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Messages - Brugdor

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Unwashed Village / Re: Caption this (woof!)
« on: April 08, 2011, 07:38:31 AM »
Kibbles and grits and grits and grits.

Unwashed Village / Re: Food
« on: April 03, 2011, 07:24:08 AM »

Unwashed Village / Re: Food
« on: April 02, 2011, 11:57:12 PM »
Risotto with Carrots and Feta (quick, easy, cheap, vegetarian)

I tried it with the feta the first time I made it and with the flavor from the bouillon cubes and lemon juice you can't really taste it. So consider the feta optional. If you have the money and really want the cheese then I recommend feta with peppercorn. I got that by accident one time and tried it. The peppercorn adds a nice flavor to the dish.  I highly recommend the veggie bouillon cubes made by Knorr. They come in a small yellow box of 6 cubes.

I think I've perfected this dish by not adding the cheese and using more of the lemon juice (closer to 1.5 or 2 lemons worth), onion (one whole large), dill (1.5 tsp dry), and parsley (4-5 tbs). But I recommend starting with the basic recipe then tweaking it how you like it. The Knorr cubes infuse the whole dish with an awesome flavor.

5 cups vegetable stock or 3 large vegetable bouillon cubes and 5 cups of water.

4 carrots cut into matchsticks (mom just slices them, I grate them)

1 small onion diced (about 2/3 cup)

1 tablespoon olive oil

1 1/2 cups Arborio rice

1 tablespoon fresh dill or 1 teaspoon dried dill

Juice of 1 lemon

1 cup crumbled or grated feta cheese (optional)

2 tablespoons chopped fresh parsley (optional but I recommend it)


Bring the stock to a boil in a covered pot. Add the carrots, lower the heat, and simmer.

In a large saucepan, sauté the onions in the oil for about 5 minutes. You want them softened not browned. Using a wooden or plastic spoon to avoid breaking the kernels, carefully add the rice. Stir gently until it is thoroughly covered with oil.

Add the dill.

Ladle 1 cup of stock and carrots into the saucepan and stir it into the rice. When the rice has absorbed the stock add another cup. Keep stirring in the stock and carrots a cup at a time as the rice absorbs the liquid. This should take about 15-20 minutes. You are looking for the rice to be tender but al dente.

When the risotto is ready remove it from the heat and stir in the lemon juice, feta, and parsley.

Serve immediately.

Makes about 4-6 servings. Will keep nicely for several days in the fridge.

Unwashed Village / Re: Wow...
« on: October 30, 2010, 08:39:27 PM »
I just got back from vacation but I'm  decrypting my New Vegas files on Steam as I type.  I came here to see what people thing and found Silver Dragon's thread.
I had mentioned FNV last time I posted here a few weeks ago, but noone even seemed to have heard of it :(
I don't want to lose touch with people, but though I have a Facebook and a Twitter, I literally never go to either except to read other people's business. I can't imagine what I would put there!
So in case this forum does die (and I notice spam on main page from 10 days ago that hasnt been removed, so it's already rotting nicely :P) if anyone from the medium old-days wants to add me on MSN, my nick on that  is

fragilechild? lol, that's a little too much like delicate flower for you.  ;)

Oh and I guess I should add that I intend to pick up FONV but I'm not buying new games much anymore. Civ V was my only one this year. So I'll wait till FONV drops to half price or less on Steam and then get it.

Unwashed Village / Re: Some pottery
« on: October 19, 2010, 11:05:57 PM »
I actually like both of them, are you doing this for some sort of class...or just doing it because you can?

Pretty neat stuff, Brug.

Also, about how long did it take you to do either of those?

Thank you both.

I take a class but it's not like a pottery 101 or something where a grade is given. It's sort of an open studio with a teacher around to help if you have a problem or need to learn something. So I'm doing it because I can at this point but I'm trying to improve on what I can do. We go on Friday nights (my mother, step-dad, and grandmother too) and it took me 3 fridays to do them. One to throw them, one to trim them, one to glaze them.  It takes about a week to properly dry them to get ready for trimming anyway. After they are trimmed they get fired once then you put the glaze on them and fire them again.

