Author Topic: Cryostasis: The Sleep of Reason ...has anyone played this yet?  (Read 1978 times)

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Silver Dragon

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I ran across it the other day at the local Fred Meyer, but didn't pick it up; it looked and sounded pretty interesting: its a survival/horror adventure game, and reminded me a bit of Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth (sans the Cthulhu mythos) so I think I might pick it up next time I'm there.  It has a couple interesting aspects to it, like the interactive psychic flashback that tells backstory and lets you manipulate the past to your benefit, and the effects of heat/cold on your health status (set in the frozen wastes of the Arctic, the icy cold saps your 'health', forcing you to find and utilize every heat source available to you to stave off the chill and help replenish your 'health'.)

Here's a link to the Gamespot's main page for it, which has a review, a few gameplay videos, and a demo. From what I've seen, its gotten some fairly good reviews here and there, and some not so good reviews, so I think I'll download the demo and check that out first.

*pokes the board* Wake up you mangy beast!
LISTER: Look, I don't want any toast, and he doesn't want any toast.  In fact, no one around here wants any toast. Not now, not ever. NO TOAST.
TOASTER: How 'bout a muffin?
LISTER: OR muffins!  OR muffins!  We don't LIKE muffins 'round here!  We want no muffins, no toast, no teacakes, no buns, baps, baguettes or bagels, no croissants, no crumpets, no pancakes, no potato cakes and no hot-cross buns and DEFINITELY no smegging flapjacks!
TOASTER: Aah, so you're a waffle man!


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Re: Cryostasis: The Sleep of Reason ...has anyone played this yet?
« Reply #1 on: May 15, 2009, 11:21:18 AM »
...the effects of heat/cold on your health status (set in the frozen wastes of the Arctic, the icy cold saps your 'health', forcing you to find and utilize every heat source available to you to stave off the chill and help replenish your 'health'.)...

Sounds kind of like "The Thing" game.  Not a great game, and buggy as you can get, and released way too soon in the PS2's life cycle to do it properly, but you were always running around outside in the arctic and having to crouch in doorways and start fires in the middle of the tundra just to stay alive...if you couldn't get inside an actual building.

I'm not sure how crouching in a doorway with a locked door in the middle of an arctic blizzard would help you, though.  It's like jumping up a split second before impact in a falling elevator.  If you jump a split second before'll be crushed to death a split second later than everyone else.
"Nice try Horrigan!  Now... TASTE THE FURY OF VIC'S PIPE RIFLE!"