Author Topic: The Weeds  (Read 5099 times)

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The Weeds
« on: April 14, 2016, 08:50:22 AM »
EDIT: There is an important message at the end, I don't you to miss it, so please check that out even if you don't read the rest.
Its late, I don't want to go to sleep yet, and this post will be my 420th post, so I wanted to celebrate by writing a ditty about my thoughts and experiences on the subject of marijuana.  :-\

Just for the record, I'm not high now, but writing while stoned is pretty fun.


I first tried pot at 16, with my best friend growing up, Tom. We used a small red glass bong in his basement. Looking back, a bong probably wasn't the best idea for a first-timer, since they are one of the most effective means of getting high (and overdoing it). We also did like, 4 bowls, way too much honestly. I remember not feeling anything immediately; This commonly happens when someone tries it for the first time. We sat in his basement for about 15 minutes, I asked him when it would hit me, "soon enough just wait" he said, and then it fucking hit me like a train. I distinctly remember the visual hallucinations I first experienced; my vision was spinning, and the in the middle was a thin ring of colors; Imagine if you were surrounded by Saturn's rings, it was kinda like that. I also freaked the fuck out; I had never experienced a change in perception like this before, and was wondering if it would be permanent . Eventually I calmed down, we watched Across the Universe and I went home feeling relaxed. It was a horrowing memory though.

During high school, I got more excited about the thought of being high, than I actually cared about being high. How your perception could change, and everything would be more awesome was so exciting to teenage me. I did it a few more times, but due to being involved with sports and other things I didn't do it habitually in highschool.

The summer after highschool, I felt lost about life and started hanging out with the wrong crowd; skater kids who smoked a lot of weed, didn't have jobs, and stole to get drug money. I pressured my friends into trying it. That felt like such a long, emotional, life-changing 3 months. I was sad about ending highschool, and about how things turned out, and weed helped me cope. But by the end, I knew it was a problem that I couldn't take with me to college. I went to college, took myself very seriously and didn't do it at all... Until just before I left.

I was at college in Kansas City for 3 semesters, but changed my major and left basically on a whim, literally on the very last day. Thats a whole 'nother story, but weed eventually caught up with me again. Long story short, I did it increasingly more and more until I was smoking Kush (the strong stuff, I'll elaborate on that below) multiple times a day, spending thousands a year. I remember going to work high as a kite everyday during that summer; Since I was the only employee besides the store owner, I can't help but think he noticed but he never called me out on it. I also had to deal directly with customers; This was often difficult, and a few times I had to deal with people that I knew, and completely embarrassed myself. Looking back, I should have quit my job and gotten help.

Coming to today, I still smoke occasionally, but its manageable and not something I often desire to do anymore.

If this story seems dark, which wasn't my intention really, understand that weed is a drug, and like any drug (including coffee, natural chemicals like endorphins and prescription meds) can become addictive and life controlling.

Here are a few key points that you should know about weed, even if you never do it.
1. The kind sold today is much more potent than what was around 10,20 or 30 years ago. Its almost like a whole different drug, with a more euphoric high. Its also much more expensive ($20/gram vs $5-10/gram I used to pay in highschool). Its become more popular because it carries higher profit margins, and you need much less to get high.
2. There are 3 distinct and documented states of marijuana effect; Buzzed, high, and stoned. How you feel during them is very literal.
3. Marijuana is unique among drugs because it is not a pure stimulant, hallucinogen or depressant; It has mild effects of each and nearly no hangover, which is why its so popular
4. Marijuana is the biggest cash crop in the U.S., partly because of the aforementioned huge profit margins
5. In my experience, driving while high is much safer than while drunk, but should obviously still be avoided
6. While weed has pain & anxiety relieving effects and low risk of dependency, I firmly believe that it should not be considered a "medicine" due to how much it affects your perception and ability to focus safely
7. Patterns can seem easier to recognize while high. While visual hallucinations can happen, they are rare.

Well thats all I have to say about that, guys. Hope someone enjoyed this.


Also, on an unrelated note, I have been strongly considering taking a hiatus from posting on the Village (it won't be the first time I've thought about leaving, heh). So, consider this my formal statement of hiatus. I'm not leaving for good, i'll still check occasionally, and be back at some point, but there comes a time when you feel like everything that needs to be said has been said, and thats how I feel now (and yet still nothing has made it to BC's signature!). For over 10 years, this has been my little niche community, a place that grew up along with the internet, and nearly died with the downfall of message boards. Remember that after Fallout, our community was still bonded by our love for free thinking, creativity and writing, and thats why we still exist. What you say to a stranger on the internet, they may remember long after they've forgotten who you were. And for the handful of new members brought by the recent Fallout releases, enjoy yourself and despite the pitchforks and tangerines, everyone is welcome here. The bungie chord is real.

« Last Edit: April 14, 2016, 08:57:05 AM by KMD »
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Hoopy Frood

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Re: The Weeds
« Reply #1 on: April 15, 2016, 05:42:39 AM »
We should still be here when you get back.
All right, I’ve been thinking, when life gives you lemons, don’t make lemonade! Make life take the lemons back! Get mad! I don’t want your damn lemons! What am I supposed to do with these? Demand to see life’s manager! Make life rue the day it thought it could give Cave Johnson lemons! Do you know who I am? I’m the man whose gonna burn your house down – with the lemons! I'm gonna get my engineers to invent a combustible lemon that burns your house down!


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Re: The Weeds
« Reply #2 on: April 17, 2016, 01:21:03 AM »
I'm not going to lie when I read the title of this I thought this was some kind of account on your garden struggling with weeds. But this was still relatively interesting I don't see many stories of people talking about their "experience" with drugs let alone marijuana.
Fiddles, the realest of the real.


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Re: The Weeds
« Reply #3 on: April 26, 2016, 07:02:05 AM »
"for the record, I'm not some kind of psychotic provincialist." - Than (ed: Cit. required)
"I lost my game of NT: Garry's fault. Global warming: Garry's fault. End-of-the-Universe: Garry's fault. See it always fits. Anyway, what is Garry up to? No good I bet." - Laszlo
"As for your French, it's probably better than the average English-speaking Frenchman's Finnish! (Or something.)" - wa
"I'm back at Thunderfalls now and every minute thinking of poking a bandit in the eye with a fishhook." - Preyveil
"and yet still nothing has made it to BC's signature!"-KMD


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Re: The Weeds
« Reply #4 on: April 30, 2016, 10:10:11 AM »
The loss of productivity is something I don't miss, I'm sure it's what caused me and my ex to have worse uni results than we should have.  I have some good memories and some experiences would have been more poor without it but almost ten years on from being a moderate user the improvements in short term memory, motivation and lung health from quitting completely make it impossible for me to present a positive case for smoking weed.

I also mostly quit drinking at around the same time so that's probably a factor too.