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Topics - KMD

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Unwashed Village / Nostalgia Warning
« on: February 23, 2013, 09:46:03 PM »
So tell me again, whats the story behind this?


Iguana Eater
Night Owl
Shadow Dancer
Amish Commando
Alexand the Killer Bee

I've heard Bluecross was the toughest, but ive never ran into them.

Unwashed Village / Show off your Christmas loot!
« on: December 26, 2012, 06:05:06 PM »
Tell us what you've gotten for Christmas and make everyone jelly.

I got;
-A Yamaha keyboard with midi out
-A Simpsons season 3 and season 6 DVD set
-Pair of sweet Nike Airs
-Pack of 10 white T shirts (I needed these!)
-A couple of ultrasoft fleece sweaters
-Portable rechargeable speaker

Also bought myself an iphone 4S 2 weeks ago and ordered some really nice monitor headphones (sony MDR V6, Pictured, but its just a stock photo) that should be here in a couple of days.

So what did Santa bring you all?

« on: December 16, 2012, 01:02:21 AM »
  Theres now a UV steam group. I highly encourage anyone who has steam to join. If we're lucky, maybe we can even find some lost old members, or get new ones.

You can find it here

Unwashed Village / Explain your avatar!
« on: November 17, 2012, 06:46:43 AM »
-Explain the origin and/or meaning of your online name (or persona)

In 8th grade, around 2004 a couple of buddies and i wanted to start a Starcraft (computer game) clan called the Mod clan. One of them was Battlemod, Biomod and me, Killmod.

We never did end up playing together. But the name stuck, and I ended up using it for my "gamer" name. I shortened it to KMD on worksafe boards.


"Killmod was a machine designed after capturing an early radiated human or "mutant".
The team was a small group of former United Stated Military scientists who survived the nuclear fallout, working for the Brotherhood of Steel, after capturing an early radiated human or "mutant".

A hybrid machine and human, a "cyborg", designed for defense of a small village or town. Equipped with an adrenlaine activated dual sub machine arm, optic lense and metallic exoskeleton. One of only 6 created before the scientists were killed by raiders while traveling.

After surviving in the desert for 5 years after his creators death, he met the Church of the Children of Atom, and join the cult to try and retain his humanity. He is afterall, still human in the place it counts most.

And, heres something I made tonight in MSpaint.

Also, where have the wenches been  :'(? tis a lonely night at the bastard bar without the wenches

Unwashed Village / Way to go Colorado
« on: November 07, 2012, 08:00:49 PM »
Amendment 64 in Colorado, allowing the recreational private use and sale of Marijuana for those over age 21, passed yesterday.

"Amendment 64 led late Tuesday night with 53.3 percent voting yes and 46.7 percent voting no"

"The amendment will allow those 21 and older to purchase up to one ounce of the drug at specially regulated retail stores. Possession would be legal but not public use.

Adults could grow up to six marijuana plants in their homes. It also sets up a direct challenge to federal drug law, which regulates it as an illegal substance. Federal authorities have not said how they will respond.

Washington state also passed a similar amendment, but with stricter rules. Regardless of your stance on the matter, this is a real kick in the groin to the black market! Less demand for illegal shipments and no fear from local police forces is a good thing.

Unwashed Village / The Politically (In)Correct Thread
« on: October 22, 2012, 07:58:29 AM »
So with the (American) presidential election coming up an all, I had an idea. Lets start a thread where we can express (Read: Vent) our opinions, political or otherwise and we can debate them if you want. Prepare to get riled up!

Let me start it up by saying that I don't claim to follow or understand politics very well. But that being said there is something i've started to notice.

It feels like we're entering a strange time, in America. But why do elections feel so black and white? The bi-partisan system is starting to seem silly to me. You have a choice of two candidates, each with a very different approach than the other. If you don't like either, you can vote for someone else, but your vote is essentially wasted since the vast majority will only vote for those two. You're outnumbered by people who really don't care. So you might as well vote for who you dislike the least. Its a scary way of thinking, and that concerns me.

Also, i'm going to be blunt and say that
- The massive amounts of hispanic immigrants is a plague to this country
- Abortion is totally fine, and in some cases I think it should be mandatory, or penalized if not done
- "The Drug War" isnt a "War" and can't be "Won"
- Some kids just need to fail.

Alright. Let it all out guys. Remember, you're semi-anonymous here.

Unwashed Village / Happy Birthday Sandru
« on: October 08, 2012, 05:51:53 PM »
Welcome to your 30s. How does it feel?

