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Topics - Doombot

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Is that you have to take care of everything yourself. No more calling the manager and having them take care of it.

We have no hot water. Either having it off before is resulting in no pressure or we just can't seem to light the pilot light. After several minutes we decided to stop fiddling with explosive gas.

Had to heat up water in a spaghetti cooker and take a shower that way!

Two of the outlets don't work in the kitchen.

The washer needs to be replaced so there's no water in "my" bathroom.

The cactus needs to be removed. Junie our Cairn got cactus burrs in fur and we had to get an emergency shaving on her.

But you know what?

We're happy! The extra space, the ability to do what you want to the house, and the quiet make it all worthwhile.

The shaven dog may disagree but she loves the big yard.

Unwashed Village / Loot listing?
« on: December 25, 2009, 07:04:30 PM »
What did YOU get and give?

I got a Kindle DX, Scribblenaughts, assorted nuts and candies, a mini Nintendog, Kindle cover and light, and a house!

I got my love a Vampire Hunter kit (It looks like something out of the 1800s - Complete with daggers, holy water, garlic, crosses, etc), and a Kindle 2.

Unwashed Village / Doggie Doors: What should I know?
« on: December 24, 2009, 11:07:11 PM »
I think one of our dogs has a thyroid problem and has to pee. Unfortunately, she loves to sniff and sniff and sniff before doing her business.

In addition, they both just love to go in and out. Since we're probably getting a house, I'm thinking about getting a wall mounted doggie door.

I figure one with a dual flap that I can close so they don't go out at 2:00 AM in the morning. Does anyone have experience with doggie doors?

I suppose kitty doors would do as well.

Unwashed Village / Kindle for Christmas
« on: December 18, 2009, 01:06:38 AM »
I'm getting a Christmas Kindle DX for Christmas. Now I can finally read all my old GURPS books in PDF form in bed.

Any tips for new Kindle users?

Yes... I'm getting the cover as well.

Unwashed Village / Happy Thanksgiving!
« on: November 26, 2009, 08:39:35 PM »
This is what we're having today!

Turducken with Pork Sausage


RICHARD'S Crawfish Etouffee


Sausage - Andouille

My Love used to work in a Cajun restaurant so today is one of the days were HE cooks... while I sit. =)

Sort of inspired by Loveshack's SuperFlu Solder post but these are things that bug you because there was never any closure.

Probably spoilers.

Here's mine.

In Death Proof, what happened to their friend in the cheerleader outfit? The one that they left with the rapist hillbilly after telling him they were shooting a porno.

Unwashed Village / The Unwashed Villager Name Generator
« on: October 30, 2009, 08:44:39 PM »
There's a site that will generate names that sound like they belong to a genre. eg. Type in greek names and it'll give you greek sounding names back. Well... greek to people that don't aren't familiar with the language.

Still, it's very useful for authors.

So I added the names of the villagers and here's the result.


Unwashed Village / NaNoWriMo 2009
« on: October 23, 2009, 10:36:31 PM »
Sorry, I can't seem to find the one for this year even though I thought I started one.

Anyway... it's almost here.

Who's doing one this year? Should we be buddies with each other? Here's a thread that I like from the official boards.

Anne McCaffrey said that you don't know your story unless you can summarize your story in 20 words or less in one sentence.

Here's mine!

"Parallel worlds are accessible via mental telepathy and an investigator uses memories and skills from alternates to solve a crime."

Unwashed Village / Sorry Pizanos! Captain Lou Albono dead.
« on: October 15, 2009, 01:46:23 AM »
R.I.P. Captain Lou Albano, Doer of ‘The Mario’ » MTV Multiplayer

I wonder if Wrestling Fan Brugdor® will wear a rubber band in his beard out of respect.

Here's Captain Lou in one of my favorite videos.

Cyndi Lauper - Goonies 'R' Good Enough

Unwashed Village / Favorite Scenes in Movies?
« on: September 25, 2009, 08:56:23 PM »
What scenes do you just really like?

Here's one of my favorites.

If you don't know the movie, the ending isn't as satisfying but I suppose that's the same with many scenes.

Stuntman Mike get his reward in Death Proof.

Unwashed Village / REALLY interesting "Ask a Blind Man" thread at Reddit
« on: September 17, 2009, 06:33:50 PM »

Unfortunately... or fortunately for some, the toilet paper / wiping question is near the top. There's more interesting questions and answers below.

The guy's got a pretty good sense of humor and it's a good read.

Unwashed Village / Owls don't look happy when they're wet.
« on: September 16, 2009, 11:30:16 PM »
Great Horned Owl rescued from swimming pool

Edit: The Owl is alive despite the first photo. Just in case anyone didn't want to scroll down after feeling sad.

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