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Messages - Dourak

Pages: [1] 2 3 4
Unwashed Village / Re: The Politically (In)Correct Thread
« on: November 14, 2012, 04:04:46 AM »
(Funnily, french communist party is more close of the socialist idea, and the socialist party is more close to the "middle" oriented party. Our "right" is almost the same as liberals (the economical branch of it) with some touchs of conservatism (like gays can't have the same rights as straights, breaking some of the work/social rights, etc ...)
I agree with the part countaining the individuals right and privacy. Almost every (except the extrems ones (far right and far left, communism isn't actually recognized as a far-left party (or just at the edge)) party are based on those rights.
Right is caressing the idea of supressing our actual health care.
One day they will.
And I have no ideas what Green Blanket cover can refer to. Assurance model about health care ?)

And to be honnest, I'm not very interested in politics, mostly because politics implies (sometimes) human.
And I'm not very good with humans.
If politics was about sandwiches, I'll damn good at it.
Or dinosaures in burning planes ...
Fuck yeaaaaaaaaah ....

Unwashed Village / Re: What's going on in your life?
« on: November 11, 2012, 04:03:11 AM »
Unfortunately, invisible friend do not wear socks.
Or, if they do, they are invisible.
It's a dead-end problem.

Unwashed Village / Re: The Politically (In)Correct Thread
« on: November 11, 2012, 04:00:28 AM »
I think you're refering to the communist model, and not the communist party, witch doesn't look (even a bit) like it.
At least in France, witch is more a commun left oriented party, with social concerns mostly.
And I must admit, I just put the "communist" word because I know it's a tricky one. ;D

Unwashed Village / Re: Caption this 11-7-2012
« on: November 09, 2012, 04:20:52 AM »
"Jesus finally came back, but he changed his mind, it's not about peace anymore."

Unwashed Village / Re: What's going on in your life?
« on: November 09, 2012, 04:12:26 AM »
Hell, thanks for the sock issue, it stabbed me in the back ; everybody has a life, and apparently tons and tons of socks.
I don't even have someone to "borrow" somes.
I'm going to die alone and poorly shod.

And congrats for the marriage (if you/or she agreeded for, of course (nowadays, you never know)) !

Unwashed Village / Re: The Politically (In)Correct Thread
« on: November 09, 2012, 03:39:50 AM »
As a matter of fact, the election system is pretty much different in France.
If I'm saying that, it's because the american/australian way of electing a president seems not being really influenced by people's votes (unless I'm understanding it wrong, it's possible).
In my country, people actually votes directly for the president (i'm wondering if it isn't the way europeen country does, but I really sucks in international politics).
However, were are blocked in a two-party situation, like yours.
Desolo was talking about a deep "refining" of the political organization.
Well, I may be pretty pessimistic, but I think that a political refining will, one day or the other, lead us back again to the old fashioned democratic government we already leavin' in. Actually, that's what lead us to that point, so ... (okay, maybe my french point of vue here is still affected by our last "big refining" of the political system, wich led us to Napoléon. You see my point here, I guess.)
Personnally, I will no extend my belief, because they are not really relevant (or too crazy, don't know. For the reccord, I'm wath american can call an left-extremist damn communist (wich in France is just the left part of politics), with all the social care stuff, homo-homies marriage and adoption, abortion, stem cell research, huge robot everywhere and shit (told you it was a non-sense), and an economy mostly based of let's steal -insert people community/country here- ), especially in this context (financial crisis and stuff), but I was wondering why, according to KMD, the hispanic immigration is a plague for the United States ?
I mean ... they brought you tacos, right ? You should thanks them for eternity after that ! ;D

How about remember them that their cancers are cured and found by the results of those "lies" as they says.
Try to find quantum mecanics and dna patern mentions in you holly book, Mr Broun.

And 46%, fuck me, it's preposterously high.

Great, now I'm pissed for the entire day.

Unwashed Village / Re: Caption this (if you dare) 30 Aug 2012
« on: September 04, 2012, 12:09:19 AM »
You don't get it.

"It's a giant trick, with a deadly twist at the end.
Moottoriurheilukeskus's way isn't to the left.
The only thing to miles left to that sign is a dead end road, were pirats are waiting for fools and brain-damaged drivers.
Tourists are easy to troll, and by now, more than a hundred of them get killed every years with that kind of punkish-deadly-scrabblewinningcombo-letters signs.
Be aware, be safe, know geography."

This was an advertising brought to you by the "Monomaniacs And Over-interrested Geography Learners School", established near Anus, a french town in L'Yonne  department.

Unwashed Village / Re: Captiony
« on: June 05, 2012, 02:53:32 AM »
Tommy, 8 (better known as the architect of thoses buildings) declared to the press "that wasn't my fault", adding that "only playmobils was supposed to live there".
The investigation is on.

Unwashed Village / Re: SHOW YOURSELF, once again
« on: June 01, 2012, 05:19:57 AM »
Hey, watch out, there is some tomatoes who wants to fight you !

Yes, all along nation's leaders lied to the people of Earth ...
All this time, there was TWO moon !

Unwashed Village / Re: Absurd/aesthetically dysfunctional blog
« on: March 09, 2012, 05:42:25 PM »
Tasty AND elegant !
Damn, it's a moustache !

Unwashed Village / Absurd/aesthetically dysfunctional blog
« on: March 07, 2012, 08:11:36 PM »

Here is and stand a cure to those who're looking to a purpous in life or arts.

PS: Of course, there is no cookies in it.
Sorry, I tried, but found no way to put some on a blog.
If you know a way, please share it to me.

Unwashed Village / Re: I bet WE could beat this...
« on: March 02, 2012, 11:01:50 PM »
The link is dead.
My hope to see something interesting this evening too.

You are a naughty guy.

Unwashed Village / Re: Another Fallout Thread
« on: February 24, 2012, 02:42:37 AM »
Yep, everything is fading.
Slicing a man in two equal parts used to be my favorited times. Ever.
But walking into the desert, watching the stars and hearing craks noises of rusted/exploded cars is much more fun, tho.

Wait, apparently, it was radio songs, and not cracks noises ...
Ah ah, country music.

('laughting about country music, it's fits perfectly in that context.)

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