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Topics - KMD

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Unwashed Village / Waking up and everythings different
« on: September 13, 2015, 05:32:28 PM »
Have you ever woken up one morning, and decided to make a life altering decision?

Okay, it doesn't have to be in the morning, but was there ever a time when you decided things weren't working and you made a huge change in your life? Anything that made you inspired or scared?

Unwashed Village / Fallout Shelter
« on: August 22, 2015, 05:04:38 AM »
A new Fallout spinoff and no one talks about it!?

Who has played this game? Its a free mobile game for IOS (and Android soon I think)

My ancient iphone 4s can barely play it, but what do you think of it?

So far, I'm not very fond of the game, because the point of it is to micromanage and increase the number of vault dwellers. Whereas the Fallout main series games seem to revolve around the decline of and death of vault dwellers.

Unwashed Village / Why do we work?
« on: August 12, 2015, 07:37:30 PM »
Kind of in relation to "The real question", I have been thinking about why we work and struggling to see where work fits in modern society.
I see it as giving up some of your freedom for currency, so you can live. But it should be about passion, and sometimes people cheat in work so they don't have to give up so much of their lives. Others use work as an escape, joyfull to find some life purpose in making other people rich.

What role does work serve in human existence? why do we work?

Unwashed Village / Piles
« on: July 22, 2015, 08:15:48 PM »
This is a poem about piles!
Piles of filth surrounding
Building up over years,
like a living organism,
like tumors on the brain,
becoming a part of the environment,
with a mind of their own,
feeding on anguish

What space can be utilized,
by mounds of trash and bug ridden clothes,
symbols of gross excess,
dysfunctional space,
not what they intended

Unwashed Village / Vacation/Holiday
« on: July 06, 2015, 04:25:09 PM »
Is anyone going on a vacation or holiday this year?
Even something small?
Tell us about it!

Unwashed Village / Faveorite movies
« on: June 22, 2015, 08:13:26 PM »
I don't watch many movies, but after seeing 2001: A Space Odyssey about a year ago, I really want to buy it and see it again. Everything about it blew my mind, especially considering it was made in the 70s. I want to see more masterpiece films.

So rather than just looking up "greatest films of all time", I thought I would ask you all. What are some of your favorite movies and why? They don't have to be dramatic or critically acclaimed films, but what movies do you consider to be great for some reason?

Unwashed Village / I love a good spring rain
« on: May 14, 2015, 05:21:47 PM »
What is your favorite season, villagers, and why?

Bonus points if its in poem form or includes pictures

Unwashed Village / The real question
« on: April 23, 2015, 04:11:27 AM »
In the fewest words you can, explain what you think the meaning of life is

"Why do we exist?"

Unwashed Village / ghost image
« on: March 03, 2015, 06:41:41 AM »
On Wednesday, my dad will turn 60

A little over a year ago, between Christmas and New years of 2013, he had a near fatal heart attack (its one of the most common weeks for this kind of thing)
He was alone, about the go to sleep, when he had chest pains and thankfully called 911 in time.
His heart stopped 4 times in the ambulance.

It was one of the most god defining moments in my life; I don't believe that god is omnipotent, but there have been a few times in my life when I couldn't help but have faith and believe it was god's intention. And thankfully he has made a complete turnaround and i'm so proud.

But this isn't about him or god, but about the feeling of it not being real.
Or to say something "doesn't feel right".
Sometimes I'll look at him and imagine a figment, like if he had died that night.
Its like when Troi senses a psychic disturbance in the space time continuum, someone is alive who should have died in their timeline, and she says
"Something... isn't right here"

Anyway its a weird feeling, to see someone who was so close to death, and in fact almost makes jokes about having died (Which I find unfunny and incorrect; To me death is permenant). Its like one day I'll wake up only to realize it was just a delusion, looking back and seeing the memories of the past year nothing more than a hologram of my head.

Unwashed Village / Opinions
« on: February 25, 2015, 06:55:22 PM »
Share anything that you're opinionated about

-Illegal immigrants are an absolute no-no (read: mexicans). I don't care if the rest of your family is legal, if you are here illegally, I don't want you working in my country in the least, and I want you to get the fuck out. I get disgusted when I look around and wonder how many buildings were put up with alien hands. This is why I could probably never live in the south west

-A fetus in the womb isn't "alive" and I don't care what the medical definition is. A mother (and/or father) should be free to decide whether to let it survive. Hell, if it were up to me, I'd give them the option even for weeks after the birth. If the baby has an obvious chronic illness, the parents should be allowed to kill it

Unwashed Village / Generations
« on: February 25, 2015, 06:44:03 PM »
Do you ever wake up in the morning, and wonder what the hell happened in the past 20 years? As a world, we've made incredible technological advancements, that have completely changed the way we lives our lives an interact. I just wonder, from a societal standpoint, if we are ready for such drastic changes in human civilization.  Cell phones, the internet, GPS all have influenced the past 20ish years.
I wonder how people 30 or 40 years ago used to communicate, without cell phones, when things were slower. When you could get ahold of someone at work, or at home, but nowhere else (except for pay phones). In the 21st century, in America at least, everyone is basically expected to have a cell phone, to be available at any time, even children. 15 years ago, a parent of a preteen might've said "But not everyone else in your class has one, i'm not buying you one.", but they wouldn't say that now because chances are (almost) everyone else does. Beyond just a social status, a cell phone is now a social requirement. Okay, we're not quite there yet, but its only a matter of time.

