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Messages - Larspeart

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Unwashed Village / So...
« on: September 02, 2007, 12:03:45 PM »

Unwashed Village / Re: The best political system
« on: August 31, 2007, 12:22:59 AM »
They will leave under a 'mission statement', or a capitalist philisophical scheme/idea. 

But what about the baby seals?  :bigcry:

OMG!  Ironically, Doomers (and her intensely famous bf) have heard my theory on baby seals.  I believe I spoke (ranted) on it for 90 minutes one night to them both.  Then, he had to fly off to some damn shoot someplace warm and tropical (the douche), so we just crashed for the night.

Cute baby seals... my ass.

Then you might as well allow drugs too

Yup.  You said it.

Unwashed Village / Re: The best political system
« on: August 29, 2007, 05:09:40 AM »
Business is concerned with profit, and making the other business go out of business.  Now, one could say 'so one business bombs anothers' HQ'.  Okay, but that business is covered by insurance.  sure, we are looking at a major claim, but it is covered by various entities that would prtect its assets... provided it HAS assets. 

Now, when a business attacks a business- government style- it attacks it market, marketshare, profitability, steals its employees/talent, R&D.  None (or virtually none) of these kills people. 

Besides.  Whethr you agree with it or ot, I stand by my theory that this is already becoming the norm, and in a relatively short period of time, will be all but universal.  At best, people will cling to the ever-laughable notion that they live under a traditional government system, or to traditional nationalistic means.  They will leave under a 'mission statement', or a capitalist philisophical scheme/idea. 

Unwashed Village / Re: The best political system
« on: August 28, 2007, 08:23:56 PM »
20 years from now, or so, thelargest corporations are going to start to seriously question the need for 'that pesky government thing'. 

Governments ORIGINALLY functioned to increase the power of AN individual.  They then migrated to protecting business interests (agriculture, tradesmithing, etc).  Then, these egalitarian ideas started popping up. 

In the end, it will be business that runs all.  Frankly, and ironicall, there would likely be far less war under such a system.  There is NOTHING that business hates more then anything distrupting the system (that being the flow of money).  Wars kill customers.

Unwashed Village / Re: The best political system
« on: August 27, 2007, 09:19:45 PM »
I am a big fan, and see this as fast becoming the new reality, of the corporatcracy- that of the multi-national corporation.  you see it happening everwhere, everyday.  

Unwashed Village / Re: Are you too clingy?
« on: August 27, 2007, 06:33:06 AM »
I'm sorry.  What were we talking about?

I was busy looking at Starseekers' avatar.

Unwashed Village / Re: Capers the baby otter
« on: August 27, 2007, 06:30:02 AM »
God, he is cute.

Unwashed Village / Re: Democrats rallying to bail out morons
« on: August 26, 2007, 08:49:20 AM »
I see the foreclosure folks in the 'sub-prime' (read- NO FUCKING CREDIT AND DOESN'T DESERVE THIS HOUSE) catagory as getting everything they deserve.


I am the one that gets fucked on it because now EVERY rate goes up, and EVERY bank that just got f---ed in the arse is leery about trusting those of us with good credit as well. 

Idiots like this STEAL money from me, and have no idea.  Same with all these banckrupcy assholes.

Unwashed Village / Re: Normally I am against the death penalty
« on: August 26, 2007, 08:45:47 AM »
It's times like this, I turn a blind eye to 'cruel and unusual'.  Slowly lowering him into acid, maybe an inch every five minutes?  Yeah... I'm cool with that.

Yup.  They can give me any arguement they want.  They day that GOOD people are made helpless, is the day that tyranny reigns.

Only law-abiding people obey laws... like gun bans.  Insanity to say otherwise.  Are guns dangerous?  Yes.  Do guns kill people?  Semantics aside, yes- but so do millions of other objects.  Guns are banned in prisons, and they still find all SORTS of novels ways to kill. Those are the same people who were on the streets before.  Just as ingenious then as before. 

Unwashed Village / Re: I hereby found the UV Cult of the Goat
« on: August 24, 2007, 02:24:20 AM »
Goat is a dish best served... roasted.

Man, I love really good roasted goat.

Unwashed Village / Re: I love Saganaki
« on: August 24, 2007, 02:23:11 AM »
Once you go Greek, you'll never flip back.

Unwashed Village / Re: Wha?
« on: August 24, 2007, 02:13:44 AM »
what does that have to do with me saying that you having bigger boobs than me is not a threat?

and he's lost 80 lbs since janurary. so i dont know what your problem is.

I wouldn't worry about it; it was just a boob joke that got away from him.

BC, the Larspeart Apologist

Much obliged, and correct, BC.  Boob jokes can run wild in very little time at all.

Boobs... well, they need to run free more often.

(wait... here I go again.)

The entire Firefighters Brotherhood union has officially made him persona non grata, and it was the friggin NY guys wo did it first. 

Says a lot about "America's Mayor". 

also, everyone knows him for the 3 days after 9-11.  NYers HATED him the other years of his term, and he was on his way to LOSSING reelection of his own city.

Ron Paul?  Friggin rocks.  "Give me back my government, and Give Me Back MY Constitution."

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