Unwashed Village / My 100 advice notes
« on: March 28, 2012, 10:33:06 PM »
Just got done writing this today. 100 advice notes that i've noticed during my 21 years of life. I'm sure some of these will change, but I figured you guys might find it interesting. Feel free to contribute or discuss.

Edit: not in any particular order.

[Also, for clarification, this was originally written for a 4chan thread; the target audience being early 20-something guys]

1. Concentrate on being a good man first, everything else will fall into place
2. Sex is overrated
3. Take risks often
4. Don't Smoke pot more than twice a week and not more than 6 times per month
5. In the long run, it is better to pay a lot for a high quality product, than to buy a cheaper inferior version that'll you'll notice annoying problems with
6. God is in the details
7.  Learn the names and ingredients of at least five alcoholic drinks, and have a faveorite. Knowing exactly what you want at a bar will make you look more confident.
8. Great looking women are often more annoying and less interesting, but not every one
9. Keep a well stocked bar, but only use it with guests over
10. Force yourself to smile a lot,  even when you don't want to
11. Learn to use stereotyping as a general guideline for meeting new people, but let the stereotype fall apart as you get to know them
12. Never be in a relationship with someone you meet in a mental institution or jail
13. Be conversational in at least 1 other language, Spanish preferably
14. Don't act overly excited to do anything, especially around women.
15. Don't smoke cigarettes
16. Don't marry before 25
17. Be a cultured person, know about world geography
18. You can't fake being poor, so don't try
19. Listen to a wide variety of music
20. Have a hobby, any hobby will do as long as you enjoy it
21. Its okay to like something very obscure, just realize that most people will think you're weird if you talk about it all the time
22. Money will not bring you happiness, but it will make your life easier to live
23. Men with big trucks in urban areas are usually trying to make up for something
24. Be tolerant of people. It doesn't mean that you agree with or like them, just that you won't fight them over their beliefs
25. If you smoke pot, have a high quality piece. Nice glass pipes are my favorite.
26. Learn how to shop for clothes from women, but don't buy as much as them
27. White T-shirts, black socks, and underwear are the only clothes you really need. You can never have enough
28. If you wake up after 11, your morning is wasted
29. Keep your back straight and your chest out
30. Don't fight someone unless he blatantly deserves it
31. Never talk about video games or other nerdy things on a first date, even if she likes it
32. To avoid the friend zone, just accept the fact that you are a sexual creature. Sort your girl friends into "Want to bang" and "Want to be friends" and stick to it. Don't do "friendly" things with girls you want to bang, and don't hit on your friends. Most girls should be in the "Want to bang" catagory.
33. Learn to be a good Flirt, it is an essential life skill
34. Don't be afraid to flirt with guys a little, it will bring more trust into your relatioship
35. Accept that homosexuals are a part of life, theres nothing wrong with them
36. Play a sport regularly
37. Go to the Gym at least 30 mins a day 3 times a week, more often if you are trying to get buff
38. Learn how to tell when girls are lying (they do it a lot)
39. Women don't think like men; the best way to handle them is to do what you want and don't think about it too hard
40. Try to be the leader of whatever group you're in. You'll know when you are. Alpha is just a state of mind.
41. Its healthy to cry once in a while
42. Try to spend less than 4 hours a day on the computer
43. Limit your TV viewing
44. Just go ahead and pirate music (but not movies or games!), and support the artists you listen to the most. Its 2012, paying for music you havent heard yet is for chumps.
45. Communism doesn't work. Neither does capitalism,  at least not perfectly.
46. If you meet someone and like them, ask them for their number, guy or girl
47. Almost every guy has been rejected way more than he has scored
48. Don't talk about people's bad habits unless they are really interfering with you life
49. You will feel the urge to burn some bridges, DONT EVER DO IT
50. Religion is just a set of rules to live by, it becomes a problem when it alienates people who don't believe
51. Buy electronics online
52. Support local stores whenever you can
53. Don't shop at wal-mart unless you have to
54. Learn to give a good back massage
55. Visible Tatooes are for people who are prepared for the consequences
56. Don't be afraid to quit talking to people who are bad influences in your life
57. Simple things that work for a single task usually work better than a swiss army knife
58. Critics usually hate ideas that are ahead of their time
59. Avoid atheists, most of them are just trolls
60. Adjusting into any new social environment takes time
61. Be widly creative in private, but seem conservative in public
62. Learn a few good quotes and spout them occasionally
63. If someone tells you to stop, just stop
64. Most women like pretty rough sex
65. Learn several different sex positions
66. Never fully trust any source, especially daytime TV news
67. The size of your cock is not a big deal
69. Great foreplay makes for great sex
70. Make a list of things that you use every day, and fix them immediately when they break.
71. Replace your carpet at least every 10 years, generally carpets are rated for 5-8. Paint your interior walls and adjust your furniture every few years.
72. Doctors visit checkup every 6 months, dentist every 1.5 years and chiropracter every 2-5 years. Yes, i know they are expensive but its worth the price.
73. Have a list of activities to do before you hang out with friends
74. Some women (and Men) are just slutty but are not bad people, try to forgive them
75. Don't do hardcore drugs (coke, heroin or amphetamines)
77. Learn from other peoples mistakes
78. Just expect that she is lying about her orgasms and her attraction for only you. Don't base your relationship on those. If a girl says "You are perfect", she is lying.  No one is ever perfect.
79. Some things in life are expensive just for the sake of being expensive
80. Drink lots of water, and limit your soda
81. Learn to at least be a competent cook
82. You don't have to be the first, just the best
83. Sometimes a great advertising campaign can make up for a shitty product
84. "Trickle down economics" is a lie
85. Have at least one good friend who is a girl
86. Pets are healthy for you, but not everyone should have them
87. Learn the beauty of going slow. Ride your bike once in a while
88. Use proper grammar online
89. Always call when you can. Avoid girls who only like to text.
90. Often times, the majority has no idea what they are doing
91. Take at least a weekend vacation every year, even if it is just to a nearby city
92. If a girl is doing something you don't like, ignore her
93. Express your personality, but be subtle about it. Don't dress like a clown to get attention
94. Its really hard to kill yourself, and failing will probably make your life worse
95. Don't wish you lived in a different time; The world is better now than it probably has ever been
96. Be passionate about something
97. Read more
98. Metal is much better than plastic
99. Recycle
100. Life is short dont be miserable

