Not sure really how to write this, and although I'm normally a bit of a perfectionist I will just have to do it from the top of my head.
First up, I've been a lurker here for a few years, ever since I came across a number of you in the Wastelands of California. Since then, I've enjoyed reading your conversations on occasion with a nice cup of te- I mean, a flagon of ale from the Bastard Bar and I continued to do so until these conversations dried up. Not completely, but enough so that they didn't flow enough to keep reading them.
Since then in the world of the online Fallout Community, I joined the Vault as well as did a little work on Mutant's Rising before real life caught up with me and I had to tell Ardent I couldn't carry on. More recently, I've been promoted to admin on the Vault and on the copy left behind after the split with Wikia and what is now Nukapedia. You may or may not have been aware of that, or what either of them are. If not, they are Fallout Encyclopaedias.
Don't worry, I am going somewhere with this. The Vault is very old, started in 2005, and unlike the village it is still going strong. I've recently had numerous private conversations with the other admins at the Vault, to list some that you might have heard of: Ausir, GhostAvatar, Tagaziel and Kastera.
The idea we were discussing is mine. I love this place, and like you I don't want it to die. Therefore, I proposed to these other admins that we bring you over to the Vault and give you its community extension. This would include:
*Complete free-reign over that site
*Redesigning to your specifications
*Renaming it to
*Help from all our admins, including the technical wizardry of the philanthropic Porter21. (When I say wizardry, I cannot be more serious. This guy is a god. In fact I'm making a few joke pages in my user-space on the religion of 'Porterism'. Some of the creativism that you have been missing, yes?
*Wiping the site effectively so that the boards are up to your discretion. Ausir intends to move the news onsite again, so if that has to stay for a time, it will be temporary
*We'll send traffic your way from the Vault
*Your admins will be given administration or bureaucrat powers so that you can ban people, as well as choose new admins.
I'm sure there was more than that, but I can't remember right now...
All we want in return is...!
Nothing, nothing at all. We just want to save the site. Please consider. We know you've had this site a long time, but it will be much easier to keep it alive if you travel to us.
I'll be on here every day for some time, awaiting your reply, whatever it is. I'm also open to negotiate as, like I said, we're not doing it for us. Well maybe a little for me because I want to get this site back to how it was
EDIT: Also, whilst I remember the Official Wasteland 2 Wiki, so approved by Brain Fargo, is also hosted by the Vault, just whilst it on topic! I won't post a link because I'm not trying to advertise.