With the "social requirements" we as a people burden ourselves with the cost. Technology isn't free, and so I think these are costs previous generations didn't have (though maybe they had their own "costs"). This, I believe is a large part of the generation gap; The younger generation is amassed with more costs due to social requirement, along with unskilled jobs that nickel and dime us to death. By the time cell phones and internet came about, boomers had settled into their careers for the most part, so for them this was just another living expense, but for the younger generation this is an expensive social requirement.

I don't want this to be about the "evil no good" boomer generation, who clung onto many of the good jobs after the 2007 recession, because I don't feel that way, but sometimes it really seems like we're getting fucked. An insurmountable and unpayable government debt, minimum wages that are too low and jobs where full time is 32 hours a week, barely enough to pay my car insurance and phone bills, much less to actually live off. They certainly are unskilled jobs that offer more hours and slightly higher wages, but almost all of them expect you to work to hard for too little. I'm not against working hard, but i'm not putting my body at risk for a wage that isn't worth it. In this sense, I think we have been taking steps backwards.

I guess I just wonder if people 50 years ago had the same money problems that we do now, if technology is really worth the cost, and how people might change in the next 50 years. As I've stated before, both my parents are making less than they were 20 years ago (probably about 60% of what they were, my dad used to have a comfortable job working for a large insurance company, but he got fired for, and I'm quoting this from the official court documentation "selling insurance to too many black people", but thats a story for another time), and I spend a lot of time trying to comprehend why, and obviously not make the same decisions. In about a decade, they're going to stop working, and worrying if they will have saved enough by then really burdens me. Some days I want to abandon them, and let them fend for themselves, but I know it would make me a monster. The worlds knowledge at my fingertips, ability to communicate with anyone instantaneously, yet we still let paper promises control our thoughts and worries. What has technology really achieved?

Some days I just want to move to a rural place to get away from it all. Everything moves so fast now, that i'm not sure we're ready for it. The world as one makes everyone the same. One day, probably within our life times, human consciousness will be able to survive on a microchip in the digital realm, and that will be a sad day.

Unwashed Village / What games have you been playing latly?
« on: January 02, 2015, 11:46:23 PM »
I recently beat Deus Ex (the original) for PC and, holy shit it was amazing. I almost never finish a game, so for me to put 30+ hours into something is an achievement. After finishing this game, I feel like my mind has been opened to nirvana game design. Sure, the voice acting is atrocious ( and the combat is wonky, but the things it did right were so perfect.

Bought Destiny. Its really disappointingly medicore, if you haven't played it yet.

Also been playing a lot of Super Smash 4 for 3DS. I doubt anyone has this, but if you do feel free to add me, I usually main Dr. Mario or Game & Watch

2014 was one of the worst years for new games, but I know some of you still play games, so what have you been playing??

Unwashed Village / Merry Christmas 2014
« on: December 24, 2014, 08:06:11 PM »
I hope its a good one

Unwashed Village / Happy Thanksgiving 2014
« on: November 27, 2014, 05:30:33 PM »
At least in America, its a time of Thankfulness.

That reminds me, when is the Unwashed Swimsuit Calendar coming out?

Also, Black Friday sucks, and shame to the stores who open on Thanksgiving day.

Unwashed Village / On Ferguson
« on: November 25, 2014, 05:58:10 PM »
Once again, my glorious hometown of St. Louis makes headlines but for a bad reason!  :P
I've been trying to keep my opinion out of this, but  things have spiraled out of control for the past few months. With last nights decision of the Grand Jury to not indict Darren Wilson, I think this is going down in the history books. I wasn't really surprised at all. I'm of the opinion that police have certain authorities that should be respected, and using lethal force is one of them. Of course, an indictment should be determined case by case. The circumstances are pretty sad though, and its understandable why so many people are upset. Just goes to show that 90 seconds can really change your life

As a local, all that you guys need to know is that St. Louis is an old city with a long history of racial segregation. While Ferguson is a suburb in the county, not actually a part of the "City", its close enough that most people still associate with the city.  The way that St. Louis set up its city limits are actually pretty screwed up and promotes segregation (Only a few cites are planned like this, including Philidelphia). Most of the people in the area live in the County around St. Louis, and North County (Which includes Ferguson and the area around it) is known for being predominantly black and crime ridden. Generally, its an area that white people stay away from.

Heress an overview on the what happened in the case >>>

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