Unwashed Village

General Discussion => Unwashed Village => Topic started by: BlueCross on January 10, 2014, 07:09:47 PM

Title: Kicking a dead planet... er... dead horse.
Post by: BlueCross on January 10, 2014, 07:09:47 PM
Do we seriously have any anti-global warming enthusiasts still?

If so, you are in a rather serious minority. (http://www.popsci.com/article/science/infographic-scientists-who-doubt-human-caused-climate-change)

Interestingly enough, even during the longer period between 1991 and 2013, there were only 24 dissenters among 13,950 papers published.

I gotta go read Rush again so I can feel better when I realize how stupid he is.
Title: Re: Kicking a dead planet... er... dead horse.
Post by: TK on January 10, 2014, 09:22:06 PM
The whole global warming debate seriously misses the point in my view.  Large cities and industrial parks are pretty hostile to human life; it's in no way good to walk alongside a traffic pumping out carcinogenic fumes and spending 9 hours a day in an office that recirculates the same nasties ridden air is a terrible idea.  Honestly we need to focus on making the world a less stinky and more healthful place to be instead of fixating on this addiction to drama, disaster and blame the human race likes to indulge in. 

For the record I'm not entirely convinced by the notion that we've caused climate change but that's pretty irrelevant considering that I'm pretty much all for the mechanics of the whole thing, lets just make it a positive step towards utopia rather than a nightmare of penance and self flagellation. 
Title: Re: Kicking a dead planet... er... dead horse.
Post by: Hoopy Frood on January 11, 2014, 06:28:51 AM
Large cities and industrial parks are pretty hostile to human life;

Actually, suburbia is far worse on the environment than cities are. Cities have a far smaller pollution footprint per capita.
Title: Re: Kicking a dead planet... er... dead horse.
Post by: BlueCross on January 11, 2014, 08:08:03 AM
I'm not entirely convinced by the notion that we've caused climate change

Oh... (http://www.climatecentral.org/news/report-ties-climate-to-extreme-events-but-shows-hurdles-16438)
Title: Re: Kicking a dead planet... er... dead horse.
Post by: TK on January 11, 2014, 08:57:26 AM
I live in a large-ish village in Fife and need need to travel in to Edinburgh for work, I use gas and electricity just like everyone else so I get that my carbon foot print is likely higher than the average city dweller.  The air quality here is far better than in the city, there are woods practically at the end of my street and we have the best arable land in the UK, I have a large garden with a few fruit trees and grow veg and some soft fruit but I'm certainly not carbon neutral.

Relative pollution levels per capita wasn't my point though, a city wins on the pollution per square feet hands down and that's not good for human health let alone environmental health, sort out how our environment affects us and the effect we have on the environment becomes less relevant.

People tend to care more about their children than ten or ten thousand trees so if you tell people how their choices affect their children and how to change them you have a higher chance of saving those trees and, as a bonus, avoid the ridiculous willy waving competition the climate change debate has become.

Ah but that's different BC that's talking mostly about small changes exacerbating events, I get that.  I suppose what I should really say is that the smug "we've done this and we're all doomed because of it, now let me willy wave while I prove it!" attitude pisses me off. Pollution is a killer and makes life unpleasant when they begin to sort that out without wasting time posturing I'll be happy.
Title: Re: Kicking a dead planet... er... dead horse.
Post by: BlueCross on January 11, 2014, 06:55:48 PM
oh... (http://www.firish.com/face2.jpg)