Unwashed Village / Re: Blue Cross is in Trouble!!!
« on: September 10, 2010, 07:11:19 PM »
hehe, but this really DID happen to a RL friend of mine. She was in Haiti doing relief work for Save the Children and updated her FB with this -

Its an exceedingly bad day so far. My wallet was just stolen with everything possible in it, and the car to pick me up has forgotten me, and I've been waiting over an hour now in blistering sun. With absolutely no money or identity. Good times in Haiti.

And yes, everything turned out okay.


You can't, but I've forced you (and everyone else BWAHAHAHAHA!*) to the default SMF theme until I can resolve the issue.

I can see!


Unwashed Village / Re: What happened?
« on: March 24, 2010, 05:37:10 AM »
I found it! I found it!

I found thread mentioning climate change that Burgdor hasn't posted in!

What's the point? I'll just be accused of some vile personal attack that I never made (again).

I don't really see an upside to it. It has some good stuff in it but the funding won't be there for it so I don't think we'll ever see it. It's throwing a ton of the cost back on the states and the states are mostly running out of money as it is. They also excluded Medicare costs from the bill so it would get a better result from the CBO analysis. So it basically passed by use of smoke and mirrors.

They also left out a ton of real reform measures and didn't really do anything to reduce insurance premiums. The only real winners will be the insurance companies now that they'll have 30 million-ish people forced on to their service with a mandate.

As someone who has struggled mightily with his health insurance company in both cost and coverage, I would have loved to have seen real reform but I can't look at this bill and see any benefit from it.

Just looking at what's exactly is in the bill from this Reuters article it shows that in 2018 the tax on "cadillac" plans starts. The first $10,200 of premium costs won't be taxed. Well let's see, I'm on an individual plan now that's carried over from my old plan from when I had it from an employer. My premiums just went up and I'm now paying $9600 a year for it. Now call me crazy but I think they'll go up again in the next 8 years and I'll be over that threshold*.

Stuff like that just tells me that not a whole lot of thought went into this bill.

* However this means I'd still be sick and without a job that provides insurance in which case you can just shoot me so it won't matter. Still, the point is that they obviously did the old government trick of miscalculating everything to make it all look better on paper.

I remember reading that poem and thinking it was clever but I couldn't tell you anything that was in it at this point.

Unwashed Village / Re: What's going on in your life?
« on: March 17, 2010, 10:15:49 PM »

A lot happier than I've been in a long time :)

This gave me a much needed smile today.

*dwarf hugs*

Unwashed Village / Re: Happy Birthday Bruggie!
« on: February 23, 2010, 01:12:18 AM »'s a one but not a good one. Unless you consider birthday bronchitis a good thing?

*cough* *hack*

But thanks  :)

Unwashed Village / Re: What's going on in your life?
« on: February 13, 2010, 07:07:30 AM »
Haven't done an update on myself in quite a while. Some pretty major stuff is going on.

1. Mom has cancer. We found this out in late November. It's cancer of the bile duct, is extremely rare, and usually has a very high mortality rate. We got lucky in that hers was found much sooner than this particular cancer is usually found. People don't start showing symptoms until the very late stages but she happened to have a blood test and something odd showed up. So the doctor ordered a scan to be safe and there it was. Her liver is currently 50% covered by it. She did a radioembolization first and is on her next to last round of chemo now. Then we wait a bit and she gets scanned again to check her progress. She has struggled some with the treatments but all in all I have to say that thus far it's not as bad as I imagined it would be on her.

2. I had surgery in December for my apnea. They did a UPPP which is where they cut out a lot of stuff in your throat to create a bigger breathing space. They also did what is called a Genioglossus Advancement which is repositioning where part of the tongue is attached so the back of it is basically tucked in to create a better airway. So far the surgery has worked quite well. I've gone from needing a BiPAP (air pressure both in and out) back to just needing a CPAP (just pressure in) and at about half the pressure I needed before. I still have to do a sleep study to check out my sleep officially but I can say that it's a big improvement.

3. My parents took in my step-dad's 12 year-old grand niece for the school year. She was struggling in school but they've got her doing much better. The plan is for her to go back this summer and stay back home but I know my parents are hoping she'll decide to come back. I hope so too. I get to play around with her on the Wii and introduce her to good movies and such.

Lots of other stuff has been going on with my family here in town but those are the major things.

Unwashed Village / Re: Car buying tips?
« on: January 28, 2010, 06:41:23 PM »
Had a good experience buying my car from Carmax but that was over 10 years ago and in GA. Other than that, I got nothin.

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