Quite a few!
Uhm, let's see. As far as new games, right now I'm playing Evil Within 2, Fire Emblem Heroes, and Super Mario Odyssey.
I'm also playing Invisible, Inc., Dungeon of the Endless, and XCOM 2:WOTC, but I'm kind of always playing those three, so they don't count. Oh, and Overwatch, I replaced League with Overwatch.
Uhm, going back a few weeks . . . I played Middle Earth: Shadow of War, it was better than the first one, but still annoying. Besides that . . . some indie stuff, but I can't really remember the name of anything I specifically played recently, so none of it was probably that interesting. I've also been rereading Tad Williams' Otherland series, which I first read like 20 years ago. It's nuts; 20 years I go I was like "THIS GUY KNOWS WHAT THE FUTURE IS GONNA BE", and now, I'm like, "Shit. He wasn't far off."
I tried to get into Elite: Dangerous, but while it looked super cool, I didn't think I could spare enough time to get good at it.