: [1] 2
Unwashed Village / Any TF2 players?
« on: March 17, 2009, 03:11:36 AM »
I grabbed TF2 for the PC a few weeks ago and I am so horribly hooked that I haven't left the computer for a bowel movement since?  Any other players?  I'm usually on the n00bz server.

Unwashed Village / I'm gonna be a Master
« on: March 17, 2009, 03:08:51 AM »
Just got into the Master's program at U of Guelph for philosophy, with funding.  Yep, I'm pretty cool.

Unwashed Village / So, it seems Antarctica IS warming
« on: January 31, 2009, 03:43:26 PM »
I remember some silly debate where someone was arguing that Antarctica was getting demonstrably colder.

Nope, sorry:

Unwashed Village / These automated phones are getting rude
« on: June 18, 2008, 04:18:20 PM »
*phone rings*
*JC Answers phone*
JC: Hello
Automated Voice: I'm sorry, that is an invalid response.  Please press one to try again.
*Hangs up phone*

What was the correct response?

Unwashed Village / Anyone fold proteins?
« on: May 12, 2008, 05:24:32 AM »
Cool protein folding game, available here:

Anyone up for starting a team?

Unwashed Village / Who knows about bike shocks?
« on: April 17, 2008, 09:27:27 PM »
So I've pulled out the bicycle for another year of self-powered travel.  Tightened the brakes, cleaned the chain, gears, everything has been greased.  The shocks, however, they are not moving.

I've never had a bike with shocks before this one, they are strange and scary.  I assume the problem is probably filth that has gotten inside them - how hard is it to remove this filth?  I need options people.

Unwashed Village / Who knows Word 2003?
« on: February 29, 2008, 06:59:54 PM »
I'm formatting some articles and Word 2003 is being a pain for modifying endnotes.  What I need to do easily is the following:

1. Have the numbering for the endnotes in the body of the text as superscript while the numbering in the actual endnotes remains as normal text.

2. Have the endnotes directly follow the last line of the document, as opposed to being placed in a separate section/page.

Unwashed Village / Your name sir?
« on: January 23, 2008, 03:24:10 AM »
At the local pizza place 10 minutes ago...

Hello, I'm here for a pick-up order for Justin
Your name sir?
Justin.  Justin Carter.
No.  Pick-up order for Justin.
Well, yes, close.  Extra-large, pick-up order for Justin.
Jamie? Large for Jamie?
No, Extra-Large for Justin
You say large.  Jamie?
Extra-Large, Justin.
Yes, Justin.
Here is your pizza sir.

Unwashed Village / I gots a new job
« on: December 01, 2007, 05:44:30 AM »

Take a look at that Assistant Editor position!  I bet you wish you worked for a philosophy journal.

Unwashed Village / Since there's no art board anymore
« on: November 22, 2007, 06:12:58 PM »
Artsy stuff here.  Just wrote this while brewing some tea, with the thought of macedonian food and literature on my mind.

In the shallow village
where the sodium light of the sun shone wanly,
three children danced in the street
and proclaimed to the window panes and gutters:

"Shall we,
Oh shall we,
sing the viper song?"

Sang the first,

"I am small-tempered,
wroth but limber.
Send me waves and ice
and submerge me with
petty revelries."

And the second replied,

"Too large am I for the world,
and too great are its follies.
Come! Away! When time is done,
The world shall breathe again."

A small lad, the third
could not remember his lines
and so I finished the song:

"Lift me up, there above
shall we find not an infinity,
nor a firmament, nor any
banquet of beggar's charm.

Looking down on the basket
of all, I see what is mine
is yet to come."

Startled, the children ran.

Unwashed Village / So who else is sick?
« on: October 23, 2007, 07:40:23 PM »
I think the main problem with having friends in your classes is this:  When they're sick, they still think you have the obligation to sit next to them.

Unwashed Village / This just happened: Right now.
« on: October 18, 2007, 12:25:26 AM »
I was making some tea and my mug exploded.  Loud *pop* - tea everywhere.

Unwashed Village / So...
« on: October 16, 2007, 02:50:26 AM »
What do you people* think of the new Radiohead album?

*"You people" being defined as "you people who have listened to the new Radiohead album"

Unwashed Village / What the hell?
« on: October 06, 2007, 06:18:01 AM »

There are more bacteria than human cells in the typical body


Unwashed Village / Dear Bluecross: I hope you like my new avatar
« on: September 25, 2007, 08:07:18 PM »

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