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Topics - Starseeker

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Unwashed Village / Let the 2010 Winter Olympic Games Begin!
« on: February 13, 2010, 09:27:47 AM »

As some of you might have known (or noticed when using google today), the 2010 Winter Olympics games officially began today.

As the survivor of craziest media fest/party Beijing has ever seen in 2008, I am not sure anything can top that craziness. It's always interesting to stay in a Olympics hosting city though, since there always seem to be some kind of giddiness/excitement in the air.

I still can't believe 2 of the cities I call home is hosting 2 Olympics back to back!

Any medal predictions? Or Winter sports fans? Very Happy

And before I forget, tomorrow is Lunar New Year's Eve!   

Happy Chinese New year!

Let the second party begin! :guitarist: ;D

Unwashed Village / Second ninja post!
« on: June 14, 2009, 09:31:55 PM »
Fallout Movie: Not a Joke
The writers for the movie are indeed Andre Fonseca and Milton Hernandez, whom good Ausir traced back to Andre's LinkedIn page, which reads:

    Our first screenplay, Fallout, is currently in pre-production at Das Films / Artfire.

So there you have it. No director was as of yet announced, and we have been unable to verify any connection between Beat Tangential, LLP and Zenimax. If you are interested in the title, you can verify by signing up for a trial at IMDB Pro, I guess.

Unwashed Village / I am surprised nobody posted this...
« on: June 12, 2009, 03:13:00 PM »

Unwashed Village / Happy Lunar New Year
« on: January 25, 2009, 05:26:50 AM »
Go have fun in your China towns, boys and girls.  Tomorrow is Lunar New Year's Eve, and Monday is New years day.

Dress red, eat some fish and dumplings, asks your elders for some red packets money, fire up some fire crackers and go party/have a good time!

Many Chinatowns will have fireworks, go join the fun!

Clean your house before the Eve, but don't throw anything out after that!  Make sure you don't handle sharp objects or break stuff/plates after the Eve!

Next year is the year of the Ox, go have some fun people!  :guitarist:

Unwashed Village / Christmas shopping list
« on: December 14, 2008, 07:19:34 PM »
So, what you guys picking up for Christmas this year?  Show your list and help others pick a great gift!

A new bag.., what's a good color?

A new computer:

I am not sure which one I want for my younger brother, PS3 or Xbox360.

A few perfumes for female friends.  (Going through my new book for great ideas.)

I wanted some Gloom stuff for some of my students, but it's shipped from London..., so no. 

As for me, I just need a new pair of glasses/contacts. 

What's on your list?

Unwashed Village / play with music
« on: December 07, 2008, 05:42:06 AM »

 :angel: :beatnik2: :daisy:

Unwashed Village / tunnel snake
« on: December 02, 2008, 07:40:30 PM »

Unwashed Village / interesting game
« on: December 02, 2008, 12:35:17 AM »

Unwashed Village / looking at some new jeans..
« on: November 28, 2008, 04:31:12 PM »

I like these new jeans, since I never liked a lot of pants that go with suits these days.  Most of the well tailored suits are too expensive to clean/walk around with. 

Hmm..., I might pick one up for one or 2 lady friends.., if I only remember their sizes.

What are you, jeans person, pants person, or do ladies like skirts here in UV?   ;D

Unwashed Village / Fascinating Article from GQ
« on: November 25, 2008, 06:33:10 PM »

Sure, we may elect a black president this month. And yeah, Oprah has all kinds of white ladies in her audience. But in real life, it seems the older you get, the less chance you have of being friends with someone who is not in your racial demographic. Can a nice white boy make some black friends if he puts his mind to it? Devin Friedman posts an ad on Craigslist to find out

My Craigslist post said, among other things, “I’m a 36-year-old white guy. I grew up in a diverse neighborhood and have always gone to diverse schools. I’ve always had a decent number of black friends. That’s changed over time. I work in the publishing industry, which is super white, and I’ve realized that my group of friends is getting whiter and whiter.… It’s amazing to me that almost everyone I know has either black friends or white friends, but not both. We could have a black president, and still not have a very mixed country.” Then I added a few more lines about don’t let me show up at the bar and you’ve got a horse tranquilizer for my drink. I guess you could say the post ran a little long. I guess you could say I was worried about the possibility of a misunderstanding.

Why one would take out an ad on the Internet looking for a black friend is a legitimate question. Here’s my answer:

I had a cocktail party the other night. A natural moment to look around at the demographics of your life. And I thought: Jesus Christ, there are a lot of white people in this room. I’ve always thought of the whiteness of my adult life as a temporary condition. Like somehow all these white people have been foisted on me; pretty soon it’ll change; it’s probably my wife’s fault. But it’s time to acknowledge that I’ve become a character in a Wes Anderson movie. I wear white tennis sneakers from the ’70s. I listen to ambient music. I have dinner parties where I serve Spanish rosé and this softer version of mozzarella that has a lovely, almost liquid center that you can only get at the Italian import store. I do yoga, and I get excited when it’s ramp season. Sometimes I’d really like to punch myself in the face. (You might argue that I’m not describing “whiteness” but “arugula-ness”; but when black people have this lifestyle, they get accused of being white.) I used to make jokes about “look at us here at the weekend house in the Catskills in our blazers and sneakers eating the braised pork shoulder from the Jamie Oliver cookbook with the David Gray on in the background—aren’t we like that Amstel Light commercial?” You know that Amstel Light commercial about the white people’s country weekend—it’s white-people pornography. But I stopped making the joke, because it stopped being a joke. Because I stopped noticing it.

Please read the rest from GQ.  His story is very interesting in the way that confirms my observation on the basic premise of the theory of Rational Segregation(that is further explored in the article).  I travel a lot, and it's difficult to keep track of big core group of friends when you are flying 80,000 kms a year.  But I have noticed that as some of my friends get older, the more likely they are to stick to their "kind" or people similar to them.  Some of them have trouble accepting new ideas or food that doesn't share a similar cultural template that they can relate to.  Or maybe it's because I don't hang out with as many female friends as I used to, hmm..., maybe that also says something about me.

How is it with you guys?

Unwashed Village / How to prepare fugu, for dummies!
« on: November 15, 2008, 07:47:19 AM »

I don't know which is crazier, tyring to learn this in 5 days or eating it afterwards?  :inquisitive: :behead: :knife: :shocked2:

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