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Topics - Turjan

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Unwashed Village / R.I.P. UVer David "Kama" Hartstein
« on: June 12, 2013, 04:03:49 PM »
On June 10th David Hartstein passed away in hospital in Boston.

We knew him here as "Kama, the Eternally Hopeful", an Eldar elf of aristocratic background. If memory serves, he joined the UV way back in 1999, and his UV elven persona featured in many of the stories and yarns our community posted over the years, always as a witty, erudite and gentlemanly character with nearly the same obsession about tea as my own alter ego Turjan.

And so he was IRL too - always polite, ever the gentleman, and with an ever ready dry and clever wit. And yes, like me he did indeed have a real life obsession with tea. But there was something that not too many in our Village knew : David suffered from a rare blood condition, one where left unchecked, his bone marrow would eventually literally try to turn his blood cells into bone.

In the years I knew him, David tried several experimental drugs, but ultimately he was left with only one choice - a bone marrow transplant. Without that, his chances of survival were zero. Even with it, his chances were still far from 100%. If a donor could be found, he'd face radiation and chemotherapy to kill off his own marrow, then undergo the transplant procedure, remain on anti-rejection drugs... a daunting prospect.

But David was nothing if not a fighter, so in April this year when he learned a donor had been found, he went into hospital to begin the procedure. And all was going well - after the transplant his blood profile was near normal for the first time in decades. However, the procedure had also left his immune system in a weakened state, and sadly he contracted pneumonia. He fought on, and the medical staff fought alongside him, but in the end the fight was lost.
David left us on Monday night.

As many UVers will remember, David was an enthusiastic fan of Tolkien's writings, especially those about elves. In 2003 he came to stay with me in England, and together we walked the very paths where Tolkien himself had wandered years before, taking inspiration from the English countryside. I still remember David's smile as he strode happily through the fields - it was as if for a moment his illness had vanished, swept away by his sheer love for nature and elves and Tolkien's vision.

The other thing David loved was Doctor Who. As a child he and a friend used to challenge each other to Doctor Who trivia quizzes on their daily journey to and from school. That passion for all things Whovian never left him, so when the series was resurrected, he was a happy man indeed. Moreso when David Tennant took up the mantle of The Doctor, for some said our David himself bore more than a slight resemblance to the new Tennant Doctor!

David liked to attend Dragon Con, and in 2007 he siezed the chance to go dressed as the tenth Doctor. And he became quite the centre of attention! Many folk did a double take and stopped to ask for photos to be taken alongside him. David made many new friends there, and there's no doubt that helped keep him going in the ongoing battle with his condition.

I raise a cup of PG Tips tea to him now, and imagine him whizzing off through time and space in his own TARDIS, and landing on a world filled with mallorn trees, sweet music, and of course, dancing elven beauties.

David "Kama" Hartstein was a man of many dreams, and while a physical body may fail, it's not so easy to kill a dream. Rest in peace old chum, you will not be forgotten.

Unwashed Village / Happy Birthday Petrarch!
« on: March 17, 2009, 07:07:19 PM »
Yes, it's that time again people, another year, another tin of metal polish for the UV's very own Tin Man :nice:

And for the obligatory birthday pic, I found this interesting little thing :-

Oh sure, he may be standing very very still, trying to look like a display piece and everything, but I'd recognise that bloke anywhere - that's definitely Mr.P doing some moonlighting for a few extra caps!  ;D

Unwashed Village / Tabula Rasa : Last chance saloon!
« on: January 15, 2009, 06:04:32 PM »
For anyone out there who's curious to experience Tabula Rasa before NCSoft finally turn off the lights & close the doors on February 28th, check out this link :-

You can nab yourself a FREE Tabula Rasa Serial Code, then download the game client, and Bob's your uncle, Fanny's your'll be able to play without charge until the entire gameworld goes *pop!* ;D

There are 4 servers (2 US West, 1 US East, 1 Europe) and you can play on any of them if you like - no regional restrictions here :)

So, here's a screenshot of my Spy doing a dramatic recruitment drive poster pic type pose - go on, join the fight (while there's still a fight to join, lol). And for free no less. 8)

Most of my toons are on the EU server btw with the surname Starstone - feel free to look me up if you're in the neighbourhood :)

Unwashed Village / Lord Ego? Meet General Desperation...
« on: August 02, 2008, 04:22:22 PM »
So, what happens when Richard 'Lord British' Garriott is on the ropes because (to mutilate a famous quote by Japanese wartime Emperor Hirohito) "...the Tabula Rasa situation has developed not necessarily to NCSoft's advantage..." ?

Does he run? Does he hide? Does he admit that he goofed up? No! Not Lord British!

Instead, the man with a perceived self-image & ego to rival that of Zaphod Beeblebrox has taken matters into his own hands and plans to save the embarrassingly underperforming Tabula Rasa's future himself passage on a Soyuz flight to the International Space Station Freedom!
Yes, you heard right - Garriott's apparently forking over an 8 figure sum to indulge a lifelong dream of going into space. "Say what? But how is that going to save Tabula Rasa?" you might be asking. Well here's the answer :-

...and here's a transcript of the email that's gone out to past & present Tabula Rasa subscribers :-

***Incoming Transmission***

AFS High Command
From: General British
Re: Operation Immortality


General British, civilian name Richard Garriott, will board a Russian Soyuz spacecraft bound for the International Space Station on October 12, 2008. The event is being publicised as routine, but the truth has been withheld for fear of causing widespread panic across the globe.

