Author Topic: Jurassic Park IV: Dinos with Guns  (Read 3852 times)

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Jurassic Park IV: Dinos with Guns
« on: August 15, 2007, 09:35:22 PM »
Jurassic Park IV

Some quotes from other sites:

"We're told that the film is about the government who has trained dinosaurs to carry weapons and use them for battle purposes."

"Nick is put in charge of training these five dinosaurs, X1 through X5, and the first thing he does is name them. “Any soldier worth his pay has a name to answer to, not a number,” he says. So we are introduced to Achilles, Hector, Perseus, Orestes, and Spartacus, each of them a specially created deinonychus, which is sort of like a miniature T-rex. They have super-sensitive smell and hearing, incredible strength and speed and pack-hunting instincts, and they have modified forelegs, lengthened and topped with more dextrous fingers, as well as dog DNA for increased obedience and human DNA so they can solve problems well. All of this is topped off with a drug-regulating implant that can dose them with adrenaline or serotonin as the situation demands."

Pardon the language but here's a pic:

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The SysMan

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Re: Jurassic Park IV: Dinos with Guns
« Reply #1 on: August 15, 2007, 10:55:08 PM »
I remember those toys.
They made no sense and I loved them.
Pity that truck loved them too :(
"This man seems to possess a dangerous animal cunning... The kind of cleverness to rip off your arms to crush you at chess!"

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Re: Jurassic Park IV: Dinos with Guns
« Reply #2 on: August 17, 2007, 07:28:26 AM »
I was just thinking how cool i thought they were.

Of course, I was a boy... a 6... and a boy.  'Duh', I'd like them.

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