Hello Old Friends!
What a difference a day makes.
When I first joined the village, I must have still been in gradeschool. A lonely child, with no one to really discuss or explore this whole new phenomena of the internet with. Or even computers.
Yet I had somewhat recently obtained one of my own, and the first Fallout at that. I found the interplay forums, and soon, the village. In that instant, the awkward lonesomeness was replaced with community. With acceptance, friendship. A place where my burgeoning creativity could be nurtured, where I could truly share.
What a difference a day makes.
When I entered higher learning, a new school. A new place, free from old locks placed upon myself, by myself and others. A chance to begin anew.
When the new projects of my life began.
When I decided to take action.
Always from boredom to community. From stalemate to creativity.
What a difference a day makes.
When all my years of loneliness could not withstand a single message flying my way across the aether, and my love found me.
What a difference a day makes. That such small things can make such a vast difference in your life. A post on a forum, a new mundane beginning, a letter, a question.
Even though such days have meant so much in my life, I don't think I truly understood the term until a scant four months ago.
A positive result.
And now it is my pleasant duty to impose such change upon another, that ever their life shall improve.
I will do my best to take the lessons learned, from here and other places, to make sure the next generation will have the best of opportunity.
Thank you, all, for helping me reach this far.
May such mundanity befall you, may you live in interesting times.
- Alderach.