Unwashed Village / SHOW YOURSELF, once again
« on: March 24, 2012, 05:00:32 AM »

This is me right now

Edit: This is terrible. Ill have to take one after i clean up.

Unwashed Village / :ahem: It's that thread again
« on: February 10, 2012, 04:14:45 AM »
*The Official unwashed Drunk or High Thread*

You bastards didn't treat me to a drink at the bastard bar on my birthday.

:peeks around:

I see you there.

Yes you.

Who else would I be referring to you stump?

:points finger:


:curls finger to me:

Now listen here.

I bought a used book from the library. About making cocktails.
Half the book was about something called the "Tom Collins"
I'm sure most Americans have heard of it. I have. (gin cocktail)
Now I don't know who this "Tom Collins" is but if he a drink named after himself he must be a pretty badass guy.
 it must be a badass drink.
So I go to a little local bar with a friend. And I order a "Tom Collins." Assuming shes heard of it before.
She has no idea. None at all. Never heard of it. Of course she knew how to [mix] drink[ed:s]! All Kinds.
And if she didn't she would try to make it.
[Ed: See what I did there with the sentence] So of course she did what was only logical. She made one.

--Tom Collins recipe--

 Scale ingredients to  servings
2 oz gin
1 oz lemon juice
1 tsp superfine sugar
3 oz club soda
1 maraschino cher

Mix, preferably when listening to the tenth track from the Girl Talk Album "Feed the Animals".

Shaked not Stirred.
[Ed: I realized my mistake. Its just one letter cmon]

She poured them into a large highball glass. It was rather incredibly sweet, almost disgusting.
She even seriously doubted her skills.
"I don't know about this. This doesn't sound good"
"I won't charge you if decide you don't like it"
Of course I will finish my first cocktail ordered being 21. 2 Days after my birthday.

There you go Village. OC for you.
Youre welcome.

(Pic included: its the book in question)

Next up, the "Dirty Girl Scout".

Pretty comprehensible eh? /\ /\ /\ /\

Unwashed Village / Another Fallout Thread
« on: January 25, 2012, 07:47:30 AM »
    So I decided to finally try Fallout 1 a few days ago and am nearly finished. I think its a great game, but has definitely aged.
   I'm going to start Fallout 2 as soon as i'm done.
    The purpose of this thread is for you guys to give me some hints, and to discuss the differences between the three games I guess. Its been a while since there has been a Fallout related thread after all. I figure we could discuss again this before the UV disappears into the wastes.

