Unwashed Village

General Discussion => Unwashed Village => Topic started by: Doombot on August 09, 2007, 07:12:50 PM

Title: Remember those Myers-Briggs tests we took? Here's the real results!
Post by: Doombot on August 09, 2007, 07:12:50 PM
The REAL Myers-Briggs Personality Types Made Relevant (http://www.xeromag.com/fun/personality.html)

Jung Typology Test - Old Board (http://www.unwashed.org/archive/index.php?showtopic=7673&hl=myers)

Here's mine

INFP: The Idealist

The INFP is a dreamy, imaginitive, idealist, capable of finding the good in anything or anyone, even something as foul as Newark, New Jersey. INFPs are sometimes dangerous to the well-being of society as a whole, as they are prone to adopting subversive and destructive ideologies like "The world should be fair," "People should treat one another well," and "You know, 'Friends' is a really, really stupid television show."

These irrational thought patterns may sometimes cause INFPs to run off and join the circus, the Resistance, or the Rebellion, where they tend to do well in any position requiring excellent hand-eye coordination or mastery of the Force.

COMPATIBILITY: INFPs and ISTJs generally exhibit a natural predator/prey relationship, which, though it might appear harsh and cruel from the outside, is all part of the natural cycle of life. In fact, were it not for the predation of the ISTJ, the population of INFPs would soon grow to unsustainable levels, overwhelming the ability of their ecological niche to support them.

Famous idealists include that girl in your sixth-grade homeroom who got the teacher fired for saying that girls aren't good at math; that guy in the cubicle next to yours who got the manager fired for saying that women don't make good employees; and Anaïs Nin (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ana%C3%AFs_Nin).
Title: Re: Remember those Myers-Briggs tests we took? Here's the real results!
Post by: Solwyn on August 09, 2007, 08:27:54 PM
ENFJ: The Cult Leader

ENFJs are big thinkers. They are extremely charismatic, and wish to offer the benefit of their wisdom to the world at large. They tend to see the grand scheme of things, and to be able to deduce connections between things that other people miss; these psychological personality traits are the result fo the fact that they are the Messiah.

ENFJs use their charisma and their knowledge to teach others, benevolently helping their fellow man reach a higher plane of evolution through such unorthodox but enlightened means as Psychic Third Nostril Enlargement. They then retire to secluded farmhouses in rural areas, where their followers express appreciation for the ENFJs by signing over all their worldly possessions and giving up their wives and daughters to the ENFJ's "special care."

RECREATION: ENFJs are fond of collecting things, such as wives, guns, ammunition, and FBI search warrants. ENFJs often pass their leisure time engaged in such pursuits as self-flagellation or being nailed to things. Some ENFJs eschew these activities, preferring instead to watch their followers engage in them, offering suggestions and gentle advice when appropriate.

COMPATIBILITY: ENFJs make natural companions and mentors to INFJs. They often get along well with ENFPs, although a friendly rivalry may sometimes erupt between the two.

Famous ENFJs include J. R. "Bob" Dobbs.

Sweeeeet. Who wants to join my cult? I promise no mass suicides. Only individual ones.
Title: Re: Remember those Myers-Briggs tests we took? Here's the real results!
Post by: Sylvee Bee on August 09, 2007, 09:19:17 PM
 INFPs are sometimes dangerous to the well-being of society as a whole, as they are prone to adopting subversive and destructive ideologies like "You know, 'Friends' is a really, really stupid television show."


Title: Re: Remember those Myers-Briggs tests we took? Here's the real results!
Post by: Killmod on August 09, 2007, 09:52:27 PM
ISFJ: The Martyr

If you are an ISFJ, you are giving, generous, and believe strongly in sacrificing yourself to serve your fellow man. Whether you're spending the entire weekend cooking souffle for your husband's big dinner with his boss or giving over your body as a vehicle for the Shoggoth from beneath the ancient city of the Old Ones so that the Great Gods can rise again, selflessness and service are your hallmarks.

This generosity of spirit makes ISFJs admirably suited for any career positions involving being tied to altars or ancient ritual daggers. ISFJs also do well in positions such as teacher, doctor, and crack whore.

RECREATION: ISFJs are of such a self-sacrificing nature that recreation does not come easily to them. Their leisure pursuits often express their inner natures; thus, they often amuse themselves and provide endless entertainment for those around them by being moody and passive-aggressive.

COMPATIBILITY: ISFJs do well in relationships with ENTJs, who take their self-sacrifice for granted and expect no less from their minions. They also do well with ESFPs, because...well, ESFPs will shag anyone.

Famous ISFJs include Thomas the Martyr, Tertullian the Martyr, and Theka the Martyr.
Title: Re: Remember those Myers-Briggs tests we took? Here's the real results!
Post by: Sylvee Bee on August 09, 2007, 09:55:47 PM
Well I did the test again and it would seem I have changed since the last time. Perhaps it's cause of the name?