AFS has discovered incontrovertible proof that a hostile alien force known as “The Bane” is planning to launch a full scale invasion of the planet Earth! In order to prevent the extinction of all humanity we have devised a project, code-named OPERATION IMMORTALITY, a digital showcase of mankind's greatest achievements and a preservation blueprint of humanity itself. This showcase will be archived aboard the ISS to serve as a "remote backup" of humankind, should our greatest fears come to pass.

Since AFS records show that you are a past or present AFS enlistee, you are hereby invited to participate in this once-in-a-lifetime event! This is mankind’s only chance, a chance to start over, a clean slate!

To begin your journey, go to where you will be invited to:

  • Vote on mankind's greatest achievements
  • Upload your personal message for future generations
  • Try Tabula Rasa and achieve true immortality

This is a once in a lifetime opportunity, a chance to secure our future! Go to today.

Leave Your Mark. Save Humanity.

AFS High Command
***End Transmission***

So there you have it folks - a masterly fusion of ego & desperation indeed! Here's the chance to have your DNA, your Tabula Rasa characters, and whatever glib comment strikes your fancy, all encoded digitally and sent up to the Space Station! Doesn't that appeal to your patriotic urge? Doesn't it make you want to rush out and immediately subscribe to Tabula Rasa? Don't you want to prostrate yourself at Richard Garriott's feet for this ultimate act of self-serving egotism?

Well don't you?


No, somehow I thought not.  :laugh:

I mean, honestly, what was the man thinking? Didn't it occur to him that people who feel they've been gypped by the failure of Tabula Rasa will not exactly look too kindly on the fact that the man in whom they put their frust is going gallavanting off on an orbital joyride at their expense? Doesn't it bother him in the teeniest bit that people would prefer to have a game that delivered on its promises rather than having their DNA digitised and blu-tacked to the wall somewhere in the ISS Freedom?

Nope, because he IS Lord British, and his ego is thicker than rhino hide.
So will this bizarre and inexplicable act of outrageous publicity save Tabula Rasa from gamer oblivion? I guess only time will tell on that...but let's just say I'm not rushing down to my local Ladbrokes and putting a fiver on it  ::)

Unwashed Village / Happy Birthday Sylvybee!
« on: May 23, 2008, 02:32:37 PM »
Many Happy Returns to our ageless Sylvy! :wideeyed:

It does feel somewhat strange on this day that I'm not writing the usual joint birthday greetings thread for both the beautiful Sylvin and the ever incorrigible Darkfox. Hmm...but in a way, I suppose I just have, haven't I?  :wacko:

Well then - I will salute the memory of Darkfox with a large drink, and for the winsome Sylvy I have a cute and silly bee!  :laugh2:

Unwashed Village / Happy Birthday Kama!
« on: April 17, 2008, 12:25:20 AM »
Hey, you old elf - isn't there some sort of law against being ageless and still being allowed to have birthdays?   :laugh:

No matter - a birthday is a birthday, and it therefore needs a thread to honour it  :)

Here's a photo of a nice little elven holiday house in the forest - alas, just the photo, not the actual place itself. I tried to evict the original owner for you, but he was a wily old pointy ear, and called for wizard backup, so I legged it  ;)

Unwashed Village / Happy Birthday Tin Man!
« on: March 17, 2008, 01:04:56 AM »
Yes, it's time to once again wish the Power Armoured One many happy returns ;D

And here's what jumped out of Petrarch's surprise birthday cake  :drummer:

Unwashed Village / Sad news: Steven 'Darkfox' Lomax
« on: August 30, 2007, 10:04:41 PM »
Well, there's no fancy way to say this so I'll just say it - Darkfox was admitted to hospital last week following a seizure. His condition has deteriorated and tonight his life support machines are being turned off.

I know Steve wouldn't want me dressing a post like this up in all sorts of lovey-dovey sentiment - that's never been his way, so there are the simple facts for you.

That doesn't mean it's not hard to type though...Steven aka Darkfox has been part of my life for almost eight years now. An extremely bright and colourful part, always witty, always imaginative, truly one of a kind. And that's even before I think of the fact that it's a miracle he was here at all. It's something he's touched on in his posts here at the Unwashed Village from time to time, but being Steve, it's not something he chose to keep going on and on about - for him life is what it is, and you just get on with it.

When he was born, the doctors were certain he wouldn't last the day. He spent the following 27 years of his life proving them wrong. I'm not going to go into his long list of ailments because he wouldn't want me to, and besides, that's not really him. The Steve I know is all about spirit, about determination and overcoming obstacles, and laughing in the face of Fate.

And this spirit is reflected in the shape of the irrepressible and free-wheeling Darkfox, Steve's long time online personality, and the perfect embodiment of his amazing creativity and razor-sharp mind.

It's a stupidly obvious thing to say, but I'm really going to miss the little guy. It's hard to even write those words because they're so damned final...but that's what this is all about really - finality.

That's all I can bring myself to say right now. I already feel like Steve's going to give me a hefty kick up the arse for being oversentimental, so I'll leave it at that. But I am going to miss him.

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