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Topics - Thanatos

Pages: 1 2 3 [4]
Unwashed Village / So, who watches college football?
« on: October 26, 2007, 08:03:18 AM »
Who watched that Tech - BC game?

Who wants to help me kill myself?

Unwashed Village / J.K. Rowling's insanity continues...
« on: October 22, 2007, 02:14:45 PM »
...with the revelation that Dumbledore is a big old homo now.


and I officially think J.K. Rowling, while a supremely talented writer and storyboard artist, is a terrible author.  You really can't just hold press conferences after your books come out and tell people the stuff going on outside the scope of the book in your megalomaniacal mind.  Well, okay, obviously she can, but it's terrible, terrible practice. 

Bear in mind that I don't care that Dumbledore is gay; there were enough clues in the books to easily lead to that conclusion.  I just think she's psychotic for trying to absolutely control every aspect of her characters outside of the confines of her books.  It started with the epilogue, continued with the press conferences where she laid out the lives of some of the other minor characters, and will probably continue after this.  Whatever happened to consistent, canonical universes definied entirely by works of fiction and supporting texts that allow for some imagination and interpretation on the part of the reader?

I mean, clearing up a confusing passage or clarifying the meaning of a piece of symbolism is one thing, but I wouldn't be surprised if her next press conference reveals that Lucius Malfoy was secretly a woman.


Oh, hey, I heard that C.S. Lewis came back from the dead to confirm that Tash is actually the symbolic representation of Islam, and that as a result the Chronicles of Narnia call for a revival of the Crusades.  So, you know.  That's awesome.

Well, I'm posting this again because it only got two replies last time, but now there's a bit more to say.

First of all, the website is open for realz now:

And I registered so now I have a page:

note that I used my real name because I think it far more likely that I will be killed at random than someone will read my name on the internet and kill me for having a name; however if you really have to hunt me down and kill me please wait until after november so I die a novelist

Anyway, I encourage everyone with any literary aspiration whatsoever to sing up, we can all be writer buddies, and you'd better believe everyone will be kept abreast of my word count and progress throughout the month of november.

The website/book encourages you to tell as many people as possible so that you will be too ashamed to quit because so many people will know you're a failure, which is why I'm bugging you all about it, so that you will all be mean to me in order to make me succeed.

It also makes a lot of great points about how people often think to themselves that they will write a novel one day, eventually, when they're smarter or have done more research or have more time, and that that is retarded.  The point of NaNoWriMo is to make you write a ton without worrying too much about quality in the belief that this will lead to greater quality, which I think makes sense.

So!  NaNoWriMo FTW!


That's a pretty full explanation right there, but basically the idea is to write a 50,000 word novel in November.  I saw the guy who started it, Chris Baty, speak at GMU a few days ago and get him to sign a copy of his book I picked up.  Seemed like a pretty cool guy and it's a pretty neat idea, so when the new site for 2007 opens up in a few days on Oct. 1, I'm gonna sign up and write myself a novel in november.  Other unwashed should get into it!

Unwashed Village / More WoW discussion (THIS IS WHAT I DO NOW)
« on: September 25, 2007, 06:29:57 PM »
Well, I'm almost to 30, and I'm trying to decide if I'm just going to keep grinding like crazy to get to the end-game, or pause at 29 and run warsong gulch three trillion times for honor rewards.  I like the idea of stopping at 29 to get phat honor, but it seems a little silly if I spend like a month going warsong gulch crazy (and probably get an alt up and running), and as soon as I go back to grinding I outlevel all my honor reward stuff in three weeks.

Which brings me to the point of this post- I don't really know anything about the new honor system and the rewards.  I mean, I know honor is currency now, but I don't know anything about the rewards.



Unwashed Village / So I guess I'm getting back into WoW
« on: September 17, 2007, 01:44:01 PM »
and apparently my buddies play alliance on Stormrage now, so, uh, I'll probably be alliance on stormrage.  My heart will probably break a little bit when I roll alliance, but I probably wouldn't be that interested in getting back into it on the horde side since I've already seen all the horde content.

Anyway, anybody here play alliance on stormrage?

Unwashed Village / Let's have another book recommendation thread
« on: August 27, 2007, 07:00:33 PM »
Last things I read were a bunch of Orson Scott Card's Ender series and I, Lucifer a couple weeks ago, but it's been over a fortnight since I had anything new and I'm getting the shakes.  Let's have some book recommendations!

For those into sci fi and fantasy I recommend anything by Jim Butcher.  The Dresden Files if you like urban fantasy and The Codex Alera if you like swords and horses. 

I haven't read anything else stellar lately.  I'll think about it.

Unwashed Village / I got Bioshock!
« on: August 21, 2007, 05:52:38 PM »
Just picked up the special edition on my lunch hour as a birthday present for myself for being such a good boy this year.  Unfortunately I still have to work another 4 hours, so anyone looking for bioshock impressions is shit out of luck for now!

The Big Daddy figurine only looked so-so though.  Maybe it'll be sweeter once I get it out of the packaging.

Unwashed Village / God damn scientists with their facts and their logic
« on: August 08, 2007, 10:24:59 PM »
Apparently Douglas Adams was wrong.  =(

Article is 'Can you survive in space without a space suit?'

Basically it says that taking a deep breath before being shot into space, as Adams recommends to ensure living up to 30 seconds, is the worst thing you can do.

Well, all I have to say to that is


Unwashed Village / Should I change my avatar
« on: August 07, 2007, 08:58:45 PM »
So I didn't change either my member description or my avatar a single time on the old board.  However, with the transition to the new board, I may or may not swap out Slick for something else, though the picture still suits me pretty well.  I'm too gangster to drop the description, so it's already set in stone until at least the next time the board transitions, but what about the avatar, hmmm?

You can vote twice, in case anyone wants to make a suggestion and also hates me, or just hates me twice, I guess.


Unwashed Village / A quick slice of my day
« on: August 07, 2007, 08:17:42 PM »
My boss' name is Glen.

Me:  Hey boss-

Glen: No.

Me: What?  No, when I-

Glen:  Drink.  Heavily.  That's how you get your sanity back!

This has been a quick slice of my day.

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