ISFPs live by the motto "Life is best approach--oh, look, potato chips!"

Title: Re: Remember those Myers-Briggs tests we took? Here's the real results!
Post by: Hoopy Frood on August 09, 2007, 10:09:25 PM
benevolently helping their fellow man reach a higher prawne

Tell your shrimp to keep away from my stash.

Famous ENFJs include J. R. "Bob" Dobbs.

Hail, Eris!
Title: Re: Remember those Myers-Briggs tests we took? Here's the real results!
Post by: Doombot on August 09, 2007, 10:43:10 PM
I retook it again. I'm still a:


56 Introverted
38 Intuitive
38 Feeling
22 Perceiving

But my numbers have changed

56   Introverted   
25   Intuitive   
38   Feeling   
44      Perceiving

Title: Re: Remember those Myers-Briggs tests we took? Here's the real results!
Post by: The SysMan on August 09, 2007, 11:13:14 PM

Your Type is
Introverted   44%
Intuitive       50%
Thinking     62%
Judging           11%
# moderately expressed introvert
# moderately expressed intuitive personality
# distinctively expressed thinking personality
# slightly expressed judging personality

INTJ: The outside contractor

INTJs are solid, competent personalities who may seem aloof and even arrogant, but who are typically highly skilled in any field which interests them. INTJs are confident in their skills and knowledge, self-assured, and imaginitive; their exceptional problem-solving skills make them ideal architects, auto mechanics, and tools of the evil empire. While it requires the driving will to conquer of an ENTJ to imagine the Death Star and the evil genius of an ENTP to invent its devastating weapons systems, the skill and technical prowess of the INTJ is what makes the whole thing work.

The INTJ sees life as a problem to be solved. For that reason, the INTJ is the person a company brings in from the outside to streamline production processes and identify redundant assets for termination. The INTJ's combination of analyticial problem-solving skills and complete and utter disregard for the morality or consequences of his actions also make him ideal for the job of hatchet man, CIA operative, and helpdesk operator.

RECREATION: INTJs are often baffled by the strange and incomprehensible recreational rituals of other people, such as going to parties, watching television, and having sex. Instead, they prefer to spend their leisure time installing twin missile launchers in their cars to deter tailgaters and playing chess with megalomaniac CEOs of the Tyrell corporation.

COMPATIBILITY: Silly person, INTJs don't have relationships! They may, however build their own friends.

Famous INTJs include J. F. Sebastian and Sgt. Apone.

XD I love it.
Title: No Surprise Here
Post by: Hoopy Frood on August 10, 2007, 01:48:47 AM

ENTJ: The Evil Overlord

The ENTJ is best characterized by his charisma, his ability to grasp complex situations and to think flexibly and creatively, his keen and active intelligence, and his overwhelming desire to crush the world beneath his boot. ENTJs are naturally outgoing and love the company of other people, particulalry minions, henchmen, slaves, and the others they rule with ruthless efficiency.

ENTJs usually die at the hand of secret government agents in a fiery cataclysm that destroys their entire underground fortress. Often, Evil Overlords will have a secret clone whose implanted memories contain all the knowledge and ambition of the original, stored in cryonic suspension in a safe location. The clone will appear in a sequel.

RECREATION: ENTJs enjoy spending their leisure time in groups, seeking out the company of others with whom they can exchange strategies and ideas, and test their mind control rays. They also enjoy competitive games which challenge them intellectually, such as chess, go, and "tell me where the missiles are or I'll open the pirhana cage and the girl dies."

COMPATIBILITY: Ideal companions include ENTPs, whose inventive natures often most useful; and ESTJs, who make excellent henchmen once the neural realignment is complete. ENTJs often employ the services of ISTJs but don't usually make good romantic partners with them. Under no circumstances should an ESTJ ever date an ENFJ; no good can come of it.

Famous ESTJs include Ming the Merciless, John Bigboote, and Charles Montgomery Burns.
Title: Re: Remember those Myers-Briggs tests we took? Here's the real results!
Post by: JC on August 10, 2007, 03:03:18 AM
Much like Sysman I am, INTJ: The outside contractor

Technical skills? Pfah! I've got theory bitches!
Title: Re: Remember those Myers-Briggs tests we took? Here's the real results!
Post by: The SysMan on August 10, 2007, 03:55:43 AM
Cool. You have the theory, I'll pretend to understand what the hell we're doing and hopefully the goodguys will overlook us and beat up on other people while we leggit.

GOOD prawn!

Edit: Huh. Who'd have thought that would get censored. Oh well.
I'll remember next time, I promise :P
Title: Re: Remember those Myers-Briggs tests we took? Here's the real results!
Post by: The SysMan on August 10, 2007, 03:56:23 AM
Interesting. I tried to re-edit a post and it took me back to the unedited post, then refused to let me update it. Huh.
Oh well, back to the prawn drawing prawn board.