    ---A  breakdown of my opinions on the game thusfar

Like I said, it has definitely aged. The hardest part was trying to get over the archaic ( from 1997!) GUI. I actually gave away thousands of dollars worth of stuff before I realizd you have to manually drag the vendor's money.  But there is a lot to love, for sure. Once I got over the blurry graphics and awful (comparatively) combat system, I was pretty damn impressed with the game. Hard to believe that back in 1997, Fallout had features like being able to pickpocket anyone, and permanent repercussions for your actions. Not to mention how unforgiving the game can be if you piss someone off.
   I like the similarites to Wasteland (Yes I've played it!) but the over-world exploration bit is really pretty boring. The random combat encounters just feel corny, and like I said combat is generally pretty awful. Early in the game I got slaughtered, but after I found the basic BoS armor, most enemies posed little or no threat at all, and just became a nuisance. And then the Super Mutants can blow me up with one rocket. Combat is hardly a good challange, its one extreme or the other. 

I loved the turn of events storyline, after finding the water chip. Though I guess Grim is trolling from forum hell because I swear i've seen on this forum that it is in you-know-where so it wasn't much of a surprise.

I'm not finished yet though. I just arrived at the military base and I already know where you-know-who is hiding. The game honestly has not been very hard. While I've cheated a few times, it was mostly just to avoid frustration where to go specifically, I was always on the right track.

I will probably finish in the next day or two and then start on FO2. Unlike FO, I have no idea what to expect in terms of storyline, and I will avoid cheating. Tips anyone?

On a side note: I'm a little sad that I played through FO3 before starting on these games. I would have appreciated it much more. Though honestly, the Fallout Universe is so much easier to relate to in a full 3D open world imo.

Cheers for Nostalgia

Unwashed Village / New Xbox Update 12/6/11
« on: December 08, 2011, 07:28:04 PM »

   There was a new update to the GUI, which has done some pretty major changes. The biggest is a new "Metro" look with big squares to look more like Win8. The general consensus from fans is pretty negative, that finding things is  more confusing and complaining about ads. I personally feel like this is an improvement over the last update, as it makes it easier and a bit more fun to find downloadable games, but pretty unnecessary. The last GUI was fine and they've almost completely overhauled it for no reason other than to look more like Win8. They've crammed more information onscreen, making the whole thing pretty claustrophobic. And I don't like the look of "Metro".

    It's funny how most of the website reviews are positive, but comments on them are almost overwhelmingly "This is such shit! Why did you completely change and interface that was fine!?" etc lol

Unwashed Village / ....3 more days....
« on: November 08, 2011, 06:33:46 AM »
Until  The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim.

I figured I would be "That Guy" to post first, If ya'll even care.
Seriously, the most I have been excited about a game in a while. Unfortunately, I won't be getting it for a few weeks after release. I just got a job, and I don't have the entry fee quite yet.

    I remember when I first got Oblivion (for Xbox). Bought it used from a friend back in 2009 for $20.  He didn't like it because it was just a "first person sword game". I wasn't even sure if I would like it. Honestly, I think I got more fun out of that $20 than that any other. I probably logged at least 60-80 hours, which is a lot for me. Yeah the game was a bit frusterating, but I would get lost in it like no other I've ever played.

So, whos excited?

Unwashed Village / On Steve Jobs' Death
« on: October 16, 2011, 12:14:49 AM »
         So I'm sure everyone has heard already that Steve Jobs died not long ago. I respect the guy, I think he was a good director, probably an innovator, and seemed to want to improve (some) peoples lives. But if you didnt know, the internet is fucking exploding with people mourning the loss, saying that he was some kind of digital Jesus. The greatest innovator ever and all this other bullshit.

It pisses me off that everyone whos ever used an ipod thinks that one man is responsible for all of Apple's success. Especially when i read stuff like this....

 He was a face of the company. I didn't know the guy personally, and i'm not going to treat him like an icon. Because I really dont think that ""Lets improve people lives with technology">Selling expensive gadgets>making tons of profit" is an ideal worth idolizing. Maybe in this Country.

   But I guess that the thousands of programmers and employees who did the coding and designing weren't responsible. After all, Jobs hardly knew anything about programming. He had no problem using taiwanese plants with shitty working conditions, and a number of suicides.

    And then Dennis Ritchie, the creator of probably the most famous programming language and UNIX (which MacOS is largely based on) dies a few days later and people have no idea who he is.  I guess thats not really his fault, he was a little heavy for black turtlenecks anyway. Plus, if you ask most kids who own an ipod who steve wozniak is, they will probably either have no idea or say "isn't he that one guy, you know, from the movie?"

       Seriously. That people will heroize the public face of a gadget maker like this upsets me. Especially when I read comments like "the world will never have another thinker like Steve Jobs". Seriously? Fuck you too world, for lack of confidence in the rest of us.

    What do you think, Village?

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