And yes, I did manually type out prawn just for kicks.
Title: Re: Remember those Myers-Briggs tests we took? Here's the real results!
Post by: Loveshack on August 10, 2007, 06:26:27 AM
Sadly, this really has me pegged, particularly this little tidbit: "...combination of analyticial problem-solving skills and complete and utter disregard for the morality or consequences of his actions also make him ideal for the job of hatchet man, CIA operative, and helpdesk operator...often baffled by the strange and incomprehensible recreational rituals of other people, such as going to parties, watching television, and having sex."

That really is dead on.  I can't tell you how many times I've said to my friends "I don't get it man, it seems like you should at least know and like the girl before you sleep with her...You didn't even know her name!!!" or "A party, but it's gonna' be crowded and full of drunk stupid people and sooner or later someone's gonna' get in a fight or the cops are gonna' show up and we're going to have to run away, possibly dragging our wounded behind us like we're boarding the last chopper out of Saigon!"  Fortunately, I recognize these views as being something of a deficient aspect of my personality, so I have friends who somewhat counteract these traits and make me a more evenly balanced person; albeit vicariously.

I'm not sure how I feel about having a personality akin to Sgt. Apone, who died horribly along with a bunch of other Colonial Marines on account of his bad command decisions, or J.F. Sebastian, who was a genius and a good-hearted individual, but afflicted with pregeria and a nasty tendency to make mutant midgets to keep him company rather than bothering with developing social skills.  He also got beaten to death barehanded by Rutger Hauer, (probably)  :bigcry:.  On the other hand, he did get to have sex with an 18-year old Darryl Hannah, (probably) :laugh:.  I guess it balances out.  :dizzy:

INTJ: The outside contractor

INTJs are solid, competent personalities who may seem aloof and even arrogant, but who are typically highly skilled in any field which interests them. INTJs are confident in their skills and knowledge, self-assured, and imaginitive; their exceptional problem-solving skills make them ideal architects, auto mechanics, and tools of the evil empire. While it requires the driving will to conquer of an ENTJ to imagine the Death Star and the evil genius of an ENTP to invent its devastating weapons systems, the skill and technical prowess of the INTJ is what makes the whole thing work.

The INTJ sees life as a problem to be solved. For that reason, the INTJ is the person a company brings in from the outside to streamline production processes and identify redundant assets for termination. The INTJ's combination of analyticial problem-solving skills and complete and utter disregard for the morality or consequences of his actions also make him ideal for the job of hatchet man, CIA operative, and helpdesk operator.

RECREATION: INTJs are often baffled by the strange and incomprehensible recreational rituals of other people, such as going to parties, watching television, and having sex. Instead, they prefer to spend their leisure time installing twin missile launchers in their cars to deter tailgaters and playing chess with megalomaniac CEOs of the Tyrell corporation.

COMPATIBILITY: Silly person, INTJs don't have relationships! They may, however build their own friends.

Famous INTJs include J. F. Sebastian and Sgt. Apone.
Title: Re: Remember those Myers-Briggs tests we took? Here's the real results!
Post by: Bubonic on August 10, 2007, 06:35:26 AM
INFJ: The Conspiracy Theorist

Beneath the calm, collected exterior of the INFJ lies the horrible reality of someone who has seen The Truth. The INFJ knows what other people are too naive or too brainwasted to admit: the Conspiracy is real. Mistrustful and suspicious, the INFJ is not easily fooled, and does not take the word of the government-controlled medico-military-industrial complex for anything. Whether it's uncovering the plot by butter-eating Jews to clog the arteries of Christian folk with artificial margarine or discovering the secret laboratory in Tibet that's producing legions of Jimmy Carter clones that will be sent out to seize the manufacturing facilities in the Guangdong Province of China under the pretext of inspecting chickens for influenza, there is no lengths the INFJ won't go to in order to blow the lid off the whole thing.

INFJs can often be found holding down jobs as AM radio talk-show hosts. They can also be found driving taxis in the greater Washington, DC area. Other common jobs often held by INFJs include vagrant, loony, whacko, and writer/director/producer of the television show "Seinfeld." INFJs can also be found feeding that crucial bit of information to determined FBI agents just before they are brutally murdered.

RECREATION: INFJs often come home from a hard day's work exposing conspiracies about how the government is poisoning us with mind-control agents spread by passenger airliners and unwind by spending all night writing Web sites exposing conspiracies about how NASA faked the Bush election.

COMPATIBILITY: INFJs are usually happiest and most successful in relationships with Julia Roberts, though the relationships may not end happily.

Famous INFJs include...well, if I told you, I'd have to kill you.
Title: Re: Remember those Myers-Briggs tests we took? Here's the real results!
Post by: Hoopy Frood on August 10, 2007, 03:51:06 PM
GOOD prawn!

Edit: Huh. Who'd have thought that would get censored. Oh well.
I'll remember next time, I promise :P

You can thank Chucåra for that one. The board actually has no default censoring. However, the admins can censor anything they want. Hence p1an will get changed to prawn, even if it shows up in the middle of a word (e.g p1ane).
Title: Re: Remember those Myers-Briggs tests we took? Here's the real results!
Post by: JC on August 10, 2007, 05:43:01 PM
Claims he has technical skills, yet he can't even edit a post properly.

I'll show you how to type prawn, son.
Title: Re: Remember those Myers-Briggs tests we took? Here's the real results!
Post by: Solwyn on August 10, 2007, 06:00:10 PM
I half expected "porn" to be censored onto "pr0nz" or something similar.
Title: Re: Remember those Myers-Briggs tests we took? Here's the real results!
Post by: Hoopy Frood on August 10, 2007, 08:58:22 PM
I half expected "porn" to be censored onto "pr0nz" or something similar.

You know, I just might do that. Why should Chucåra have all the fun playing with the censor feature.
Title: Re: Remember those Myers-Briggs tests we took? Here's the real results!
Post by: Hoopy Frood on August 10, 2007, 09:01:01 PM
That's better. I also made it so the board no longer censors in the middle of words. It will only censor full words.
Title: Re: Remember those Myers-Briggs tests we took? Here's the real results!
Post by: Unwashed_Amazon on August 12, 2007, 08:16:04 AM
Oh man, it's all true!   :P

"The ENFP is gregarious, outgoing, and slightly silly; they often spend their leisure time engaged in role-playing games, having pillow fights that lead to wild, lustful lesbian orgies, or being abducted by space aliens."

No, really.   :surprised:

Except for the scientology part.  Man, that was totally wrong.
Title: Re: Remember those Myers-Briggs tests we took? Here's the real results!
Post by: Jeff on August 12, 2007, 09:02:05 AM
ISTJ: The Thought Police

ISTJs are characterized by loyalty, duty, and civic responsibility. As an ISTJ, you have a natural understanding of the value of civil harmony and order, and a deep-seated dislike of non-conformity, anarchy, and chaos.

For an ISTJ, work is very important to a sense of self-satisfaction. Happiness comes most easily for you when you have a job that allows you to express your ethic. Whether it's blasting traitorous rebel scum as a proud Imperial Stormtrooper or monitoring the population's cerebral implants searching for evidence of unauthorized thought patterns as one of the Thought Police, you're most satisfied when you are crushing the population beneath the iron boot heel of oppression on behalf of your masters.

RECREATION; ISTJs approach leisure with the same dedication they bring to spreading tyrrany and oppression. Common ISTJ pasttimes include cleaning their rifles, improving their marksmanship, betting on political dissidents in the Gladiator Arena, and macrame.

COMPATIBILITY: ISTJs are capable of stong emotional connections, bonding closely with the other ISTJs in their unit, platoon, or sector.

Famous ISTJs include TK-421, Torquemada, and Yuri Andropov.

I do not find this future career displeasing. I feel like I make promising future moderator material.
Title: Re: Remember those Myers-Briggs tests we took? Here's the real results!
Post by: Hoopy Frood on August 13, 2007, 02:17:00 PM
ISTJ: The Thought Police

ISTJs are characterized by loyalty, duty, and civic responsibility. As an ISTJ, you have a natural understanding of the value of civil harmony and order, and a deep-seated dislike of non-conformity, anarchy, and chaos.

For an ISTJ, work is very important to a sense of self-satisfaction. Happiness comes most easily for you when you have a job that allows you to express your ethic. Whether it's blasting traitorous rebel scum as a proud Imperial Stormtrooper or monitoring the population's cerebral implants searching for evidence of unauthorized thought patterns as one of the Thought Police, you're most satisfied when you are crushing the population beneath the iron boot heel of oppression on behalf of your masters.

RECREATION; ISTJs approach leisure with the same dedication they bring to spreading tyrrany and oppression. Common ISTJ pasttimes include cleaning their rifles, improving their marksmanship, betting on political dissidents in the Gladiator Arena, and macrame.

COMPATIBILITY: ISTJs are capable of stong emotional connections, bonding closely with the other ISTJs in their unit, platoon, or sector.

Famous ISTJs include TK-421, Torquemada, and Yuri Andropov.

I do not find this future career displeasing. I feel like I make promising future moderator material.

You shall be one of my most favored minions when I take over the world. A minion to oppress other minions.

Oddly enough, my girlfriend is a mad scientist (ENTP). Apparently ENTJ's and ENTP's are very romantically compatible. Plus, she can build the crazy machines that will allow my machinations to come to fruition.